Encounter with the Shimizu Sisters 4

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“Why are you on Kei’s side?”

“That’s… What do you mean? “

I thought it might be a warning to stay away from Shimizu-san, but it doesn’t seem to be the case judging from Ai-san’s expression.

“I might have asked in a slightly prickly way. I know that Kei has been kind of isolated in the class since the first year. So I was wondering why Daiki-kun is by Kei’s side.”

I see. If that’s the case, then my answer should be simple.

“Because I can’t leave her alone.”

“Is that sympathy? “

Ai-san looks at me with a slightly anxious expression. It seems like my words were vague.

“No, it’s different. Like I said before, I really enjoy talking to Shimizu-san. So when I say I can’t leave Shimizu-san alone, it’s because Shimizu-san is interesting. Isn’t it natural to want to be with someone who makes you feel happy when you spend time together?”

Ai-san widens her eyes. The conversation pauses, and the voices of people around us become distinct. Then Ai-san breaks the silence.

“Thank you for answering seriously. So that’s your answer for now.”


When Ai-san hears my reply, she breaks into a satisfied smile.

“Ah, being serious is tiring. I guess it’s not my style to act like a serious onē-san, huh?”

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“Um… What do you trying to find out with your previous question? “

In a more comfortable atmosphere, I decided to ask about the intention behind the previous question.

“Ah, yeah, f course you would be curious about that. Kei was quite popular in middle school. Many people approached Kei, but none of them really tried to see Kei’s inside.”

I was a little surprised to hear that Shimizu-san was popular in middle school, but thinking about it again, Shimizu-san is kind, interesting, and also beautiful, so it’s not surprising.

Ai-san continues.

“After hearing about Daiki-kun from Kei, I wondered if you were really paying attention to Kei. That’s why I asked you that question. I’m sorry if I’m being mean to you.”

“No, it’s okay.”

In other words, the previous question was meant to express concern for Shimizu-san.

“Thank you. But I have one last favor to ask you.”

Ai-san’s face became serious again.

“What is it? “

“It’s about Kei. I’ve been hearing rumors about people who are interested in her since she changed her hair back to black. When Kei was in junior high school, I used to keep those people in check until I graduated, but now I’m too busy with the student council. There are even people I don’t hear good things about among those interested in Kei, and it worries me.”

I see what you mean. I guess Ai-san does not want Shimizu-san to be in danger.

“So, should I act as Shimizu-san’s bodyguard?”

“No, Daiki-kun might get hurt if you do that. Neither Kei nor I want that. So, Daiki-kun doesn’t have to do anything risky. Not all the time, but I want you to be by Kei’s side.”

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“Just being nearby is enough?”

Certainly, suppose it were to escalate into a fight or something. In that case, it’s doubtful that I, who don’t usually engage in much physical activity as a member of the non-athletic club, could protect Shimizu-san.

“I think just having someone of the same gender near someone they’re interested in can be quite a deterrent.”

“I see.”

I don’t know, I don’t have any experience, but I wonder if that’s how it works.

“Will you accept my request? “

“About that, can I decline? “


Ai-san looks genuinely surprised. Maybe I didn’t use the right words.

“No, it’s not what you thought. I actually enjoy talking with Shimizu-san. So, if I’m asked to be near her, it’s kind of… unpleasant somehow. So, why don’t we pretend that Ai-san didn’t ask me for a favor? Even without a favor, I’m sure I’ll be around her as long as Shimizu-san doesn’t say no.”

Ai-san listens to my words, and her expression relaxes.

“Oh, I see. That’s good. I got worried thinking I made you dislike Kei because I was being mean to you.”

“I’m sorry I made you worry. So, can we just pretend there was no favor?”

“Yeah. That’s totally fine.”

“What’s okay?”

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When I turned to the voice I heard, I saw Shimizu-san standing there holding two cups.

“Well… it’s a secret between me and Daiki-kun.”

Ai-san winks at Shimizu-san.

Shimizu-san frowned and sat down, placing the cups in front of herself and Ai-san.

” …Well, fine, it was ginger ale, right? “

“Yeah, thanks. But it was a little late, huh?”

“There were more people at the drink bar than I expected, so I had to wait in line.”

“Oh, I see. Must have been tough.”

“Well, if you feel that way, next time, you’re on your own. Anyway, what were you talking about?”

“Oh, we were just talking about how cute Kei is, of course.”

Ai-san lied brazenly. It seems she intends to keep the conversation between the two of us a secret from Shimizu-san.


“When we were little, you always begged mom for your favorite sweet, or when you were in elementary school, you got scared when you saw a horror movie and came to my room, also… “

“That’s enough, don’t say anything anymore.”

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“It’s useless to stop me now. Daiki-kun already knows every little detail of Kei’s cute past.”

“Hey, Hondō, forget everything you heard earlier. Right now.”

“I-I’ll try my best… “

In the first place, since it’s Ai-san’s lie, I haven’t heard much about Shimizu-san’s cute past.

“You should definitely forget about it. Besides, I don’t mind watching horror movies now.”

Shimizu-san leans closer across the table and makes a mysterious expression.

“Shimizu-san, your face is a little too close… “

Noticing this, Shimizu-san quickly moves away from me.

“Oh! You’re making an aggressive, Kei.”

Ai-san looks at Shimizu-san with a mischievous grin.

“Don’t say it like I did it on purpose.”

“Now-now, Kei-san, I understand.”

Ai-san pats Shimizu-san’s shoulder lightly.

“Why are you making that face as if you’ve figured something out?!”

Shimizu-san’s shout echoes through the family restaurant.

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