Chapter 4 It’s a Sugared Trap

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After a long while, the ghost in blue, who mistakenly saw Qianhua as a pile of spring-mud, finally realized that she was an overwhelmed hedgehog. He hurriedly rescued her from HuanLanSha and HunMu. He touched the still hedge ball to check if she was still alive before nervously handed her over to HanGe, "Congratulations my King, our realm has another new ghost!"


HanGe spitted out the jasmine tea he just took a sip of, and rolled his eyes to give an unpleased look.
"Ghost King, do you feel too excited?" This ghost seemed to have a handsome face but a dumb head. It is said that he used to be the head of the Heavenly Book Palace, named YanSi. He then made a mistake and was sentenced to the punishment of five thunder-strikes. He should have turned into ashes after the execution, but somehow left a piece of soul that dropped to the Ghost realm. The Ghost king liked his simple personality, so kept him aside.

There are different guesses about YanSi’s sin; some people say that he was too bold to challenge the Heavenly principles, and some people say that he was too silly to annoy the Heavenly King. After the ten minutes in the Ghost Hall, Qianhua chose to believe the second guess!
At that time, HanGe pulled Qianhua into his arms, and started sobbing, "My Huahua... my Huahua! Don’t you leave me alone! I can’t live without you..."

Such a king of the ghosts knew exactly the lines from the typical human plays! After Qianhua despised him sincerely, she opened her eyes and said: "I want to be a woman. If I can only be a hedgehog, I’d rather die!"

HanGe moved his lips, and stopped the pretended sorrow on his face. He now looked gentle and soft. As he slowly flipped over his palm, Qianhua rolled down from his finer tips. She immediately cultivated into the human form, and sat right on HanGe’s laps like a close couple.

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Then all the three ghosts, HunMu, HuanLanSha and YanSi, shouted like they were hit on the head:

"Where is this beauty coming from?"

"I haven't seen such a stunning ball for many years!"

"Oh, oh, she is born… too gorgeous!"


Although the words sounded a bit awkward, Qianhua felt their compliments very pleasing. At least they seemed more sincere than the cheers for the king. Qianhua slightly lowered her head and looked shy, “Thanks, I’m just a normal woman.” 

HanGe heard this and grinned, “How about we set this beauty for exhibitions in our realm for two days?"
Qianhua didn’t even wait for the three ghosts to answer. She covered half of her face with her slender fingers and smiled lightly, "I need something in return for your exhibition with me. You need to take care of my food and living. You also need to promise me that you shall never take me as a ghost."

Never to be a ghost means immortality. Qianhua thought, even if one day she lost her life and her own spiritual power is not strong enough to preserve a piece of her soul, at least she could reincarnated in human world with HanGe’s promise. As long as she’s not trapped in the Ghost realm with all the gloomy ghosts and suffer from the mourning, she would appreciate it.
However, HanGe turned her down in a second, "Huahua, if you end up to be a ghost, you always have me to accompany you. Don’t you think we’ll be the perfect couple?"

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Qianhua felt that HanGe was really not a generous king.

"So, you are not giving me your promise?"

"Huahua, let me tell you from my 3,999 years ghost experience, being a ghost would be your most free and unfettered life."

"You are almost four thousand years old, and I wish you a forever ghost life!"

Qianhua wasn’t happy about his words, but her sarcasm didn’t really help - She was arranged with a moist and depressing guestroom.


Well, Qianhua never gives up easy.

She shall get something from HanGe if not his promise.

It was late in the night. The half moon dimed the garden and everything looked silent. Such a good time to sneak out!

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Qianhua covered herself in a lake blue robe, and slipped out of the guestroom. She was heading to the most magnificently decorated palace in the realm. 

She had heard of a legend, that if one could take a trace of the Ghost King’s soul in the midnight, one would be immortal.

Although Qianhua didn’t really know how to extract the soul, she felt necessary to take a peak at the Ghost King’s bedroom first. If she happened to figure it out after one peak, it would be a bonus for tonight. Besides, the king never turned off the lights when he slept, which made his sleeping palace the brightest building on the land. It was too hard to miss this luxury destination.
Just when Qianhua got close to the palace, she could hear someone talk inside –

"She is only a spirit after all, though she has been with the Eastern Star God for five hundred years, her power is still weak. You can transfigure to be like her and carefully follow the Eastern Star God to the Heavenly. No one would catch you." That was HanGe’s voice.

"Thank you so much, brother! If I can get married with the Heavenly King, you will be the Heavenly royal relative! You don’t have to suffer here anymore!" Qianhua heard another woman’s sweet voice.
"Hey hey hey, how many times I’ve told you, I am just as honorable as the Heavenly king and the Demon king. Don’t you judge my realm to be the lowest class in all realms, like everyone else."

"Then how come you are not invited to the Heavenly party?"

"Well, the Demon king is not invited either."

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"The whole world knows that they hate each other for a thousand year! But brother, you are neutral. What kind of king would take your present but not invite you to the celebration?"
"He said it was just a family get-together. A group of gods hanging out, with no guests from outside the heavenly, sounds boring to me."

"If that, how can I meet the Heavenly King??"

"Can’t you see it? Your dear brother took the Star God’s daughter here! I’ll help trap her here so you can use her identity to get in the event. As for whether you can take the chance to seduce the king there, it will be all on you."

"Hah, you know your sister is hot and charming. Not even a king can walk away from me!"

Outside the door, Qianhua tightened her robe, and then headed away from the palace. She could feel the chilly breeze on her face.

She couldn’t believe that it turned out to be a sugared trap!

HanGe used his golden turtle and took advantage of her curiosity; he lured her into the Ghost realm. Qianhua now might be trapped here for much longer than two days. She would have to wait till the Ghost princess wins over the Heavenly King on his own birthday party! She would definitely miss the opportunity to visit the Heavenly!
Qianhua was furious. If they politely asked her to take the princess along to the Heavenly as her retinue, she might agree. But instead they tricked her and tried to steal her premium identity of a god relative! Unforgivable! Qianhua couldn’t stand it and decided to do something to protect herself.

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