The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 63: Pirate riddles, get out of the a

The Black Pearl is still anchored off the coast of Turtle Island. Mason left Zha Kang, Selena, and two new team members there to count the harvest. He and Kite Man left early and quickly found the small island where the mother and son were hiding.

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Elizabeth Swan and Henry Turner, the Flying Dutchman, are currently captained by Will Turner's wife and only son.

But even without this identity, Mrs. Elizabeth has a very high reputation on the sea.

Because she was elected as the "Pirate Emperor" by the Second Pirate King Conference more than ten years ago, and led the pirates who were forced into a dead end by the Royal Fleet to win a miraculous victory in the decisive battle with the British fleet in the Shipwreck Bay.

Although Elizabeth quickly withdrew from the pirate circle and returned to her hometown to have children after that, even now, more than ten years later, this matter is still a topic of great interest.


Kite Man spread his wings and descended from the sky, landing on the beach of the small island. Mason, who was riding a flying motorcycle behind him, also landed unsteadily.

But suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and the bullet hit Charles's V-shaped helmet, splashing sparks and lifting Kite Man's head.

Although Kite Man's head was protected by armor and he was not injured, the buzzing in his head made him instinctively grab the starry gun given to him by the boss.

He pulled the trigger forward, and the ultra-high rate of fire that did not belong to a pistol poured out more than thirty bullets in one second, causing wood chips to fly in front of the small wooden house.


Mason raised the gun that was shooting towards the sky, and the young man was startled.

If Elizabeth was killed by a stray bullet in the wooden house, it would be difficult to explain to the Flying Dutchman. Although the current strength of Team K is not enough to defeat the ghost ship, they can still escape. But the Flying Dutchman is still a very important partner.

"There is no one in the house, boss."

Kite Man rubbed his helmet and activated a certain long-range scanning mode of the helmet's visor. He put away the powerful gun and said to Mason:

"It's a trap, that woman is really cunning!"

Mason frowned and walked forward. He found that there was indeed no one in the small wooden house. A delicate flintlock gun was placed by the window, tied with a rope, and there was a vicious trap behind the door.

There was a secret passage on the floor of the house that had been opened. It seemed that the former Pirate Emperor had just escaped with his son.

"Bring them back, Charles."

Mason didn't have time to play hide-and-seek with the female pirate on this lush island. He gestured to Kite Man and said:

"Try not to be so rude."

"Got it."

Charles grinned and activated the thrusters on his flying backpack, flying into the air and then swooping down towards the center of the island's forest.

A few minutes later, Charles flew back with a struggling boy in his arms.

He circled a few times and threw the boy, who was dressed as a hunter, at Mason's feet. The boy pulled out a dagger from his boot and tried to resist. But the next moment, Mason took out Captain Will Turner's forged note and waved it in front of him.

The note from his father immediately widened the boy's eyes...

"It was your father who asked my team members to bring you back. For a long time, you and your mother will have to live under my protection. So, kid, I strongly advise you to calm down. Give me the dagger."

Mason calmly said to the thin brown-haired boy, and reached out his hand towards him. The boy, who looked like he was twelve or thirteen years old but had eyes that were mature beyond his age, also reached out his hand towards Mason. At the same time, he handed over the dagger in his hand while Mason handed over his father's forged note, completing an exchange.

Mason looked at the dagger in his hand. It was obviously a "toy" for children, but the forging technique was very advanced, and there was a sea monster carved on the handle. It was a sharp weapon with a faint magical power. It should be a gift made by Captain Turner for his son.

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Little Henry didn't run or make trouble. He curiously glanced at Mason, who looked too young, and Kite Man Charles, who was wearing a mighty armor and could fly. Then he opened the note and read the words written by his father.

After more than ten minutes of peace, Elizabeth Swan, dressed as a pirate with a tricorn hat, finally rushed back from the forest.

This female pirate wore a sailor's sword at her waist, two flintlock guns inserted in her belt, and a fine musket with a bayonet in her hand. Her footsteps were agile like a jungle warrior, but the well-maintained face and the flying golden hair on the side confirmed her excellent bloodline.

Although she became the Pirate Emperor, she was indeed a big figure with the British flag. Her ancestors followed the Conqueror King to enter the customs and were hereditary nobles.

Her father even served as a colonial governor.

In short, there was a perfect blend of nobility and wildness in her every move. Although she was already a mother, she still maintained her charm from years ago. Mason was sure that this lady would definitely become good friends with Selena.

They both belonged to the type of beauties who would attract one hundred percent attention in the crowd.

"Henry! Come to Mommy!"

Elizabeth faced the two strangers without fear, aimed her musket at Mason, and shouted to her son. But little Henry waved the note in his hand and quickly explained the identities of these two guests to his mother.The former Pirate King looked at them suspiciously until he personally distinguished his husband's handwritten notes, then he slightly relaxed.

"There's no need to be so nervous, Mrs. Turner."

Mason waved his hand and said:

"The Flying Dutchman is nearby, you can call your husband to verify my identity, you can call him, right? I guess he has been protecting you and your child in the nearby waters these days."

"Henry, go play over there."

Elizabeth glanced at Mason and touched her son's head, saying:

"Mommy needs to talk to this uncle about some things."

"Charles, little Henry is about the same age as your son, you might know how to take care of him."

Mason also instructed his younger brother:

"Take him to play over there, I need to talk to Mrs. Turner and her husband about some things."

"Uh, boss, your wording is a bit strange."

The Kite Man curled his lips, seemingly thinking of some inappropriate scenes for children, and with a strange smile, he stuffed a "gum" into Mason's hand, leaving the captain at a loss...

Sometimes he really couldn't understand what kind of bizarre thoughts were in the minds of his team members?

But before Mason could think more, the Kite Man picked up little Henry, activated his propeller and flew into the sky, soaring to the other side of the island amidst the boy's excited screams.

"My name is Mason, Mason Cooper."

Mason took the initiative to extend his hand to the pirate in front of him, who backed up his fine firearm and flicked his hair, not shaking hands but extending his left hand to Mason, saying:

"My name is Elizabeth, Elizabeth Swan Turner."


The young man was a bit embarrassed, gently held the fingers of this generous lady, bent down and performed a standard hand-kissing ceremony, which was the social etiquette of this era.

"I did learn from Will that he had prepared a way for Henry and me to escape the apocalypse, but I didn't expect the one who made the agreement with him to be such a young gentleman."

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Elizabeth looked Mason up and down, walking towards the beach, saying:

"You're at most eighteen..."


Theft is never good, try looking at

Mason corrected:

"But in our line of work, age is the least important thing. For example, didn't you also go out to sea with a group of pirates when you were nineteen?

Compared to your story, I'm a late bloomer."

"The young man is quite eloquent."

The Pirate King let out a laugh, took off her boots and stood barefoot on the beach, then took off a badge from her slender, smooth neck and threw it into the sea.

Just a dozen seconds later, the calm sea in front of her was surging, and a huge shadow emerged from under the water and rose from the tide like a whale breaching.

The rotten and dilapidated hull that seemed to have been soaked and rotted in the water for a hundred years was very much like the "corpse" of some marine creature, and the tattered pirate flag fluttering on the withered mast proved its origin.

The rusty inscription on the stern confirmed its identity.

The Flying Dutchman!

The most famous, most vicious, and most terrifying ghost ship on this sea, a ship of the dead that transports souls between the human world and hell.

"Every time I meet with Turner, I don't let Henry see it, my lover doesn't want his son to see his cursed appearance."

Watching a bone-like small boat being lowered from the ghost ship, Mrs. Elizabeth, who had taken off her tricorn hat, said in a low voice against the sea breeze:

"But I have a premonition that this may be the last time I see Will, right? Mr. Mason."

"Who knows."

Mason stood on the beach where the sea water was invading, he said:

"I only have a vague understanding of the 'apocalypse' that your husband has been proclaiming. But according to my plan, you should be able to see each other again, although you do have to make a living in another unfamiliar world with your child.

But this place will always be your hometown."

"My hometown disappeared when my father was assassinated by his colleagues."

The female pirate casually replied:

"I, like other pirates, consider this sea as home, but I hope my child can stay away from this world of disaster."

"I advise you not to do any dramatic suicide at the last moment to accompany your husband."....

Mason said in a low voice:

"The place where your son is going is a chaotic and dangerous city. Without the protection of a strong mother, he won't survive a month there.

Or are you saying, you want your child to grow up with a bastard like Jack?

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Aren't you afraid that your unkempt friend will lead him astray?"

This sentence immediately had a miraculous effect, and Elizabeth's fingers on the dagger at her waist immediately loosened.

She glared at this young man who was almost twenty years younger than her, and her impression of Mason stayed on the idea of a sharp-minded bastard.

A few minutes later, the bone boat docked, and the real Will Turner jumped down from the water and walked step by step onto the beach, but he could only stay where the sea water reached and could not leave the sea.

Unlike the handsome and handsome image when he met Mason in his dream last time, the current Will Turner still maintained a human form, but his body was covered with strange gray spots unique to marine creatures, like coral decorations.The cheeks and neck were covered with white barnacles, and even the chin had octopus-like tentacles. The left hand holding the sword transformed into lobster-like claws, while the right hand shriveled into tentacles.

This posture made people feel cold in their hearts.

This was the price of commanding the Flying Dutchman. He and his ship had long merged with the ocean and been cursed by the land.


A low, hoarse, and murky voice came from the mouth of the ghost captain in front of him. The female pirate wanted to hug him, but Will Turner refused.

He shook his head and said, "Getting close to me will bring misfortune. My wife and lover, this distance is enough. It allows me to see your face and smell the fragrance of your long hair, without extending the malice of the sea onto you.

I heard Henry's laughter.

It seems that my son is getting along well with his new friend.


Captain Turner turned his head and looked at the young man. The lifeless gray eyes made Mason feel as if his soul was being scrutinized.

"Take them away from this world and never come back. I will give you the reward I promised."

The ghost captain waved his hand.

Ten huge bronze chests covered with seaweed and barnacles, with fish jumping on them, floated up from the rotating seawater and were washed onto the beach by the tide.

Turner pointed at them and said, "These are the unparalleled treasures from the bottomless abyss, the sea gifts that spellcasters desire the most, and the lost treasures from sunken ships in countless years of storms.

These are the most precious legacies you can find in this world.

I believe they are enough to cover the expenses for my wife and child to live a peaceful life in another world."

The young man nodded.

Without disturbing the farewell conversation between Will Turner and Mrs. Elizabeth, he walked to a large box that was as tall as his waist and pushed open the damp and rusty bronze lid with his hand.

What came into view was a whole box of round sky-blue pearls, bringing joy to people's hearts.

Mason reached out and touched these pearls, and information tags quickly popped up:

Heart of the Ice Sea

Quality: Epic crafting material...

Item effect: Any branch creation made with this item will be endowed with water elemental magic effects such as "Freeze," "Slow," and "Bone-Chilling Cold."

This item belongs to "Jewelry" and can be used for advanced jewelry processing.

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This item belongs to magical energy source and can be used to charge ice energy creations. After the magical power is exhausted, placing it in seawater will automatically restore the magical power.

Item description: Obtaining such a high-quality Heart of the Ice Sea means that at least ten abyss giant clams will meet their doom. No killing, no business!


Mason looked at the attribute of this precious item in surprise. He took out Mr. Frost's freezing gun from his bag and put a suitable-sized deep-sea pearl into the "ammunition chamber" of the freezing gun.

That was where the freezing liquid was supposed to be injected, but after this pearl emitting endless coldness was put in, the freezing gun, which had already run out of energy, could be activated again.

Of course, if he wanted to use this thing as "ammunition," Mason had to modify the freezing gun.

But this was indeed an unexpected joy!

Just this box of pearls was enough for Mason to raise the jewelry processing branch, which he had been unable to find good materials for, to at least Level 4.

He put the box into his bag, then opened another slightly smaller box, which contained some strange and peculiar things that looked like they had been thrown into a pile of old junk.

The young man picked up a pirate monocular and looked through it:

Blackbeard's Hidden Gold Monocular

Quality: Fine Enchantment/Inscription/Jewelry Processing Creation·Supreme Craftsmanship

Item effect: Pull open the hidden gold monocular and observe the most valuable thing within the field of vision. This effect can penetrate all obstacles.

Creator: Edward Titch

Item description: When it comes to pirates, the most important thing is to have good eyes!


Mason played with the monocular in his hand and glanced at the dozens of similar items piled up in the box.

He knew that these must be the magic items that Will Turner had found from the seabed. It was really impressive that the ghost captain could find so many interesting things in this weak magic world.

There was no need to look at the other boxes. If they were all of this quality, Mason would definitely make a fortune.

He put the other boxes into his suitcase, estimated that it was about time, and walked forward. He knelt down on one knee, and with deep affection, he put a quaint white bone ring on Elizabeth's finger and said to Will Turner:

"Captain, I have one last question before we leave!"

He stared at Will Turner and said, "What is the inevitable doomsday that you have always claimed? This time, I must get an answer. Don't use those riddles to fool me anymore."

"It is already on its way and will arrive soon."

The ghost captain kissed his wife's hand with the mouth inhabited by marine creatures. He said in a short tone, "We will all witness everything, Mason. I am looking forward to its arrival. I am prepared for it and do not intend to turn and run like a coward.

Perhaps you should also make the same preparations in your world, or maybe you think you are strong enough to ignore all these threats.""But believe me, in the face of such a situation, you should be more cautious."

Handsome Dog Frank

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