The Deity of War

Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Ice Soul Sword

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The little thing sat on the silver beast’s head, near the ghastly wound on the back of its neck. Qi Ying followed them as they reached that black tree once again.


The silver beast snarled.

The little thing then sprang onto the tree before re-emerging with a greenish-purple fruit, and jumping back onto the silver beast. It forced the entire fruit into its mouth, creating quite an amusing sight with its bulging cheeks.

“Scree scree.”

The little thing chewed the fruit into paste, before applying it onto the silver beast’s wound like ointment.

A miraculous scene then followed.

A burst of white smoke rose from the beast’s wound amid a faint sizzling sound. After the white smoke dissipated, a white icy scab had appeared over the gash.

The little thing was very excited, and repeated the same process several times, before finally sealing the entire wound under an icy scab.

The silver beast shook its body, and another plume of white smoke rose into the air. The light had returned to its eyes, as if it had suddenly been healed!

“That’s amazing!”

Qi Ying was dumbfounded.

He didn’t think that the greenish-purple fruit would be that useful!

However, that would probably only work on the silver beast and the little thing.

The two of them seemed to share a symbiotic relationship with the tree. Perhaps the black tree had created the ice cave for them to inhabit, as well as fruits for their sustenance. In return, they guarded the tree and their feces acted as fertilizer.

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It was often said that mutant beasts were always around to guard exotic plants and minerals.

Those two appeared to be the tree’s guardian beasts.


The silver beast snarled gently at Qi Ying, in what appeared to be a display of gratitude. It then pointed its head at the sword in his hand, before whipping its head to the side, flinging the little thing onto the tree trunk.

The little thing quickly ran onto a tree branch of relatively even thickness, and clawed at the branch in an animated manner.

“You want me to cut down the tree branch?” Qi Ying asked.

“Scree scree!”


Both of them nodded in confirmation.

Thus, Qi Ying cut down the branch according to their instructions.


The tree branch fell to the ground, but before it could melt, the silver beast suddenly picked it up in its mouth.

Qi Ying was quite confused upon seeing that. “What are you doing with that branch?”

However, the answer was soon revealed to him.

The silver beast held the branch in its mouth, while the little thing jumped onto the tree again before chewing up some leaves and fruits. Everything was chewed into paste, which it applied evenly to the surface of the branch, quickly transforming it into a sharp wooden stick that was about three feet in length, covered entirely in white paste.

The little thing jumped onto the silver beast’s back again, and the latter huffed out a large cloud of white smoke that enshrouded the wooden stick.

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Qi Ying looked on with rapt focus, as he could sense that the stick was undergoing an incredible transformation.

After the white smoke dissipated.


Qi Ying drew a sharp breath.

The thing that the silver beast was holding in its mouth was no longer a wooden stick. Instead, it was a sword!

The sword was entirely silver, and extremely thin, with a length of roughly three feet.

It was quite a strange sword as it was only about half the width of a normal sword, and it didn’t appear to be all that powerful, but there was a hint of frosty energy emanating from it.

Qi Ying reached for the sword with his right hand, and chills ran through his entire body, forcing him to pick it up with his left hand instead.


He slashed the sword experimentally through the air.

“What does this sword do?”

Qi Ying tried thrusting, slashing, and clashing it with other weapons to test its rigidity.

After all that, he discovered that it was not a treasured tool.

However, it was quite sturdy, and didn’t crack even after clashing with the Purple Light Sword in his hand.

It didn’t have a blade, so it wasn’t very powerful offensively, but it had a much more useful effect than most treasured tools.

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When Qi Ying injected his True Energy into the sword and slashed it through the air, the surrounding temperature would drop drastically, and a vast expanse of icy mist would be created.

‘If I use this sword in battle, I would be able to slow my opponents down!’

Qi Ying was elated.

Many Dark Tier treasured tools had added effects. For example, some could enhance the power of the warrior’s attacks or unleash powerful sword projections, but only Dark Tier Supreme Rank weapons could influence the surrounding environment.

To think that he would be given such a valuable reward for doing such a simple task.

“Just holding you is making me cold, so I’m going to name you the Ice Soul Sword!”

Qi Ying stroked the sword before placing it into his spatial ring. He then joined his hands in a salute to the silver beast and the little thing. “Thank you!”

“Scree scree!”


Both of them wore content expressions, and the little thing had even jumped onto Qi Ying’s shoulder before licking his face with its cold little tongue.

“Haha! That tickles… Alright, I have to go now!”

Qi Ying plucked the little thing off his shoulder and placed it on the silver beast’s head, before waving to the two of them. “Goodbye!”

“Scree scree!”


The little thing was reluctant to part with him, while the silver beast snarled in farewell.

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Qi Ying strode out of the cave and sighed with emotion.

Even beasts had filial piety and knew to be grateful to their benefactors, but those were qualities that even some humans didn’t have! In comparison to those two beasts, some people were even more “beastly” in nature.

Soon, he reached the crossroads between the Lava Armored Beasts’ cave, and the frosty cave from which he had just emerged.

‘The frost cave is actually underground, so the cave that leads deeper into the mountain is the Lava Armored Beasts’ nest!’

Qi Ying suspected that someone had already entered.

Otherwise, the silver beast wouldn’t have sustained that sword wound.

He estimated that the silver beast was probably at the Dark Tier Fifth or Sixth Rank, and it had to be just as fast if not faster than then little thing. As such, a normal Spirit Martial Stage warrior would really struggle to wound it!

After entering the Lava Armored Beasts’ nest, Qi Ying’s suspicions were confirmed as there were many dead Lava Armored Beasts lying around, all of which had been killed in an extremely gruesome fashion.

Furthermore, one of the Lava Armored Beasts had a similar wound to that of the silver beast, in that it was also a sword gash with green light emanating from within.

‘They must have already gone in!’

Qi Ying was a little hesitant in continuing onward.

The group that had entered before him had to be very powerful, and his instincts told him that it was most likely Chu Bixue and his subordinates!

As such, advancing any further could be very perilous for him.


‘Risk and reward come hand in hand! I’m not going to sit around while they take over the dragon vein!’

With that in mind, Qi Ying quickly rushed deeper into the Lava Armored Beasts’ nest.

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