Shimizu-san and the Shared Umbrella 1

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“Something came up? “

“Yeah, I made plans to hang out with my friend after the phone call earlier.”

After leaving the game center, the three of us took a break at the food court inside the shopping mall.

The three of us had a drink that we had just bought in front of us.

“If that’s the case, is it okay for you to linger around?”

“It’s okay. According to our conversation, we’ll meet up here in a little while.”

“Alright, does that mean we’ll part ways here today?”

That’s the way it should be. I’m worried that Teruno might get tired of waiting since I ended up staying here longer than planned due to meeting the Shimizu sisters, but I’m sure she’ll understand if I explain it to her.

“I might be, but you guys are different.”


“Yes? “

“Since we had fun hanging out together, just go home together!”

* * *

“You didn’t have to go home with me.”

“Well, I was planning to head back as soon as my business was done.”

Shimizu-san and I were on the train after talking at the food court for a while.

In the end, Ai-san went to hang out with her friend while Shimizu-san and I headed home.

Ai-san told me the general location of Shimizu-san’s house, and it turns out that my house and Shimizu-san’s house are relatively close.

“Did Shimizu-san not have anything else to do?”

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“No, I don’t. I don’t like crowded places to begin with. “

“Then, did you only come to the mall because Ai-san invited you?”

“Yeah, when she asked if I had any plans, I said no, and then she said, ‘Let’s go buy clothes together,’ so I got dragged along.”

“I see, so that’s what happened.”

Ai-san certainly gives the impression of someone lively enough to do something like that.

“She’s always so pushy.”

Shimizu-san sighed. It is rare to see Shimizu-san being pushed around by someone.

“You two seem very close.”

Shimizu-san had a look of discontent.

“Well, since you’re always together, I guess most people would assume that. Isn’t that a sign of you two being close?”

“She comes to my room without my permission though.”

“It means Ai-san really likes you, Shimizu-san.”

“Say whatever you want.”

Shimizu-san turned away. It seems she’s given up trying to argue with me.

“By the way, didn’t you have a younger sister?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“How is it between you and your sister?”

“I don’t know much about other siblings, so I can’t say for sure, but I think we’re pretty close. We play games and watch anime together.”

“You have no complaints? “

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Complaints about Teruno?

There are some minor things, like her dislike for vegetables and being lazy, but overall…

“I guess she can be a bit selfish at times, and that’s my only worry.”

“So even you have things you worry about with your family.”

“I’m not that unhappy about it, but there’s a possibility that Teruno herself might face difficulties in the future.”

“What do you mean?”

“If she relies too much on me, she might have a hard time when I’m not around anymore due to going to college or finding a job.”

For now, I’m taking care of cooking and other household chores until our parents come back, so it’s fine. But I can’t imagine Teruno doing the housework if I’m no longer here.

“In the end, it’s about worrying for your sister. Are you a bit of a siscon?”

“Well…everyone who has a sister worries about her more or less, probably?”

I feel like I’m making a bad excuse by exaggerating the subject, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what I said.

“That’s an exaggeration. At least Ai is never worried about me.”

“That’s not true. Ai-san must be worried sometimes about Shimizu-san too.”

“How do you know that?”

I can’t say it’s because I talked about it with Ai-san at a family restaurant when Shimizu-san wasn’t there…

Besides, Ai-san seemed to want to keep that conversation a secret.

“I guess I have a hunch because we are the same, having a younger sister.”

“What are you talking about?”

Shimizu-san looks at me with a bewildered expression.

I think it’s natural because it was a reason that even I didn’t fully understand.

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“Anyway, I think Ai-san is always thinking about Shimizu-san, too. “

” …well, if you insist so much, let’s leave it at that.”

Shimizu-san doesn’t seem convinced, but it seems like she understands what I’m saying.

“By the way, I met Ai-san for the first time today, but she’s a very kind onē-san, isn’t she?”

“Is it? She’s just doing what she wants to do.”

Maybe because she’s her family, Shimizu-san seems to have a strict evaluation of Ai-san.

“I do feel that she is faithful to her own desires, but I think she also pays attention to those around her. She was very easy to talk to even though I had never met her before, and the conversation was interesting and enjoyable.”


Huh, why does Shimizu-san seem slightly dissatisfied?

“Ai is much more inappropriate at home, you know.”

“Maybe she doesn’t have to worry about anything at home.”

“…She’s always fussing about how she doesn’t understand something before exams.”

“I see, she’s studying hard before the exams.”

Suddenly, Shimizu-san starts exposing things about Ai-san.

Is this payback for Ai-san exposing old memories at the family restaurant?

“Shimizu-san, why are you telling me about Ai-san’s shortcomings?”

“Because… you keep praising Ai… “

I don’t know why, but it seems that Shimizu-san doesn’t like it when only Ai-san is praised. In that case, I’ve decided what to do.

“If that’s the case, what would you like to be praised for, Shimizu-san?”

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“Huh? What is this all of a sudden?”

“Shimizu-san doesn’t like it when only Ai-san gets praised, right? If that’s the case, I thought it would be better to praise Shimizu-san too.”

I think it’s a good idea. It feels good to compliment someone and the person being praised would feel better too.

“What are you talking about? I don’t want it. Besides, there’s nothing to praise me for.”

Shimizu-san’s self-evaluation seems lower than I thought. It seems like I need to tell Shimizu-san about her good points.

“That’s not true. I will tell you what I think is good about Shimizu-san. First of all, you’re kind. Shimizu-san took the initiative to help me when I was the only one in charge of cutting the ingredients in the last cooking class. I think I told you that at that time, but it made me happy. Second, you’re hardworking. When you gave me bentō before, you were practicing cooking so hard that you had to wrap your fingers in band-aids. I admire that kind of effort. Third——”


“Err, why? I’m just getting started. “

“Too much, I’ve heard enough.”

Shimizu-san hides her mouth with a teddy bear plush, making it impossible for me to read her expression.

“You don’t have to be reserved because there’s still plenty of things I want to say.”

“I’m not being reserved. Just be quiet until we get to the station.”

When I looked closer at Shimizu-san, I noticed that her ears seemed to have turned slightly red.

She seemed to be embarrassed.

“Well, okay.”

From then on, Shimizu-san and I sat silently in our seats without speaking until we reached the nearest station.


TN: Probably Seto and Toshiya

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