Chapter 14 Woman From the Previous Lifetime

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Qianhua was depressively turned back into her original form in front of the handsome king. She felt so ashamed that she intended to transfigure into a wisp of smoke to slip away. But at that moment, MoYunye was walking hurriedly towards her…

Maybe he was worried about her. Or maybe…

Qianhua was overthinking about the king’s next moves. She was guessing if the king would kick her away from his cherished statue and carefully stroke the tiny scratches on it if there was any.

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Of course, that was just a play in Qianhua’s mind.

"Fairy, did you hurt?" MoYunye caressed the soft spikes on the hedgehog with his slim fingers. A golden light flashed out from his palm. Qianhua was then stroked back to her human form.

Eastern Star God could’ve never expected his daughter would be hit by a tough ghost’s essential power and then be healed by the strongest god's spiritual power. So the sealing spell he casted on the plum blossom was not designed to last through such powerful procedure.

When Qianhua once again changed into human form, the petals on her forehead slowly dropped to the ground. Qianhua’s appearance switched back to her previous look. She again looked stunning and beautiful.

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MoYunye was never an emperor who would’ve been addicted to beauties. But…

When Qianhua looked up at him, Yunye was so shocked that he took three steps back. He stood stiff with his pupils slightly dilated; his face and lips suddenly turned pale. He acted as if he just saw a dead person came back to life.

Actually, in Yunye’s eyes, Qianhua looked indeed like a woman who had come back from the dead.

"Luo... LuoQian... "

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Qianhua waited a long while for him to finish his sentence. She had to correct him, "My name is Luo Qianhua!"

MoYunye realized his loss of decency from her innocent but unpleasant look. He calmed down quickly and became a gentleman again. He stroked his forehead to get the sweats, "And you are...?"

"I used to be a hedgehog on an island in the Eastern Sea. But then Eastern Star God found me and adopted me as his goddaughter. He said my spiritual power was gifted and I had the cultivation potential. If Heavenly King would like to take me, I could definitely cultivate into an immortal to join the Heavenly soon!" Qianhua was trying to flatter the king.
"The daughter of Eastern Star God… Daughter…" MoYunye seemed to be confused of something and kept softly repeating the word "daughter" for a long time.

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HanYing couldn’t wait for them to finish their conversation and started to interrupt sarcastically, "She's just a hedgehog who’s got a good-looking face. Her spiritual element was murky. Who knows whether she is a demon or a monster? How come Heavenly King paid so much attention to her instead of me?"

MoYunye got reminded that he had already checked Qianhua’s spiritual element earlier. He didn’t find out what her spiritual element exactly was, but he was sure that there was no trace of the spirit of flowers and trees in it. He was more disappointed than confused. Perhaps this fairy just looked a lot like her; their personalities were not at all alike.

At that time, Qianhua bent down to pick up the plum petals on the ground and tried to rub them back to her forehead. Of course the petals fell down again. Just when she was about to get depressed, MoYunye grabbed her wrist tenderly. A cool air flow transferred from the king to Qianhua’s fingertips. The plum petals got stuck back to Qianhua’s forehead like before. Hence her face got disguised again.

Heavenly King deserved to be the top powerful god.

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