Chapter 230: If We Could Turn Back Time (3)

“Stop yelling, hurry home to wash up and sleep! Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that you’re Bao Junyan’s own nephew, I’d hit you unconscious and feed your body to the fish!” Mu Huan wasn’t one who appreciated mindless conversations and had hit her limit after saying this much.

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Her heartlessness caused him so much grief that he carelessly said, “I had gone to the Mu residence because of you, and it’s because of you that Lin Qingya and I have come to this point. If it weren’t for the fact that I had to go to try and talk you around, how would something like that have happened, how would I have ended up having to marry her?! It’s all because of you!”

“Why, so you’re saying that I have to pay for your stupidity and take responsibility for it?”

“What stupidity? That was me showing concern for you! Even though you treated me that way, I was concerned and wanted the best for you!” Why could she not see all the good things in him and remember only that he didn’t trust her?!

“Best for me, my ass! Just because Lin Qingya said that you should go and try to talk me around, that had to be the best for me? Are you living in the ancient days or something? Couldn’t you have called me on the phone? If you were afraid that I wouldn’t pick up your call, what gave you the confidence to think that I’d take your advice? Furthermore, I had made it so obvious that I had fallen out with Lin Qingya. Are you so stupid, had water gone into your head or something? You think I’d listen to whatever she had to say?”

“You did whatever she told you to do! If that isn’t stupidity, I don’t know what is. Besides, I’ve told you quite clearly that you do not need to be responsible for her. She was in the wrong, and yet you worry about sullying her innocence. You think that you want to treat her well because she’s carrying your child. You reason that this is for my sake too because I caused you this trouble? Don’t drag me through the mud! Whoever you wish to marry, whether you do well in the future, whether it’s hell or agony or whatever, it has nothing to do with me!”

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Gu Chenyi was about to say something.

“Gu Chenyi, it’s not like you’re really stupid! I just can’t understand it! Why don’t you cool down and think back on all the things that had happened? Do you really feel that Lin Qingya is innocent?”

Gu Chenyi clenched his fists tightly at once. The green veins in the back of his hands swelled horribly!

“You’re not such a stupid person! You’re this determined not to believe me and this insistent that Lin Qingya is innocent probably because you can’t accept that it was a moment of folly that you didn’t believe me. In the end, I married your uncle, and it felt like you had given the woman you liked to someone else — it’s this mistake you made that you’ve been unable to accept.”

Gu Chenyi tightened his fists.

“Whether you admit it or not, whether you really do think this way or otherwise, or for whatever other reasons, anyway, this will be our final conversation! And it’s the last time I’m telling you, there will never be any possibility of anything happening between us, so stop thinking about it!

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“If you come looking for me for a chat again, I’ll knock you unconscious every single time! If you wish to tell people that while being married to your uncle, I’m having an affair with you, just go ahead and do so! It’s up to you!” Mu Huan quickly turned to leave.

One more word and she’d blow her top!

Gu Chenyi did not go after her. He looked at her back with reddening eyes.

And he stood there watching the girl whom he liked most walking out of his world…

There was no possibility that she’d ever be his again.

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The girl whom he so liked, so yearned for, and so wanted… the girl whom he had put in all his efforts to woo and to pursue — before they had even begun, they…

Painful… it was unbearably painful.

It felt as though his heart was being ripped apart. He couldn’t stand steady on his own feet.

Finally, he collapsed…

If we could turn back time, if you said that the deer was a horse, I would believe it.

There are mistakes that cannot be made; they will cost you your life.

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