KuangZe felt the guest’s sincere fear and laughed with satisfaction, “Our Blueflame was starved for days. He could finally have a meal today!”

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Blueflame slowly walked towards Qianhua and howled with KuangZe’s words. Its fangs seemed fierce and cruel. 
LuoQianhua was too frightened to clear her minds; she almost switched back to her original form. At that moment, she heard NangongXiaoxiao’s voice from her spaced transmission, “Don’t be scared! They are teasing you. Blueflame only bites when irritated; and his hairs will turn red when he’s mad. Now he is calm and harmless to you.”

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Qianhua paused for a while and looked at NangongXiaoxiao for confirmation. When she was confirmed from Nangong’s nodding, she stepped out from Nangong’s behind. Before Blueflame got any closer, Qianhua moved ahead herself… KuangZe was surprised. So was the wolf.
“White boy! You don’t rest during the daytime but keep wondering around for what?” Qianhua jumped at Blueflame’s face and started stroking his back and rubbing her head against his. Qianhua’s heart was actually beating like crazy; and she was prepared to change back into a hedgehog to resist the wolf’s fangs anytime. She bet her spirit life on NangongXiaoxiao’s words.
Qianhua made a balled move. She decided to save her own dignity in the Demon realm: A future Heavenly Queen would not embarrass herself.

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However… Blueflame’s hairs started to turn pink from his ears to his elegant back. The silver shinning of the hairs became flame color…

Qianhua was shocked. Was Nangong messing with her? Blueflame could’ve been peaceful, yet got pissed by her “friendly” hug?

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The only thing Qianhua could do at that moment was to stay where she was. She circled Blueflame tightly with both arms and looked away from his savage mouth.
After a long while of their awkward hug, the color of Blueflame’s hairs gradually faded away. The wolf turned snowy again and his stiff back recovered to be soft. Qianhua felt the change and froze her moves. A heavy and warm wolf paw patted her shoulder.

NangongXiaoxiao released finally. She reminded Qianhua about the wolf’s temper to calm her down. But she would never expect this woman jumped over to hug him. Blueflame was always aloof and arrogant, whom obviously she would offend. Nevertheless, the wolf’s instant recovery was out of everyone’s expectation. Nangong had to admit that the hedgehog spirit must have some special charm. 

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KuangZe, on the other hand, got ditched on the side. He was jealous of the fact that Qianhua won over Blueflame so fast. If he knew this cold wolf loved to be hugged, he would’ve done that hundreds of years ago.

Qianhua was the most thrilled one there. Before she could have some sweet talks with her new friend, Blueflame’s body got larger in her arms. She could no longer circle his neck and gently fled down. She rolled on the ground like a ball. 

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