The Deity of War

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Another One

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Qi Ying grabbed the fruit from the little thing’s paws with his teeth and bit down. The fruit was very cold, and he could feel it quickly melting in his mouth. As such, he hurriedly spat out the core before it could melt, and swallowed the rest of the liquid.


The essence of the fruit flowed into Qi Ying’s body.

An extremely cool and refreshing sensation immediately spread through his meridians.

It was as if there was a frosty flow of energy that was surging through his veins, giving him a peculiar sense of satisfaction.

However, that sensation soon disappeared.

It was only a tiny little fruit after all, and the substance it contained was limited.

Even so, Qi Ying could sense that it had benefited his body.

His True Energy was flowing in a smoother and more stable manner, and the eight energy vortexes in his dantian were rotating more consistently as well.

‘These fruits can fortify my cultivation base!’

Qi Ying’s eyes lit up.

His rate of progression had always been very fast, and even though he tried his best to fortify his cultivation base, he was only able to maintain a baseline level of stability, where his energy vortexes wouldn’t collapse or go into complete chaos.

Unleashing battle techniques expended True Energy at a very fast rate for him, and part of that was due to the fact that his energy vortexes were not very stable nor consistent.

If he could consume more of those fruits, then it would be greatly beneficial to him.

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More stable energy vortexes would result in better stamina in battle, which could prove to be the difference between life and death.

“I still want more!”

Qi Ying smiled as he said to the little thing in his hands.

“Scree scree!”

The little thing sprang into the air again, and returned with a fruit from the tree in no time.

On that occasion, Qi Ying swallowed the entire fruit, even the core.

“Scree scree!”

The little things cried urgently upon seeing Qi Ying fail to spit out the core.

‘Could it be that the core is not supposed to be consumed?’

Qi Ying’s brows furrowed as he unleashed his internal inspection skill.

The flesh and skin of the fruit quickly broke down, giving him that cool and refreshing sensation again, while further stabilizing his energy vortexes. As of the core, it was also broken down, and during the process, Qi Ying was stuck by a rather familiar feeling.

A burst of scorching heat spread through his entire body, most of which was absorbed by his left hand, leaving only a small amount of energy to be absorbed by his body.

‘It looks like the core of these fruits are poisonous!’

However, Qi Ying didn’t care.

He was immune to all poison!

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In fact, poison acted as sustenance for him. He had done some experiments after his experience in the Ice Fire Ant’s cave, and discovered that all poisonous things could be refined into pure energy by his body!

He was like the legendary divine beast Gluttony, which ate anything and everything.

However, he was still unable to swallow enemy attacks as Qi Shun could.

That was most likely an ability that was unique to the Qi family, so it had nothing to do with him.

“Scree screen…”

Qi Ying exhibited no abnormal symptoms after consuming the fruit core, and the little thing’s mouth gaped open slightly in surprise upon seeing that.

“Pffft.” Qi Ying was amused by its adorkable face, and tapped it on the nose with his finger. “I want some more!”

“Scree scree!”

The little thing sprang excitedly onto the tree again…

Before long, Qi Ying had already eaten over ten of those greenish-purple fruits, and his cultivation base had been completely fortified, as if he had already been at the Eighth Energy Martial Stage for an entire year. The energy vortexes in his dantian were stable to the extreme, and even if he were to eat more of those fruits, he would derive no benefit from them aside from influxes of energy.

As such, further consumption would take him past the point of diminishing returns.

Qi Ying wiped his mouth with satisfaction. “Burp!”

That tree really was a fantastic plant.

The fruit it yielded could quickly help warriors stabilize their cultivation bases, thereby drastically shortening the interval required between breakthroughs!

To those who wanted to progress quickly but were concerned about the stability of their foundation, those fruits were priceless treasures! In particular, the academy often held many types of tournaments, and many people wanted to make breakthroughs during a short period of time, in order to be as powerful as possible in anticipation of those tournaments.

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As such, just a single one of those greenish-purple fruits was more valuable than the vast majority of pills, considering those that Spirit Martial Stage warriors could take.

Furthermore, Qi Ying could tell from the energy that the fruit’s cores had given him, that they contained extremely lethal poison.

Thus, they would also be very valuable, as the could be used during weapon refinement to create poisonous weapons.

It was just a pity that the tree couldn’t be taken away with him. It was as if it naturally belonged to that cave, and if it were to be taken away from there, it would quickly die.

Even the little thing could only ensure that the fruit didn’t melt when it was holding it in its paws.


Qi Ying heaved a faint sigh.

He was very disappointed that he had stumbled upon something so valuable, but couldn’t be taken away!

“Scree scree!”

The little thing suddenly jumped onto the ground, and began to rush about in an extremely frenzied manner. At the same time, it was heading deeper into the cave.

“You want me to go in with you?” Qi Ying asked.

The little thing was very intelligent, and immediately began to nod urgently.

“Alright then.”

Qi Ying continued into the cave behind the little thing.

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“Scree scree!”

It ran up ahead at an extremely fast speed, and Qi Ying was unable to keep up.

‘This level of speed can only be achieved by the fastest of Spirit Martial Stage warriors! Just what is this little thing to be able to run so quickly?’

Qi Ying thought to himself as he advanced into the cave.

Only then did he discover that the bumpy objects on the ground were shaped like balls of dung. They were presumably blobs of excrement left behind by the little thing…

Qi Ying shuddered at the realization that he had been stepping on sh*t the entire time, and he made sure to try and avoid the bumpy little balls as he walked forward.

However, Qi Ying soon discovered something different.

Much larger balls-shaped bumps began to appear on the ground.

‘Could it be that there’s a bigger little thing over there?’

That made sense, seeing as the little thing was clearly in its infantile stage, so it had to live together with its parents.

As such, the ice cave was most likely its home, while the fruits on that tree must have been their staple food.

‘I wonder if the fully-grown beast will attack me… Come to think of it, I’ve been with this little thing for quite a while now, so why haven’t its parents come out yet? It doesn’t make sense…’

Qi Ying was quite confused as he finally arrived at the deepest part of the cave. He could see the wall of the cave up ahead, so he knew that it was the end.

“Scree scree!”

The little thing stopped in front of a corner.

Qi Ying turned to discover a silver beast lying on the ground. Its appearance was quite similar to the little thing, but it was about the size of a fully-grown husky dog. Its fur was as luscious and smooth as satin, but its neck was marred by a wound so deep that bone was visible through the incision. Furthermore, there was a faint green light that was emanating from the gash!

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