Since Eastern Star God didn’t give Qianhua a clear answer to her question, MoYunye would probably dodge about it as well. Just as she expected, he stood towards the Heavenly River and watched a small distant meteor shower silently.

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Qianhua waited for a while and still got no response. She sighed and had to ask between the teeth, "Why did you take me here?"

"A thousand years ago, I met her by the Heavenly River. She was wearing a snowy velvet dress and stood in the waterfall of stars. She was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen." MoYunye looked up at the stars, immersing himself in his best memories. But all of a sudden, he looked back at Qianhua and spoke coldly, "Do you remember that?"

Qianhua was surprised and also bewildered.
MoYunye sneered. He stretched out his hand and touched her slightly opened lips. His face was alienated and indifferent, "I used to think you were her reincarnation, but... I can't find any trace of her on you except for that face."

Qianhua felt a bit disappointed. If she had no connection with last Flower Goddess at all, there would be hardly any benefit for her to get out of her face.

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"She was cold and apathetic to everything. Only once in her life, she turned warm and kind for me. But I abandoned her to the abyss...” MoYunye talked slowly. His eyes were full of regrets and pains.

Qianhua frowned. Her proposal was neither what she really meant nor what he really expected. But she continued her joke, "If you really feel guilty, you can just give the compensation to me. When I become a superior immortal and live joyfully in the Heavenly, won’t you feel better to see LuoQian’s face be happy?"

Qianhua wanted to slap herself from the bottom of her heart. She was confused about whether she was using a big excuse just to find out the truth. She was also not sure about whether the truth worth her future married life. She stroked her forehead and tried to stay calm.
MoYunye was obviously negative about her illusive idea, "Why do you want to be an immortal so much? You’d rather give out the rest of your life? What if I said yes?"

"Go ahead to marry you!" Qianhua didn’t think it through.

Moyunye paused again. He stared at Qianhua’s stunning face silently. The springs in his eyes gradually gathered into a deep lake, which was clear but bottomless. He finally opened his lips, "I will marry you."

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This time, Qianhua was shocked, "You... You are kidding me?”

MoYunye shook his head. His smiling eyes were somehow trickery.

"You... You say it again?”

"I'll marry you."


"I meant it."

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"You can stop wondering. I will take your proposal and marry you."

"You... Why?"

MoYunye laughed. Qianhua was repeating his previous reactions. She was shocked, doubtful and confused, just like the way he was.
"Wait a minute, let me think about it..." Qianhua took several steps away from MoYunye. The scattered stars covered her light blue tutu dress. It looked just as jumbled as Qianhua’s mind at that moment. According to her plan, MoYunye should’ve spit out some hints to the truth she was looking for when he was too overwhelmed with her unreasonable proposals. However, ironically, now she was the one got trapped in her own plot.

Would an easy gain lead to an easy lose?

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"Marriage is never a joke, mostly not for a king! Are you sure you are sober enough to make the decision?"


"I don’t even know what kind of connection I have with that Flower Goddess. But if you really have decided, it will be me LuoQianhua you are marrying, not LuoQian!"

"I know!"

MoYunye’s face was glowing and looked convinced. LuoQianhua smiled, “Good… very good! If that, how about we pick tomorrow to be the big day?”

They surprised the entire Heavenly…

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