The future Heavenly Queen got robbed before she even stepped into the king’s palace. And no one had a clue about the responsible robber’s identity. MoYunye was outraged!

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The whole Heavenly was shocked. HuangfuYaruo suggested her self’s demotion for punishment of losing the bride, but got dissuaded by Eastern Star God. MoYunye talked to the immortals in a deep voice, "It happened out of a sudden. If anyone could break into the fully secured Bloomy Garden, he must be an advanced creature. Rain Goddess, it is not necessary to blame yourself."

"But what creature is that? Such a presumptuous person to challenge the entire Heavenly!” Immortals were talking sharply about the intruder. And someone responded, "Didn't Ghost King say something about taking the future Heavenly Queen away?"

Another round of discussion started.

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Earlier MoYunye didn’t take HanGe’s impulsive words seriously. Now thinking back about his unreconciled face and angry words, MoYunye felt doubtful. He quickly decided to take off to the Ghost realm, followed by a troop of the Heavenly army.
"Ah? I haven't started it yet!"

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When MoYunye and his soldiers arrived at the Ghost Palace, they found HanGe fully prepared with his armor and blade. He was just about to head out towards the Heavenly with his ghost warriors. But they had not yet taken off!

Qianhua was not robbed by Ghost King.

One general of MoYunye’s troop immediately suspected, "Maybe they have already hidden the future queen and now attempt to fool us!"

Before HanGe could jump up to fight the general, MoYunye stepped out to stop the meaningless quarrel.

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On the way over, MoYunye had already hesitated about the incident. HanGe was always such a braggart that he would never quietly take the bride away in the preparation hall. He would rather make a scene in the middle of the ceremony where every guest could witness the robbery. Thus, MoYunye had to accept another trickier suspect in his mind - The one who captured Qianhua might be the most intimidating enemy of the Heavenly and him!
The Demon King, NanLiyue!

The day when the Demon Bell rang all night long, MoYunye was concerned about the unusual actions in the Demon realm if there was any. However he wasn’t notified of anything that night. Then when he was overwhelmed of preparing the wedding, NanLiYue finally took unexpected actions about the abnormal bell alerts.

Even as powerful as the Demon King, it was hard to sneak into the Heavenly with his demon scent. MoYunye felt awful about the fact that someone in the Heavenly must’ve used an immortal’s essence bead to help the demon to hide the scent. Otherwise he would definitely catch the invader in time...

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After MoYunye returned from the Ghost realm, his maid fairy LingXi just turned conscious. She hurriedly informed her master about her suspicion of fairy YiXue.

"At that time fairy YiXue came to Bloomy Garden without advance notice. She was anxious and seemed to have something important to tell. So we servants were all approaching to her..." LingXi cried, "Then there blew over a black wind, and that was the last thing I remembered. Now since fairy YiXue was the only one didn’t pass out like us, she must be an accomplice of the robber!"

MoYunye calmed his maid fairy down and set her to the back for further recovery treatments. He was about to summon fairy YiXue to his palace, but was told that she was currently waiting right outside.

YiXue stepped inside in a light purple sheer dress. She looked pale; her pink cheeks were tear stained. She dared not look up to MoYunye’s gloomy face. She stopped in front of MoYunye and then kneeled down on the floor in an elegant but humble manner. She spoke guiltily, "Heavenly King needs no more investigations. The immortal who helped to cover Demon King’s scent, was my mother…"

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