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Chapter 174 – Schemes within a scheme (6)

Their existence, repeatedly reminded her of Su Zian’s unfaithfulness to her.

Formerly, in order to preserve her face, she could tolerate them hanging around in front of her eyes. However, now that Su Wan was already ruined for the greater part, she could ignore her. For the rest of Su Wan’s life, she wouldn’t be able to crawl back up.

However, she still had a final worth that could be exploited.

Right now, only Su Luo was left.

Thinking of Su Luo, the maliciousness in Madam Su’s eyes became even more intense.

Back then, when the general admitted that woman into Su Manor. Everyday, they were a loving affectionate couple and that woman had been unfailingly favored.

If it weren’t for her finally taking action to personally put that woman to death, maybe the position of the general’s wife would already be that slut’s.

She didn’t know if Su Luo’s, that little slut’s daughter, luck could be considered good or bad.

If Su Luo had grown to look somewhat like that little slut, then Madam Su would have already taken action to have her killed.

Maybe it was also because Su Luo did not grow to look like that little slut, so she could not obtain the general’s favor.

If it weren’t for the fact that she was a girl, she would really be suspicious that the child had been switched by that slut.

There were actually mother-daughter pairs that grew up to look completely different, it was truly hard for people to believe.

Madam Su leisurely and unworriedly sampled the fragrant tea. Whenever she thought about how she would get rid of both concubine’s daughters in one shot, her mood became extremely carefree.

That same night.

The night was pitch-black like ink.

In Su Luo’s dilapidated courtyard.

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Su Luo was not affected at all by Su Wan’s incident. She also had no idea that she was being targeted by Madam Su.

As before, she continued to sleep, regardless of day or night, sleeping from when twilight lighted up the sky to the darkness of the night.

Meanwhile, her spirit was in her space, arduously practicing to cultivate the great Dimensional Imprint.

Ever since she last used it on the black-clothed man, Su Luo was extremely optimistic about this great Dimensional Imprint.

She continuously engaged in practice drills, and now, that originally tadpole-sized little black dot had grown a lot. This time, when it was condensed out, it was the size of an apple.

Su Luo experimented with it, the power compared to when she had previously used the little black dot had as much as doubled.

This discovery immediately made her ecstatic.

However at the same time, she was also grieved to discover that her crystal stones had almost all been consumed.

The source stones taken from Elder Zi Huo’s cave, at that time were peeled open by the adorable little dragon. Afterwards, the majority of the top-notch crystal stones were then used to save Nangong Liuyun’s life.

By then, only a few tiny pieces remained in her hand.

Moreover, these few pieces were not exclusively for her use. She had to leave some for the adorable little dragon to eat as snacks.

Su Luo discovered that the adorable little dragon could also grow and advance in levels through gobbling up the crystal stones.

Therefore, what she now lacked the most were crystal stones. If she had more crystal stones, then the speed of her cultivation would advance by leaps and bounds.

If she didn’t have crystal stones, then her cultivation speed would greatly decrease and eventually become stagnant.

However, how could crystal stones be so easy to obtain? Couldn’t you see that all those great influential families were reluctant to use it?

If she were to buy it, the price would simply scare her to death.

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Therefore, the only method was to gamble on source stones.

However…Su Luo sighed. Currently, she was absolutely the poorest beggar among beggars. Because from the top to the bottom of her body, she didn’t even have a single gold coin.

Without gold coins, how could she go and gamble on stones?

It truly was that a single monetary coin could confound a hero.

Su Luo tossed and turned on her bed, having a hard time falling asleep. She continuously pondered on how to earn her first pot of gold.

Once she had her first pot of gold, then relying on the adorable little dragon’s ability to find treasures, she would absolutely win a bundle from gambling stones. Nobody would be able to match her success rate.

The night gradually became darker.

All around, not a sound could be heard. There were only the sounds from the blowing wind passing by.

All of a sudden, the adorable little dragon appeared. Who knew from which hole he popped out of, in his mouth, he had a sparkling and shiny thing.

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Chapter 175 – Schemes within a scheme (7)

Su Luo snatched it away and looked at it, immediately, she was struck dumb.

Could it be that the gods especially favored her?

Was she really the bastard daughter of the goddess of fortune?

At this moment, even she herself somewhat believed it.

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The thing being held in the adorable little dragon’s mouth was none other than a gold coin. It glittered with golden light, authentic-looking, it was a gold coin cast by the imperial government.

What was strange was that this gold coin had some moist soil on it.

“Where did it come from? Is there more?” Su Luo turned over and got off her bed, and in high spirits, held the adorable little dragon. She poked at his head.

This baby was simply too cute. Everytime she landed in a predicament, he would always lend a helping hand.

Su Luo discovered that he had astonishing insight with regards to treasures.

In a nutshell, he had the instinctual ability to hunt down treasure.

Within the range of his body’s ability, as long as there was a treasure, it wasn’t capable of escaping his exceptionally sensitive nose.

He could actually find a gold coin in this dilapidated little courtyard. His ability was really too formidable.

“Awoo, awoo——” Both of the adorable little dragon’s eyes shone, he bit Su Luo’s trouser leg, indicating that she should follow after him.

This gold coin had moist soil on it, quite clearly, it had been dug out of the ground. Could this dilapidated little courtyard really have some buried gold coins?

Countless questions flashed through Su Luo’s heart. Her footsteps automatically followed after the adorable little dragon, leaving him ahead to show the way.

The little thing only ran for a short while before stopping. He lowered his head towards the little hole and started wailing “awoo, awoo…”

Here, there was a huge Locus tree and it was also in Su Luo’s courtyard.

Su Luo went closer and looked, both of her eyes shone like the adorable little dragon’s.

Sparkling, shining gold coins were piled full in a trunk. She visually estimated that there were about ten thousand gold coins in there.

How could there be so many gold coins in this place? Su Luo did not let the riches go to her head. She continued to think and felt that something about this seemed fishy.

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She cautiously picked up some soil and placed it under her nose to carefully sniff at.

Again, she picked up that single gold coin to scrupulously examine it.

There was no problem with the soil, nor any problem with the gold coin…However, when Su Luo saw the number for the year on the back of the gold coin, her mouth hooked into a non-existent cold smile.

The wooden trunk was clearly made to look old, it even had a faint odor of decay. Everything about this seemed to indicate that this wooden trunk had been buried for a long time.

However, the year on the back of the gold coin…ha, ha, it was actually cast this year. This, how could it be possible?

In her courtyard, a pile of gold coins of unknown origins had appeared…For what purpose?

Who arranged this? Also, who had designs on her?

Su Luo looked at these gold coins, her mouth curving into a very dangerous sneer.

These gold coins, it was a waste to not take it.

Su Luo had originally thought to place all these gold coins within her space. However, she suddenly recalled the previous time when she was being chased by Er Huang…The space matter, she should still be more cautious of such a wonderful thing. If she was not careful and other people found out, then she would never experience another peaceful day.

As a result, Su Luo deliberately made a few roundtrips. She slowly moved the gold coins in small batches into her own courtyard.

Finally, she took a shovel and filled the little hole, then flattened it, restoring it to the previous condition.

Behind the wall, a sharp pair of eyes silently gazed at Su Luo. Watching her when she discovered those gold coins and her eyes shone with greed. Then, watched her as she split the gold coins into small batches to be carried away time after time….

Her eyes flashed with a sinister radiance, a cruel and cold smirk emerged at the corner of her mouth.

Afterwards, she quietly turned and left.

One could only see her figure rapidly flash by and quickly arrive at a dignified and grand courtyard.

This was the central housing where Madam Su resided.

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