The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 65: Did Lao K's partner ome to kill?

In the face of Edward Titch's invitation, Mason didn't hesitate and got up to go to the appointment.

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Because of the intense quarrel among the pirate kings, no one noticed this detail. As Mason squeezed through the crowd to reach the edge of the tavern where Old Titch was, everything around seemed to quiet down in an instant.

Just a few steps away, but it felt like two different worlds.

This made Mason immediately raise his evaluation of the strength of the old pirate in front of him, who looked to be in his fifties or sixties. Perhaps, as Jack said, his old man was no longer a "mortal."

"Sit, young man."

Old Titch was very easy-going, without any airs of a guardian of the pirate code.

He even personally poured a glass of rum for Mason.

But Mason remembered Jack's instructions and didn't even touch the glass.

This action was noticed by the old pirate in front of him. He shrugged, flicked his pirate dreadlocks, which were almost identical to his son's, adorned with many strange decorations, and said:

"Did Jack tell you all these messy precautions? Sigh, I should have drowned him in the sea when that little bastard was born on my ship!

He has been tirelessly tarnishing my reputation all these years.

Hmm, although the legends about me and my era on the sea have long since ended."


Mason smiled and didn't respond to his words.

He looked at the elegant old pirate in front of him.

He was obviously no longer young, with wrinkles and age spots all over his face. The same shabby pirate outfit would look tasteless and rude on others, but it perfectly created a strange "chemical reaction" with the old man in front of him.

It was as if this classic pirate attire was born for this mysterious man.

It was filled with a peculiar sense of harmony.

"What else did he say?"

Edward Titch raised his glass and took a sip, smiling as he asked.

Mason didn't hide anything and replied:

"He said that you will definitely live longer and more freely than him. He also said that you may have died more than ten years ago, and what exists now is just a ghost who doesn't want to leave the sea."

"That kid is not bad. He actually guessed the truth. He is indeed my seed."

The old pirate laughed heartily and slapped the table, saying to Mason with a surprised look:

"Twenty-seven years ago, on a stormy night, my beloved ship, the Troubadour, sank in the port of the pirate utopia in Madagascar.

If you go there now, you can still find my bones in the treasure pile at the bottom of the sea.

I did die.

I got the ending that a pirate should have.

Betrayed by my brother Avery for power and wealth, poisoned in the city of the pirate kingdom we built together, and then stabbed in the heart and thrown into the sea.

But as you can see.

I didn't completely die.

The pirate code that I despised in my lifetime protected me and my ship."

He reached out and patted the huge and tattered book, half the height of a person, placed beside him, saying amidst the flying dust:

"You described the sea goddess Colibso very vividly just now. Countless travelers on the sea have imagined a capricious deity to protect them, and thus Colibso was born in the waves of the sea...

I am the same.

Countless pirates still remember the existence and dignity of the pirate code, so as the guardian of the code, I can remain as a soul even after death.

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In addition, I am indeed quite skilled in some voodoo magic, all of which make up the undead ghost that stands before you now."

"The Pirate God?"

Mason raised his eyebrows and said:

"Is it because of the convergence of beliefs that your soul has ascended?"

"No, no, no, I am still far from that level. I am just a pitiful manifestation of supernatural power in this twilight era, an old man who cannot even guarantee his own existence."

Old Titch explained, waving his hand:

"But it is also because of this that I have escaped those dangerous gazes... Mason Cooper, let me ask you, did you kill Old K?"


His question immediately made Mason narrow his eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, Mason spoke up:

"Your Excellency Edward..."

"Call me Titch."

The old pirate said gently:

"As the future superior of my son, you have the right to call me by my name. Old K also called me that. As you can see, he has more than one partner in this world besides Blackbeard Titch.

In fact, compared to their mutual use, I may be his true friend in this world.

After all, they think I am a unique and cooperative soul, so they gave me this."

As he spoke, Old Edward Titch flicked his finger.

Something that Mason was extremely familiar with appeared in his hand. It was a tattered Gwent card with the image of a pirate on it, and there was a hidden character in the corner of the card.

A black J.

Mason took a deep breath when he saw this thing. He also took out the Yennefer Gwent card from his bag and showed Old Titch the black K character.

It was just like an underground worker's secret meeting.

Mason hadn't forgotten what Old K said to him before he died, that one day some people would appear before him, and Mason needed to join them and help them.

Perhaps this was the "secret code"?

"So, what exactly is this organization?"

Mason asked in confusion:

"Since you have this card, you must know about the existence of the Star Group. Are you also a member of that organization?"

"Let's talk about that later."

Old Titch shook his head and asked again:

"First, tell me, did you kill Old K?"


Mason nodded and said:

"I'm curious how you found out?"

"Because of the aura. Old K left some aura on you, but it wasn't to harm you, just a kind of 'mark.'"

The old pirate explained:

"Don't worry, I won't seek revenge on you for this. In fact, Old K told me when he contacted me that he would die one day, but someone else would inherit his position.

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But Mason, if I can detect the aura left by Old K, then those who are more powerful than me can also detect it. I am extremely looking forward to the fact that you haven't had any contact with the higher-ups of the Star Society after Old K's death...

Hmm, look at your face, which has changed dramatically.

This heavy expression is truly unique.

I guess you have already met them, haven't you?"...


Mason nodded heavily.

After Old Tige's reminder, he was already convinced that the guy had known the truth about Old K's death when he first met Mr. Hunter.

"But you're still alive, and it seems like you're living well."

The old pirate took a sip of his wine and said:

"So no matter why the other party didn't execute you, it means that you won't be in danger for the time being. At least until the other party achieves their goal, you are safe."

"There is another possibility!"

Mason looked up and squinted his eyes, saying:

"Perhaps that guy who has always pretended to know nothing in front of me is also a member of your little group. Do you still know other people who possess these cards?"

"I have lived my whole life on this vast sea, trapped in this world that Old K described as quite narrow, Mason."

Old Tige sighed and said:

"I haven't been able to leave my world. You are the second outsider I have met. How can I know the other people in this 'Quintessence Society'?

But I have had conversations with them through some devices that I can't understand. They told me about 'freedom' in my world, and after that, I will also be able to 'be free'.

They speak in this tone and refuse to reveal any valuable information. It is clear that they are cautious in hiding themselves.

So, I know as much about them as you do.

But since these things have been confirmed, and it has been confirmed that you are the new Old K, then some things left by your 'predecessor' can be given to you."

He took out a round golden sphere from the pirate pouch he carried with him and handed it to Mason, saying:

"This was brought out by Old K from another world. He risked his life and even sacrificed his team to obtain it. He came to my hiding place that night covered in blood, which scared me.

He said he couldn't complete the mission.

He left this thing with me and planned to go to that dangerous world to try later, but he didn't have the chance. This may be a task he left for you."

Mason reached out and took the golden dim sphere. He noticed that there were many peculiar lines on the small sphere, and a label popped up when he held it in his hand:

Odin's Golden Apple

Quality: Legendary Engineering/Forging Item · Perfect Craftsmanship

Status: Data Sealed

Item Effect: Unknown

Creator: Yishu · Odin

Item Description: The creator of this item is not the Odin you know, but in terms of its power level, it is similar.

Tip: This item is an unknown technological creation. It can be attempted to be deciphered when the Engineering skill reaches Level 8.


Mason blinked his eyes, and this special term made him certain where this golden apple came from. It and Sujie's Eagle are from the same world!

It seems that there are hidden secrets behind the destruction of Old K's previous team.

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After nearly half a minute of silence, Mason put away the golden apple in his hand and looked at Old Tige in front of him. He said:

"Tell me more, even just a little bit."

"Alright, I only know that this organization relies on this unique Quintessence card to represent their identity. They don't contact each other unless it's something important. They each have their own work and mission...

But there is a leader named 'Old A'.

And their members are distributed in different worlds, just like you and me."

The old pirate touched the skull ring on his finger and said in a gentle voice:

"This organization is rooted in the Star Society and expands in secret through the ability to travel between worlds. Old K didn't tell me what their ultimate goal is.

I even suspect that he himself may not know completely.

But one thing is certain.

They hide in the deeper shadows of the Star Society and constantly search for like-minded people with special abilities through the doors of world travel.

They are looking for allies to strengthen themselves and prepare for an inevitable war.

They view the Star Society as an enemy that must be defeated."

"Just because of this, you joined their little organization?"

Mason asked.

The old pirate glanced at him and said:

"Isn't this enough? My world is destined to be destroyed, Mason. As a ghost who is about to lose everything, all I can do is vent my anger on the one who started all this."

"Another 'destined to be destroyed'!"

The young man frowned and said:

Will Turner is also such a mysterious person, constantly emphasizing the inevitability of the coming doomsday but not telling me any valuable information.

And now you're the same.

I don't think you are powerless to resist. I have seen the end of the world in another world. To be honest, I think there are still many things you can do now.

Why do you have to be so pessimistic?"

Faced with Mason's questioning, Old Edward Tige did not answer immediately. He silently drank a whole glass of rum by the burning fireplace next to him before exhaling and said in a low voice:

"I haven't seen the end of the world, Mason, but I believe in the kind of disaster that Old K described. It won't spare us, and I am waiting for that day to come.

Also, I really appreciate everything you have done for us, Mason.

I can see that you really want to save this world from falling into the worst situation.

Just this alone is enough for me to trust you.""But you said that Will Turner also sensed the changes a month later? Well, it seems that I can find some like-minded people before 'Freedom'."

After speaking, the old pirate stood up and casually threw a few coins to pay for the drinks. Four confused voodoo zombies appeared from the shadows behind him and helped him lift the heavy pirate code.

Edward Teague picked up his ornate pirate hat adorned with bird feathers and put it on his head. He also took his pirate sword and said to Mason, who was sitting in the chair:

"You don't have to come find me again, Mason... No, Old K, we will meet again in another world someday. Remember to act accordingly then.

And about what you said, that the person who didn't execute you but was cultivating you is a high-ranking member of our group. If you really suspect him, maybe you can find a way to test him.

But if he doesn't willingly reveal his identity, then you must be careful in your actions.

Do you understand what I mean?"

After speaking, the stylish old pirate extended two fingers to touch his forehead and then flicked them in Mason's direction, saying...

"Goodbye, Old K."

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"Goodbye, Old J."

Although Mason was full of doubts, he politely stood up and bid farewell to Old Teague using the code name.

The mysterious guardian of the code was obviously not as ordinary as he humbly claimed.

Under Mason's gaze, Old Edward Teague and his voodoo zombie followers left the tavern, carrying the heavy code, without anyone noticing their whereabouts, as if they didn't exist at all.

Mason shook his head and planned to return to the noisy pirate king meeting, but before leaving, he noticed something left on Old Teague's chair.

It seemed like a gift for him.

It was a gun.

An exquisite, intricate, outdated flintlock pistol adorned with some kind of bone on the handle, but overall it looked like a work of art.

Mason picked it up and found that it was as heavy as a war hammer of the same size, with a black body, a brass barrel, and a silver flintlock.

It was so beautifully crafted that it was not meant for combat.

He carefully examined the gun in front of him, and an information label popped up:

Teague's Lighter

Quality: Epic Alchemy/Inscription/Enchanted Item · Supreme Craftsmanship

Item Effects:

Aim at the enemy and pull the trigger to cause minimal damage. Then, summon the phantom of Edward Teague's ghost ship, the "Bard's Song," to impact the enemy, causing the effects of [Seal Freeze Stun] and [Mental Impact].

After the phantom bullet is consumed, it needs 24 hours to be reloaded. The destructive power of this effect is enhanced when at sea, and the cooldown time is shortened.

Creator: Edward Teague

Item Description: Don't expect it to kill anyone, buddy. As you can see, it's just a signal gun.

"Jack's old man is really generous!"

Mason casually inserted this "Kindness Gun" that couldn't kill anyone into the weapon slot on his battle suit's waist and sighed:

"Perhaps he's hinting that I should treat his son better? It's like a prepayment for the trouble caused by his troublesome son.

Oh, the poor parents in the world."

A few minutes later, the young man returned to his chair with a belly full of questions and Teague's gift.

The argument among the pirate kings continued.

They had determined by drawing lots that the unlucky Barbossa would contact the sea goddess Colibso and set sail with ships from other pirates and the royal fleet to search for the Trident of the Sea God.

And now, they were passionately discussing how to divide the power in the new world that would be established on the ruins of the old world.

They ambitiously planned to rebuild civilization.

However, in Mason's eyes at this moment, everything seemed so ridiculous, like squirrels fighting over pine cones on a tree that was about to fall.

They had no idea that the disaster of the apocalypse was right in front of them, and the Black Death and zombies were just a prelude to the catastrophe.

"Am I just wasting my time?"

We are, find us on google.

Mason asked himself in the noisy tavern.

A few seconds later, he looked at the people surrounding the tavern outside the window.

He remembered that when he arrived, these guys seemed to be in a state of drunkenness and despair, but now everyone seemed to have regained the motivation to survive.

Mason smiled.

He touched the delicate flintlock gun at his waist and thought:

"No! Giving up is not a choice I will make. Apocalypse? Let me unveil your veil and appreciate the glory."

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