Chapter 953: A Sudden Loss (4)

Bo Junyan asked her to wait at the school field; they’d travel by helicopter. Not long after Mu Huan ran to the field, rumbling sounds came from the sky. In order to save time, she did not ask the helicopter to stop. Instead, she asked Bo Junyan to throw down the soft ladder and climbed up.

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At the hospital in the Imperial Capital.

After arriving at the hospital, Bo Junyan went straight into the operating theater.

“Why did Junyan enter the operating theater?” Xue Yun asked in shock.

“He’s the best surgeon. With him around, nothing will happen to Granny!” Mu Huan looked at the door of the operating theater and clenched her fists.

Xue Yun: “…”

She did not expect Bo Junyan to be a doctor!

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Bo Junyan was the best surgeon, but with Mu Huan’s granny’s current situation, even a god wouldn’t be able to save her. Her injuries were serious, and she was old…

No matter how good his medical skills were, there was nothing he could do.

When she saw Bo Junyan coming out, Mu Huan’s heart, which had been hanging tightly in her chest, dropped. Because her husband was so formidable, her granny would definitely be fine!

However, when she met his eyes, her heart, which had just calmed down, stopped beating.

She was about to step forward to ask Bo Junyan about the situation when she froze.

The color instantly drained from her face. Very quickly, her face turned frighteningly pale.

No… It can’t be what I think… It can’t be…

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Bo Junyan stepped forward and reached out to hug her tottering body. “Xiao Huan, Granny has something to tell you.”

Mu Huan was at a loss for words. Her already pale face was now frighteningly pale as she trembled.

Bo Junyan picked her up in heartache and carried her in.

Granny did not have much time left. If she could not see the old lady one last time, she would definitely not be able to take it.

“Xiao Huan…” When Xue Hua saw Mu Huan, she smiled at her.

Mu Huan’s tears instantly blurred her vision. She couldn’t speak or move.

She knew that with her granny’s age, she would eventually have to leave her. However, she did not expect that this day would come so suddenly that she could not take it.

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“Xiao Huan, don’t cry… This is a good thing… Granny can finally meet your grandfather…” Xue Hua smiled weakly.

Mu Huan’s tears fell even harder, but she still couldn’t say a word.

If it weren’t for Bo Junyan hugging her, she wouldn’t have been able to stand steadily.

“Xiao Huan… promise Granny… you’ll be fine…” Although Xue Hua had been living a happy life and did not want to die anymore, she was not afraid of death because she had long made preparations.

However, she knew that Mu Huan wasn’t prepared, especially since this day had come so suddenly.

Mu Huan wanted to say something, but she couldn’t make a sound. She couldn’t help but tremble.

“Xiao Huan… don’t let Granny leave uneasily. You… know that Granny has been waiting… for this day for a long time…” One would die sooner or later, but when one died suddenly, it would be very unacceptable, especially when her granddaughter regarded her so highly.

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Mu Huan wanted to speak, but the sound she made was that of indescribable crying. It was so sorrowful that Bo Junyan hugged her tightly.

Xue Hua also shed tears. “Xiao Huan… Granny, I don’t want… to see you like this… Let Granny… leave happily… alright?”

Mu Huan grabbed her granny’s hand and cried even harder.

“Xiao Huan… if you do this, Granny… will not be able to rest in peace…”

Mu Huan didn’t want her granny to feel uneasy about leaving. She didn’t want her to worry about her in the last moments of her life, but she couldn’t say anything and could only nod tearfully.

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