NanLiyue sighed. No one could tell if he was sighing with concerns or blames. Fragness Yao slowly sit up against the bedside. She seemed to have trouble breathing smooth but pretended to be fine. “Don’t listen to Ru. I’ve been weak for the whole time. Perhaps I got over exhausted hunting for spotted snake in the garden for Nangong’s whip the other day. So my body responded badly to the medicines today…”

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“No matter what made you feel worse, you should have some good rest now. No need to talk more. You should lie down.” NanLiyue refused to take more of her explanation and stepped over to help tuck her in. He softly grabbed her wrist and transmitted a trace of demon essence over for healing. Yao’s face started to turn ruddy; and her breaths got steady and normal. NanLiyue released her hand when she closed her eyes. He turned around and walked out of the room with the same cold face as he walked in.

When returned back to his own LengHua Palace, NanLiyue’s emotionless face finally showed a hint of sorrow. The pain froze behind his deep eyes as if there was a flower faded inside them. He was similar to a wild wolf, which was cold by nature and only exposed the tiredness inside its own cave.

Was he sad?
Although he wasn’t there, he had received Blueflame’s notice:

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“King, she has no LuoQian’s soul.”

If that, what he kept this woman for?
For the threat to MoYunye? NanLiyue was too pride to do such mean job. There was no need for him to take all the accusation to trap a spirit with no connection to LuoQian. This silly spirit put an eavesdrop thorn on him and was lucky to break the enchantment at its weakest hour. Now she was heading over to his palace…

NanLiyue smiled. The sorrow on his face changed…

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“Bro, could you send over another bowl of soup? I… I spilt this one…”

Qianhua tripped over the jade soup bowl and walked to the cave entrance. She acted like a poor starving lady behind the thin enchantment and talked to the food delivery servants.

The servants turned around and checked her out. They were obviously stunned by her beautiful and innocent face. They asked carefully, “What soup do you want, lady?”

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“Snake soup.”

“But there is no snake around here…”

“That’s not true.” Qianhua lit a candle and tired to lighten up the cave walls. Hundreds of small snakes were moving across each other up on the walls.

There used to be monsters inside Soulock Cave, which Qianhua witnessed after she woke up. But NanLiyue dispersed them to leave Qianhua alone safe in the cave before he left. So the servants were surprised to see the snakes there.

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“Where do they come from?”

“How should I know? I was having my meal and saw the snakes all over the ground. It’s horrible! Could you guys help me to clear them out?”

This attractive woman’s request was hard to refuse when she bit her lips and used an adorable voice. The servants looked at each other for a second and walked directly into the cave through the enchantment.

The enchantment at the entrance was set for entries and against exits. Now Qianhua made the servants step inside. Next she needed a plan to send herself out. 

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