Chapter 16 Heavenly King Wants A Hedgehog

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Eastern Star God had to think back about the dramatic conversation with Heavenly King in his Bloomy Garden. His daughter could’ve never imagined what happened there: MoYunye started with serious questioning, then generally turned into humble entreating, and finally lost his temper with screaming. He was so desperate to find out the truth about Qianhua. His look was urgent and full of obsession; and his face was twisted from pain and frustration. 

Eastern Star God, however, decided to keep the great secret to himself and refused firmly to back down a little. MoYunye had no choice but suggest having Qianhua stay with him temporarily before he could clear his own doubts and confusions. Eastern Star God took the suggestion. He believed that it could be Yunye’s chance to slowly make up to the past lifetime’s regret in this current life.

Indeed, that’s the story behind.

Currently, Qianhua was pumped about her opportunity to stay in the Heavenly. And so was the thorn on her waist. She held extremely tight to Qinahua’s waistband and waited for Qianhua to walk her godfather out of the South Gate. She was hoping to stay back here together with Qianhua for her adorable Heavenly King.

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Qianhua was planning to take her little request, which unfortunately got stopped by Heavenly King later.
"Meatball should go back to the Ghost realm." That night in YunQi Hall - MoYunye’s sleeping hall - all attendants were out of the hall on the king’s command. Qianhua and HanYing were left alone with MoYunye. 

"Why can’t I stay?" HanYing felt aggrieved and stared angrily at Qianhua, "Don't get deluded by her beauty, Yunye. Give me another two years, I will certainly beat her!"

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Qianhua rolled her eyes and asked coldly, "Could beauty… also be cultivated? "

Except for short-time transfigurations, the human appearance of an individual is born unchangeable forever. It is absolutely impossible for a ghost to transplant face by cultivation. 

MoYunye shook his head and at the same time sighed, "I'm afraid not. Meatball, you may not know that I have been engaged with the daughter of Moon Goddess, Yixue. There surely wouldn’t be any marriage for me to unite the Ghost realm by.
Qianhua felt some inexplicable inches on her heart when she heard that. She figured if she was just feeling sad for the ghost woman.

Qianhua recalled the pretty fairy she saw over the banquet, who was sitting next to Moon Goddess. Her eyes were clear and mild, just like the ones of MoYunye.

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They could make a cute couple!
"Since the king has told you the reason, you should listen to him and get back to your brother immediately. HanGe is always full of wicked thoughts. He could kidnap a nest of men to the Ghost realm for you to pick a lover from!" Qianhua pulled up the ghost lady who was crying at her feet and talked sarcastically. Right before HanYing stood up, MoYunye waved his hand gently at her. The ghost was suddenly surrounded by a golden glow.

"Yunye, you..."

"I’m sending you home right now."

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Upon MoYunye’s words, the light circle carried HanYing up and flew out of YunQi Hall rapidly, heading for the South Gate.    

It happened so fast that Qianhua didn’t realize she was left alone with MoYunye now.

When Yunye looked at her tenderly, she suddenly felt softhearted and quivered a little.

Qianhua was not a weak hedgehog the whole time. But somehow since she came to the Heavenly, her thorns had been softly hanging on her body and fully lack of fighting capacity. One could hardly tell she was once a tricky poisonous hedgehog!

At the moment, MoYunye slowly paced over to Qianhua, which was making her very nervous…

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