The whole time, NanLiyue faced towards Qianhua but looked away from her. To him, it seemed that Qianhua’s stunning face was sealed in a frozen flower from the last century. He easily drew his arm out of Qianhua’s hands and stepped towards KuangZe. He gave him his order, “Go get Blueflame.”

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His voice was pleasing yet his words were the opposite. Qianhua couldn’t stay quiet, “Who is Blueflame? What kind of name is that? What are you going to do? Why you keep ignoring me??”
NanLiyue turned around and left Qianhua with his slim back. His purple golden gown was waving inside the wind-less cave. Qianhua’s complaints were waved away to the end of the dark cave.

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KuangZe left with the king’s demand. NangongXiaoxiao poked Qianhua gently and lowered her voice, “Blueflame is a cannibal wolf…”
Qianhua was shocked. Her face suddenly turned pale. Cannibal wolf! Is NanLiyue planning on feeding his wolf something neither immortal nor demon?

Before KuangZe got back with the beast, Qianhua felt necessary to explain about herself to the king. “I’m just a little hedgehog. I’m surrounded with spikes, which is no way tasty! Back the first time I cultivated into the human figure, I didn’t mean to end up with this face!”

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NangongXiaoxiao seemed to have something more to say when NanLiyue slowly turned around. He gradually glared at this freaked out woman with his sharp eyes. His face was still cold, “Blueflame can tell who you are.”

NangongXiaoxiao exhaled. The sentence she didn’t finish was that: The so-called cannibal beast took only the creatures with pure essence, not a spirit with misty essence inside.

It might be offensive if she did speak out that sentence. Now Qianhua was focusing on the king’s deep eyes. It took her a while to start talking again, “There is a purple fire inside your eyes.”

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NanLiyue’s face was like an ice sculpture: cold and stiff. Of course LuoQianhua didn’t notice the tiny wave flashed inside his eyes.
The motion was covered perfectly. Even insanely sensitive Qianhua missed the trace. She felt disappointed, “Would the demon scent flow out of the Demon King’s mouth if he speaks? Why isn’t he questioning me after he kidnapped me?” She moved closer over to NanLiyue as she spoke. Perhaps she was still curious about the purple fire in his eyes. However NanLiyue stepped back to keep distance from her and looked away. 
That second Qianhua noticed his frowning. She got excited, “Hah, your face is not a sculpture after all!”

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Again, NanLiyue hummed about it.
The first time Qianhua met this man, she felt cold. Now, she felt pride. It was a different type with KuangZe’s overconfidence. It was not young adult’s immatureness but a kind of nature deterrence. If tears froze over a thousand years, it could turn into an ablation cone with revenge. Nothing could melt it.

Qianhua gave up. She didn’t want to over push him. She moved back and stood next to NangongXiaoxiao like an obedient kid. 

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