Chapter 208: You Come Over, Instead

A voice interjected into their conversation out of the blue.

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“Since you’re so capable of fantasizing and writing stories, why bother learning pharmaceutics? You guys might as well go be scriptwriters with your ability to write a hot-selling drama in just minutes! There’s no need to study so hard when money’s gonna come pouring down on you!”

Those few people instinctively turned their heads back upon hearing that, only to see the female protagonist of the scandal right before them!

Things became somewhat awkward at once.

“What do you mean by ‘old, ugly, and crippled’? My husband’s only 30 this year! As for his looks, you guys put together are not even comparable to a strand of his hair! And ‘crippled’? Yeah, my *ss! Believe it or not, I’ll make a cripple out of you now to let you feel what it means to be crippled!”

Mu Huan was not bothered with what others thought of her, but she could not tolerate them speaking of her husband in such a derogatory manner. My husband is such a perfect God-like being. How can he be vilified like that?!

“Don’t you be too arrogant, Mu Huan!”

“That’s how I am! Why? Wanna fight?” She stepped forward.

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The guy facing her instinctively retreated several steps at that. “Forget it, I won’t stoop down to your level!”

With that, he turned around and made a hasty retreat.

It prompted the others, who were gathered together gossiping, to quickly scatter.

Feeling dumbfounded, Li Meng said, “I wonder how these people have gotten into Yun University. They’re all dumbf*cks! I’ve told them countless times that your husband is the hunk of the universe, but no one believes it. They only trust those gossips, and they get nastier as they spread around!

“Oh, yeah. Hasn’t your husband recovered? Get him to fetch you from school and let those snobbish idiots take a good look at him!”

“They’ll not only not believe that he’s my husband, but they’ll also assume that I hired someone to pose as him in order to save my image. People tend to believe only what they imagined.”

“D*mn! That’s a real possibility!”

“Later, I’ll pick a few with the most uncouth mouth from them and beat them up until they’re obedient!” she replied with a snort.

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Her bestie reminded, “Be sure to do it quietly outside.”


The next day, Mu Huan, who had arranged to meet up with Li Meng and go to a client’s house since they had no classes in the morning, failed to see her friend turn up even after waiting for a long time.

Just when she was about to give her a buzz, she received a call from her.

Upon picking up the call, she asked, “Xiao Meng, where are you? Why aren’t you here yet?!”

“She’s unable to go over, so why don’t you come over instead?” An unexpected male voice rang out from the other end of the line, much to her shock.

After regaining her senses, she tested, “Long Feiting?”

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“Hey, not bad! You recognize my voice!” answered Long Feiting with much appreciation.

Her lip corner twitched at that. “Why are you holding Xiao Meng’s phone?”

“Why don’t you tell me that?”

Her gaze turned frigid as a realization hit her. “What do you want?!”

“You’ll know it when you get here. Come over quickly, or else I’m afraid your bestie won’t be able to make it…”

“Long Feiting, don’t you forget whose wife I am!” growled Mu Huan in warning.

“I haven’t, but you should know that I have something in my hand since I dare find trouble with you. You’d better not tell Bao Junyan about this or you’ll be the goner instead!” With that, the guy ended the call.

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Mu Huan: “…!!!”

He has something in his hand? What can it possibly be to make him so daring as to pick on me?

All of a sudden, she recalled that bunch of people from the day she rescued her father.

Are those people his men?

So what he has in his hand is a surveillance footage of that day?

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