Shopping with the Shimizu Sisters 2

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“Geez, my troublesome little sister is always being cold. All right, Curtain, open! “

As that voice rang out, the curtain of the fitting room opened vigorously.

“What do you think? “

There, Ai-san stood, wearing a slightly oversized yellow cardigan over a shirt. She was wearing a white mini-skirt underneath, which seemed to show off her beautiful legs.

“I tried combining a yellow cardigan with a white mini-skirt!”

“That’s kind of deliberate. Minus 500 million points. “

“That judgment is too sloppy and unreasonable! Kei, you’re so harsh, I want to cry.”

“You never cry if you can say something like that.”

“My heart is crying… What do you think, Daiki-kun?”

That’s right, I need to offer an opinion that can be helpful.

What should I say? If I straightforwardly compliment her legs, saying they look beautiful, she might be put off.

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But since I’ve never given my opinion on a woman’s attire other than my sister, I don’t know what aspects to focus on and how to praise her.

I wonder how men in the world give their opinions on women’s clothes.

” Hey, Daiki-kun, are you listening? “

“Yes. Please wait a moment.”

There’s no time left. I decided to convey my impressions as best I could from my meager vocabulary.

“I think the light-colored cardigan suits you well, Ai-san. It gives off a cute vibe this time, whereas I usually have the impression of elegance when I see you.”

The atmosphere in the store becomes silent. I wonder what Ai-san thinks of my opinion.

“Hey Kei, did you hear? He said the cardigan suits me and this time I look cute! I got a very nice compliment! “

That’s good. Ai-san seems excited. Unless she’s good at acting, she’s probably satisfied with my opinion. I’m relieved for now.

“Hondō, didn’t you stare at Ai’s legs? “

Just when I thought I was safe, I received an accusation from an unexpected source. I intentionally didn’t mention the mini-skirt to avoid being perceived as staring at her legs, but it seems Shimizu-san caught me.

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“Daiki-kun, is it true? “

Ai-san looked straight at me.

There’s no way to escape from this. And I don’t really have any intention to deny it.

“Yes, Shimizu-san’s is correct.”

It was unintentional for me to glance at her legs, but I feel there’s no room for defense now. Ai-san momentarily had a serious expression, but she quickly returned to her usual smile.

“Well, okay. Of course you couldn’t resist my cute and mature charm.”

I feel relieved. I guess I managed to get away with it.

“…This guy also stared at my legs while I was talking to him before.”


Indeed, there was a moment during the previous art class when I looked at Shimizu-san’s legs. But I thought she had already forgotten about it.

“Daiki-kun, is what Kei just said true? “

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” …it’s not wrong.”

Ai-san seems to be looking at me with colder eyes than before. After a brief moment of gazing at me with those eyes, she smiles again.

“I’ll forgive you. Kei’s legs are firm and have a different beauty from mine. It’s understandable that even Daiki-kun would be captivated.”

It seems I’ve been completely remembered by the Shimizu sisters as a leg fetishist.

“Is that really okay?”

“My heart is as vast as the ocean. I don’t care if it’s only Daiki-kun or Kei, okay? Besides, the important thing is I’ve already won.”

“What kind of competition did you win?”

Shimizu-san questioned her. I honestly don’t know either.

“It was a competition to see who could choose Daiki-kun’s preferred outfit.”

“Just do it by yourself.”

Shimizu-san dismissively pushes Ai-san away with her words.

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“W-what now?”

Ai-san is suddenly wearing an unexpectedly wicked smile.

“You lack confidence, Kei? Even if we’re called the Ultra Beauty Sisters, there’s a world of difference between me and the imōto. It’s only natural for Kei to feel like running away before the competition even starts.”

She’s trying to stir things up. It is an obvious provocation. Well, there is no way Shimizu-san would fall for such a cheap provocation…..



“Fine! I’ll accept that challenge!”

(Shimizu-san fell for the provocation!)

Shimizu-san had a much lower tolerance for provocations than I had imagined. I didn’t know because there was no one in my class who provoked Shimizu-san. It’s a new discovery.

“Hmmm, I knew Kei would get on board. The rules for the showdown are simple: we’ll see who can choose Daiki’s preferred clothes. We’ll try them on, and the winner will be the one Daiki-kun says looks better. You can only try on the clothes twice. So I have one more time to try again. Now, let’s take our positions and get started!”

With that, Shimizu-san disappeared from my sight.

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