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Chapter – 104 Shaken to the core (2)

Surrounded by deafening noise, Su Luo felt a murderous air sailing over her head in passing.

Half of her head peeked out from within the hole. Su Luo was astonished when her eyes met with the Venerable divine dragon’s icy-cold eyes.

After one deadly attack by him, she was miraculously still alive! The Venerable divine dragon frowned in displeasure. “Shameless human, you dare to rob me of my son!”

Since the silly little dragon was not around, with a wave of the Venerable divine dragon’s hand, her life would end.

Su Luo glanced at what little remained of Er Huang’s body. She nervously swallowed and changed her expression to a flattering smile. Her starry eyes looked at the divine beast, silently made a solemn vow, and clenched her fist. “Your Venerable divine dragon sir! That was a misunderstanding, a complete misunderstanding! It was absolutely not what you think! I certainly had no intention of kidnapping the little dragon from Your Eminence!”

Su Luo was determined to never divulge the truth about what happened. The consequences of admitting her guilt came down to one word: death!

The highest level of deceit is not to fool another, but to fool even yourself! Su Luo made a fist. She was going to lie at a level approaching the celestial realm.

The Venerable divine dragon lowered his eyes, sweeping her with a look of disdain: “I’ll give you a chance to explain.”

The next few words would determine whether she would live or die. She hurriedly inverted right from wrong in her mind and began to speak. In summary, the story was that in order to let the divine dragon concentrate on defeating the phoenix, she had taken away the little divine dragon to protect him. Finally, Su Luo said wholeheartedly, “In the end, the little divine dragon was returned to you without a single hair harmed on his head.”

The Venerable divine dragon’s cold eyes were filled with deadly stillness. He disdainfully glanced at Su Luo. “Despicable human, you dared to make an equal contract with my son!”

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Divine dragons were very distinguished while despicable humans were insignificant, yet both sides had entered into a contract of equals. How could the Venerable divine dragon accept this?

At this time, the Venerable divine dragon had one hand behind his back. From within his sleeve, something small began to move. A small provocative head poked out as if desiring to get out. However, with just a pat by the Venerable divine dragon, it became confused and disoriented, thus tumbling back into the sleeve.

Su Luo began to cry inside her heart. If she said that it was the little divine dragon who had initiated the contract, she speculated that the Venerable divine dragon would definitely kill her with one slap. However, the Venerable divine dragon might not know all of the facts of the matter.

Su Luo wiped her sweat. She could only try to divert the Venerable divine dragon’s attention.

Su Luo pointed to Er Huang’s mutilated body with a look of indignation. “The Venerable divine dragon. When this shameless disciple saw me holding the little dragon before, she tried to force me to surrender the little dragon. She tied me up, the results of which you can clearly see. When I told her that the little divine dragon had to be returned to you, she attempted to kill me to vent her anger! Fortunately, we encountered you, the Venerable divine dragon! Your Eminence descended like the immortal god of justice. Your prestige and might are as vast as the oceans, your mighty dragon appearance is formidable…….The Venerable divine dragon had the kindness to save me, I…..will engrave it into my heart. Even if I were to die ten thousand times, I won’t speak of this!”

The Venerable divine dragon let out a –humph– sound, lifted his chin, and knotted his brows. “Graceful words, definitely the flowery speech of humans.”

Su Luo silently thought: you knew that the words were elegant but insincere, yet weren’t you very pleased to hear it?

The Venerable divine dragon looked at the shattered pieces of the corpse and also looked at Su Luo’s thin and weak body. His brows once again wrinkled. “Incapable human, even such a tiny ant dared to take unfair advantage of you.”

Okay, Su Luo conceded. This Venerable divine dragon was very literate and accomplished, every word was full of condescending sarcasm.

Despicable human, shameless human, incapable human,…–XX–human, the space before human could be filled with a million derogatory words according to his whim.

It actually should not be too surprising. Confronting the human race, the dragon race had a natural superiority complex.

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The dragon population grew very slowly. However, each baby dragon that was born had outstanding innate talent. Even if they did not cultivate while maturing and just spent time eating and sleeping, they can still stand shoulder to shoulder with the strongest humans.

However, the ant that the Venerable divine dragon referred to was Er Huang, right?

Su Luo defended herself, “That was because earlier my spiritual power was sealed. Of course I wouldn’t be able to beat her. Once I’ve learned some magical techniques, naturally I will be far better than her!”

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Chapter 105 – Shaken to the core (3)

Suddenly, a slender hand was placed on Su Luo’s head.

Was he about to swat her dead?

While Su Luo was at a loss, a sudden burst of throbbing pain rushed through her head.

With just a moment’s effort, the Venerable divine dragon withdrew his hand, and reluctantly expressed his satisfaction. “The Dragon Ring actually recognized you, a shallow, crippled human, as its owner. What a waste.”

First, excluding whether she was shallow or not, but a cripple… the corner of Su Luo’s mouth twitched.

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Fine, this world was one where strength ruled, whatever the person with the hardest fist said was the truth.

Just when she was in the midst of being depressed, she felt the Restraining Spirit Rope binding her loosen. Once more, she raised her head, and saw that the Restraining Spirit Rope which was in the venerable divine dragon’s hand, had been reduced to fine powder.

Really worthy of being called the mighty and powerful Venerable divine dragon…

Just as Su Luo was sighing ruefully, she suddenly saw a dark shadow being thrown towards her arms, which she subconsciously caught.

“Awoo awoo~~~~” The adorable little dragon looked up at her with his cute little face. His large watery and clear eyes looked at Su Luo with a aggrieved expression.

This is… Su Luo was confused by the Venerable divine dragon’s action. Why would he throw his family’s treasured son to her? Didn’t he spend a great deal of effort chasing after the little dragon before recovering him?

“Take good care of him.” The Venerable divine dragon frowned. Subsequently, he tossed a jade piece at her in a haughty and dismissive manner.

“What is this?” Su Luo carefully sized up that white piece of jade. It was smooth and glossy, like crystallized amber. Her beautiful eyes observed the amber alertly with a very perplexed expression.

Could the divine dragon really be this nice? He actually gave her something?

“Ignorant human.” The Venerable divine dragon’s lowered eyebrows expressed his dissatisfaction, both hands tucked behind his back. In a rare moment, he made a lengthy statement. “Contained inside the jade piece is my spirit strength, condensed into a virtual image of me. In case little Meng encounters danger, after you crush the jade, this virtual image will come out to help.”

The Venerable divine dragon’s virtual image formed from his spirit strength? Since His Venerableness was so confident in himself, then it would be very powerful, right? Then from now on…

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“This piece of jade can only be used once.” The Venerable divine dragon lifted an eyebrow and shot her an indifferent glance, “Inside, there is a manual of Dimensional Imprint instructions, whether you can learn it all depends on your ability and luck.”

Su Luo was dumbfounded. In other words, if she still hasn’t finished learning the Dimensional Imprint when she crushes this piece of jade that could save her life only once, then wouldn’t she be unable to learn Dimensional Imprint later? This was indeed a difficult choice to make.

Seeing Su Luo’s confused and conflicted appearance, the Venerable divine dragon was extremely pleased. He used his absolute superiority as an advantage to look down on her and apathetically said: “If my son has an accident, you will die.”

The Venerable divine dragon gave the adorable little dragon a glare that conveyed the feeling of hating the iron for not becoming steel. However, the adorable little dragon took no note of it as he flashed his huge limpid and bright eyes at Su Luo. His pair of paws tenaciously grabbed onto Su Luo’s sleeves and refused to let go.

Not waiting for Su Luo to respond, the Venerable divine dragon used a little strength to rub the adorable little dragon’s head. He decisively flung his sleeves, his tall figure then vanished without a trace.

After the Venerable divine dragon disappeared, golden rays of light flashed from the adorable little dragon’s body. While Su Luo was looking on, the adorable little dragon’s body unexpectedly underwent a huge change!

The originally fang-baring and claw-brandishing young dragon had turned into a cute, lovable puppy. Furthermore, his body was enshrouded in white velvety fur that meekly drooped to the ground.

This type of whole body transformation caused Su Luo to be completely dumbfounded. The little dragon had actually turned into a puppy?

However, this way was also good. Su Luo had originally been worried that after taking the little dragon into human society, with her current strength, she would not be able to protect him. Now that the Venerable divine dragon had turned him into a puppy, this relieved her of countless burdens.

It seemed that although the Venerable divine dragon looked indifferent and heartless, he had thought over this situation very thoroughly and meticulously.

“ah hu, hu, hu~~~” The adorable little dragon squirmed around in Su Luo’s embrace, like a little piglet.

“You little hot potato, alas…” Su Luo glared at the little thing in front of her and used her slender fingers to poke his head.

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