Shimizu-san and the Shared Umbrella 3

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“It’s a story from when I was little. I had a friend named Yu-kun. I didn’t know where he was from, but he was always at the park. We played together, and before I knew it, Yu-kun and I became close friends.”

Shimizu-san quietly listens to my story.

“We played at the nearby park every day, but after about a year, older kids started coming to the park…”

“And then?”

“They started teasing me and Yu-kun. I ignored them, and Yu-kun didn’t react to them, so I thought Yu-kun didn’t mind either. But I was wrong. After an incident, Yu-kun suddenly stopped coming to the park.”

Shimizu-san didn’t say anything. She seems to be waiting for me to tell her the rest of the story.

“After that, no matter how many times I went to the park, Yu-kun wasn’t there. I regretted it so much at the time. I thought if I had told them to stop teasing us, maybe Yu-kun wouldn’t have disappeared. Since then, I’ve been trying not to have any regrets.”

It doesn’t seem like a big story when I finish telling it.

It’s not an exciting or amusing story either.

Neither Shimizu-san nor I say anything more, and only the sound of rain can be heard.



Shimizu-san was the first to open her mouth.

I didn’t expect to be apologized to, so I couldn’t come up with a proper response.

“I guess it’s something you don’t want to remember.”

Shimizu-san seems to be concerned about reminding me of a bitter memory.

“True, it was sad that we couldn’t meet anymore, but there were many happy memories with Yu-kun. I don’t dislike remembering them that much.”

“Aren’t you forcing yourself?”

“I’m really fine. Besides, I was happy.”

“What do you mean happy?”

“I’m happy that Shimizu-san showed interest in me.”


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Shimizu-san tries to keep a distance from me, so I hurriedly move to avoid her getting wet.

“Shimizu-san, don’t suddenly move like that.”

“T-that’s because you suddenly said something weird like that!”

I didn’t mean to say anything weird. Maybe I didn’t use the right words.

“Well, it’s just that I often talk to Shimizu-san, but it’s not often that Shimizu-san asks me questions. So when you ask me about myself like now, it makes me happy because it feels like we’re getting a little closer, Shimizu-san.”

“…Are you really happy about getting closer to someone like me?”

Shimizu-san muttered quietly.

“Of course I’m happy.”

“Ha? But why?”

“Well, because it’s fun being with Shimizu-san.”

“Fun being with me…”

“Yeah. Shimizu-san is always fun to talk to. “

“…You’re a strange person.”

Shimizu-san lowered her face, and I couldn’t see her expression.

“Is that so? Shimizu-san is a good listener and interesting to talk to, so I feel like other people would also enjoy talking to you.”

“You’re the only one who thinks like that.”

“Is it? By the way, Shimizu-san, your ears have been a little red since earlier. Are you okay? Is it because of the cold?”

“What? It’s not red at all.”

Shimizu-san reflexively turns toward me.

“Ah, your face is also a little red. Are you sure it’s not because you’re cold?”

“It’s not. It’s your misunderstanding.”

“If that’s the case, then it’s fine.”

I was worried it might be cold symptoms.

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“Then Shimizu-san, are you feeling nervous about something?”

“Why should I be nervous?”

“I mean, there are people whose face turns red when they get nervous, so I wondered if Shimizu-san might be like that too.”

“I-I’m not!”

It seems it’s not because of nervousness either.

If so, was it just my misunderstanding that her face looked redder than usual?

“Aren’t you the one who seems nervous?”

I guess it’s my turn to be suspected. I try to think if I’m feeling nervous.


“What do you mean ‘maybe’? What are you nervous about?”

“Uh? I’m nervous about sharing an umbrella together?”

“Ha? …Haa???”

In the gap between [Ha?] and [Haa?], Shimizu-san’s expression changed drastically

It changed from an expression that seemed to say, [What are you talking about?] to an expression that seemed to say, [So you were thinking something like that!?].

“I don’t think I said anything weird.”

“Just a moment ago, you were completely calm.”

“Is it? Maybe I’m the type whose thoughts don’t show on my face.”

“But still…”

I didn’t realize it myself, but maybe I have a poker face.

“It’s true that I was nervous.”

“R-really? What were you thinking right now?”

“Are you going to be repulsed if I tell you?”

“Depends on what you’re talking about.”

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That may be true, but I don’t want to say it and have her be repulsed.

As I think something like that, Shimizu-san lets out a small sigh.

“…okay. I’ll make an effort not to. So, what were you thinking?”

“Normally, I wouldn’t get this close to Shimizu-san, so I feel a little excited.”


Shimizu-san quickly tries to distance herself again from me, and I quickly move while still holding the umbrella.

“I already told you not to move suddenly Shimizu-san! And you said you wouldn’t be repulsed!”

“I just said I would make an effort! Also… if you said something like that…”

She said the latter part in a somewhat muffled voice, and it was a little difficult to hear.

“How about you, Shimizu-san? Have you ever shared an umbrella with someone before?”

“For me, it’s either getting wet together or lending an extra umbrella if someone has one.”

“Ai-san doesn’t seem to have an umbrella.”

“Even when it’s raining, that person probably doesn’t carry an umbrella.”


I couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s easy to imagine Ai-san dashing through the rain without an umbrella.

“In that case, Ai-san won’t be able to go home while it’s raining.”

“Well, hopefully the rain will stop before Ai returns.”

“I hope so.”

The conversation falls silent again.

The sound of rain I hear seems slightly weaker than before.

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“But it was unfortunate, by the way. If it weren’t for Ai, we could have gotten home before the rain started.”

“Yeah? I’m glad I could meet Shimizu-san and her today, though.”

“Why? “

Shimizu-san seems to not understand the reason.

It’s not that hard to figure out.

“It’s because I got to meet Shimizu-san’s sides that I don’t know.”


“A Shimizu-san who gets along with Ai-san, a Shimizu-san who is engrossed in games, it’s Shimizu-san’s sides that I never see in school. I’m happy to see a different side of you.”


Shimizu-san’s face became even redder than before. She seemed to realize it and turned her face away from me.

“…it’s fine now. “

“Shimizu-san? “

“I don’t need the umbrella anymore.”

“But it’s still raining…”

As I was about to say that, I noticed that the sound of rain had stopped.

When I looked up, the sunlight was peering through the gaps in the clouds.

“The rain has stopped, so we don’t need the umbrella anymore.”

“But it might start raining again… Ah, Shimizu-san?”

When I looked to the side, Shimizu-san wasn’t there.

Looking around, I saw Shimizu-san a few meters away, and her figure was gradually getting smaller.

It seems she decided to run back before the rain started again.

“See you later at school, Shimizu-san!”

I shouted to Shimizu-san, who was now too far away to hear me.

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