The Shimizu Sisters and the Game Center 1

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“We’re done with today’s objective. What do we do now?”

“Huh? Why do you think I hurried to choose those clothes?”

“I don’t know.”

Shimizu-san responded. I also want to know the reason.

“It’s obvious so that the three of us can have a lot of fun together!”


It seems that my shopping mall adventure with the Shimizu sisters is far from over.

“We’ve arrived at the game center. This place is calling me!”

“No one is calling you.”

After finishing shopping for the Shimizu sisters’ clothes, the three of us arrived at the game center inside the shopping mall.

There were many people here, probably because it was a holiday.

“Now, where should we start? Do you two have any games you want to play?”

“I don’t have anything in particular.”

“Me neither.”

“I see. Then, let’s start with a game that we can all play together, the one I always play!”

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Ai-san’s eyes are sparkling. She seems really looking forward to playing that game.

“Is it a game that can be played with three people?”

“Of course! Well, think of it as getting on a big ship and just follow me!”

“That boat, I hope it’s not a mud boat…”

(TN: Refers to a fragile boat made of mud that appears in the old Japanese folktale [Kachi-kachi Yama.] Additionally, it is used as a metaphor for something that is likely to fail or fall apart quickly.)

Shimizu-san and I follow Ai-san, half skeptical.

“The first game we’re going to play is… this one!”

“Hey, what’s this?”

“You can tell by looking at it. It’s air hockey.”

As Ai-san said, there was an air hockey game in front of us.

As I recall, this game is played by hitting a plastic disk called a puck with a device called a mallet and putting it into the opponent’s goal.

“That’s not what I’m asking. Why start with air hockey, a game that two or four people usually play? Not three!”

“If two or four can play it, why not three?”

“Then the side with two people is definitely stronger. Or do we have to take turns? “

As Shimizu-san suggested, taking turns while playing could balance the difference in strength.

“But then the one person who’s not playing will be bored, right? Let’s play one against two.”

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“Who’s going to play alone?”

“Of course, as the older one, I will fight alone. Bring it on, you chicks (youngsters/rookies)!”

“Ai-san, are you okay with that? I don’t mind being on the one-person playing.”

If we have to divide into teams like this, as a guy, I think it would be better for me to be on the one-person side in terms of balancing the strength.

“Hehe, even though I don’t look it, I love air hockey and always play it with my friends when we come to the game center. So don’t worry about me, Daiki-kun.”

It seems that Ai-san is quite confident in her air hockey skills.

If that’s the case, maybe we can split up the teams like Ai-san said.

“Alright, Shimizu-san, is it okay for you to be on the same team as me?”

“If you guys are okay with that, then I’m okay with it too.”

“Then the teams are decided. Then let’s start playing air field hockey! “

Thus began the air hockey matchup between Shimizu-san and me Versus Ai-san.

“I’ll start since the puck came out from here.”

“Alright, go ahead.”

The puck seemed to be ejected in Ai-san’s direction.

Ai-san sets the puck down.

“Here I go! Take this!”

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Ai-san hits the puck toward our goal. Just as the puck approaches Shimizu-san, it disappears with a sound.

“What? “

Suddenly, the score on our side shows a number 1.

Shimizu-san’s returned puck had somehow made it into the goal.

“I’m not satisfied with the previous match at the store. So, I’ll win here and feel refreshed.”

Shimizu-san’s face displays a predator’s smile.

“This is not good, Daiki-kun. It seems like Kei’s switch has been flipped!”

“Should I change team now?”

I think this game will be one-sided, dominated by Shimizu-san, and even if I switch with Ai-san, it might still end up one-sided.

“Don’t worry! I have a secret plan!”

Ai-san holds the puck and points to the back of Shimizu-san.

“…wait, what’s that? What’s happening behind you?”

Shimizu-san and I turn around, but there isn’t anything unusual.

“An opening! Take this deadly attack! Shōri Victory Smash! “

(TN: 勝利, Shōri, also means ‘victory’, she said Shōri bikutorī sumasshu.)

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I hear the sound of the puck being hit. In an instant, Ai-san unexpectedly shoots the puck toward our goal.

It’s a surprise attack. Just as I think the puck has entered our goal, there’s a [thud] sound, and our team’s score shows the number 2.

“What the… “

Ai-san couldn’t hide her shock.

“What are you doing? … You’ve been using the same move since long ago, so it’s not going to work anymore. And the name of your special move, ‘Shōri’, has the same meaning as ‘Victory.’ “

“Oh my god… To think that our beautiful sisterly memories have turned into a joke… “

“Please play fair when you are playing with your sisters.”

Ai-san’s secret plan has failed. I wonder what she’s going to do next.

“Kuhh, I didn’t want to use this dirty trick because it’s not fair, but I had no choice.”

I don’t think we need to worry about that anymore, since the previous strategy was cowardly enough.

“Just go ahead and try.”

Shimizu-san is still full of determination. I don’t think Ai-san can take the goal from Shimizu-san, though.

“Let’s go! Operation name: [The distance between him and me is closer than I thought, and my heart is pounding… What is this feeling…?] Strategy! Take this!”

As Ai-san announces her strategy, she hit the puck toward our goal.

TN: mc

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