The Shimizu Sisters and the Game Center 4

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“Well, I can’t help it. I’ll wait for Daiki-kun’s feelings to change slowly. That aside, how about Kei in a maid outfit, Daiki-kun?”

I shifted my gaze to Shimizu-san.

Perhaps because the image of Shimizu-san from the time when we were first-year students, with blonde hair and a disheveled uniform, still remained in me.

I felt a significant gap in seeing the current Shimizu-san, who had long black hair and an elegant maid-like aura.

“W-What is it? Don’t look at me so seriously…”

Although Shimizu-san glared at me, there was less intimidation since she was dressed as a maid. Even though she asked me not to look, Ai-san asked for my opinion, so I stared intently at her figure.

“Ai-san gives off a lively maid vibe, while Shimizu-san gives off a calm, cool, beautiful maid vibe. I think both of you look good.”

“Ugh… “

“Incredible, Daiki-kun, praising both girls at the same time! I wish my childhood friend could learn from you. By the way, you’re a calm, cool and beautiful maid Kei! I’m happy for you.

“S-shut up!”

Shimizu-san turns away from me and I can’t see her expression.

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“She’s not very honest, is she? Well, now that we have Daiki-kun’s feedback, let’s go take some purikura right away!”

“…Do we really have to take them in this outfit?”

Shimizu-san’s words sounded weak, I guess she really doesn’t like it.

“Even if you show me your cute side and try to shake my heart, it won’t work! I’m willing to become a demon if it’s for taking pictures with Kei!”

Saying that, the lively maid firmly grabbed Shimizu-san and me with her hands and headed towards the photo booth.

“It’s a dream come true to cosplay as sisters and in maid outfits! I’m so incredibly happy. Maybe I’m going to die today? “

“I want to disappear… “

After taking the photo and changing back into our original clothes, the Shimizu sisters had completely opposite levels of excitement.

“Why do you look like you’re about to do a Kyomizu dive? We had so much fun.

“You’re the only one who had fun! You made us do such embarrassing poses!”

“Is that so…Daiki-kun, did you have fun?”

“Ahaha… “

(TN: “Kiyomizu” refers to Kiyomizu Falls, a sacred waterfall associated with a nearby temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism called Kiyomizuzan Kenryuji Hochiin.)

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I couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh.

This time, I could understand Shimizu-san’s feelings to some extent. Even I felt a little embarrassed doing a pose where I winked with one eye and made a heart shape with both hands.

“Daiki-kun too… it can’t be helped. Well then, let’s have another go at it! “

“Are we… going to take another photo?”

Shimizu-san asked Ai-san hesitantly.

“Of course! But this time, we won’t cosplay. Our only purpose is to take a purikura photo.”

” …Well, that’s fine then.”

Shimizu-san seemed worn out mentally as if now anything would do as long as it didn’t involve cosplay.

“Is Daiki-kun okay with that too?”

“Yes, I’m fine with that.”

Since we had come this far, I decided to go along until the end. Halfway forgetting the purpose of my visit to the mall, I walk over to the photo booth.

“Okay, let’s take a picture!”

As soon as Ai-san entered the booth, she quickly inserted the money and started setting up the photo booth.

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“Um, Ai-san, I’ve got my own money… “

“It’s fine. This time, it’s my treat. Instead of that, what kind of pose should we do?”

“Anything is fine.”

Shimizu-san didn’t seem as enthusiastic as Ai-san. Or rather, one could say that Ai-san was overly enthusiastic.

“No, that won’t do! We have to commemorate this special day. Don’t you want to do an interesting pose?”

“If it’s too strange, I won’t do it.”

“Don’t worry, trust Onē-chan.”

“I can’t trust you, that’s why I’m pointing it out.”

While the sisters were arguing, a mechanical voice suddenly came from the screen in front of us.

[The camera will begin. Counting down to the first shot…]

“Oh, we’re about to take the first shot! Let’s line up, everyone!”

Saying that, Ai-san pulled me and Shimizu-san, who was behind her, a little forward while she moved further to the front and crouched down.

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“Why are Hondō and I next to each other this time?”

“Earlier, Kei and I were wearing matching outfits, so I wanted to be next to Kei. But now I’m a little shorter than both of you, so this arrangement feels better.”

“I see.”

I didn’t know that was the intention behind this arrangement.

On the screen in front, the three of us were captured.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed that the distance between Shimizu-san and I was a little far from each other.

“Shimizu-san, can we get a little closer?”

“Why all of a sudden…”

“Because Shimizu-san and I are a bit far apart. Is it not okay?”

“Well, it’s not like it’s a problem…”

“We don’t have much time! Let’s start with a classic peace sign! Countdown, three, two…”

I made a peace sign with one hand and took a step closer to Shimizu-san. Just after that, there was a sound of a shutter and a flash went off.

“Let’s see… Oh! It came out pretty good, didn’t it?”

The image on the screen showed the three of them posing for a picture. Looking closely, I felt that Shimizu-san in the image was about half a step closer to me than she was now.

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