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Chapter 362 – Amethyst Thorned Island (13)

Why was it that when Su Luo angled, they would vie for first and were afraid of being behind, but when it was his turn, they would all disdainfully fling their heads and swim away? This made him so depressed as to nearly spit out blood. He was hurt as deep as the Pacific Ocean.

“Sister-in-law——” Lan Xuan had a ‘wanting to cry but lacking the tears’ expression as he gazed at Su Luo. His tearful, peach blossom eyes were brimming with rays of light, appealing for help.

“What?” Su Luo exasperatedly answered.

How could Lan Xuan tell her, that beneath them, the school of Amethyst Thorned fish that was assembled with great difficulty had all run away from his handling? Could he say he was avoided by a huge school of Amethyst Thorned fish? He felt that this was really embarrassing, and he simply wanted to cover his face.

Lan Xuan’s teary eyes were gleaming with unshed tears as he stuffed the fishing rod into Su Luo’s hands: “Sister-in-law, you come and do it!” Under thousands of staring eyes, if he cast again, he would have lost all his dignity.

Now, the expression he looked at Su Luo with was not judging, but rather looked hopeful and with starstruck eyes, full of adoration and worship.

Su Luo’s attitude towards him changed into one that showed satisfaction, and in passing, she took the offered fishing rod. She smiled faintly and said: “I’ve come, so I’ll do it. Each and every second now is a green-colored crystal stone, can’t afford to waste it.”

Once Su Luo said these words, the crown prince’s complexion immediately blackened!

Wasn’t what Su Luo said implying that the more Amethyst Thorned fish she caught, the more tragic his loss would be?

If like before, the crown prince would still haughtily lift his pronounced high arcing chin bone, then give a cold humph and say that wasn’t it merely a few pieces of green-colored crystal stones? How could this prince not be able to afford it?

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But, with the increased knowledge of Su Luo’s speed in hooking an Amethyst Thorned fish in a few seconds, how could the crown prince still have that kind of confidence? The him right now was so frightened by Su Luo until he nearly cried.

This was what kind of goddamned speed! Following this, if her angling speed was all at a few seconds per fish, then even if you sold his entire fortune, it was not enough to compensate her.

The more the crown prince thought, the more afraid he became. His heart was extremely panicked, now, he was regretting it until his intestines were green! He wished he could give himself a few huge slaps!

If it weren’t for him insisting on going over to provoke Su Luo, wanting to go look down upon her angling speed, how could there be these matters that occurred afterwards? It truly was shooting himself in the foot and not being able to live anymore!

Not mentioning the crown prince’s intense and unstable state of mind, and solely speaking of Su Luo’s side.

It seemed she had really made a firm resolution to have the crown prince lose everything.

In the moment it took for her to cast her fish hook into the sea, those Amethyst Thorned fishes that had avoided Lan Xuan and left, once again encircled that thin strand of fish line. They were outdoing one another to peck at that round fish bait, owing to the rush for it, it was too fierce to the extent that when Su Luo pulled up——


Some people were so excited that they started to curse on the spot.

This was too freakishly unimaginable!!!

This time, it wasn’t one fish, also wasn’t two fishes, that very small fish hook actually had three fishes, three Amethyst Thorned fishes!

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This was simply the biggest miracle since the beginning of history, an unprecedented marvel.

Who f*cking said that hooking an Amethyst Thorned fish was harder than ascending to the sky? Who f*cking said that Amethyst Thorned fish were very nimble? Who f*cking said that an average of one fish in ten minutes was already at the level of gods?

Take a look at her, one fish in a few seconds, one fish hook could actually catch three Amethyst Thorned fishes. Moreover, each fish was not that small, and at one glance, you could tell that the fish were the bravest or strongest among the school of Amethyst Thorned fishes.

The mass of people standing in a circle watching this scene were exceedingly envious. Their pair of eyes were bloodshot, itching to rush up and take these three Amethyst Thorned fishes for themselves. They wished they could immediately be reborn as Su Luo, just fling a fishing line and would catch a string of Amethyst Thorned fishes. This would simply be too f*cking pleasurable, don’t you think? Even looting couldn’t be this fast.

One Amethyst Thorned fish was equal to one green-colored crystal stone ah! It was just like a living treasure for cultivators and practitioners!

Now, the crown prince’s complexion was exceptionally ugly, so gloomy and overcast that you could squeeze out droplets of water.

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Chapter 363 – Amethyst Thorned Island (14)

Su Luo’s gaze swept past him, seeing him about to lose his cool, she sent him an even more taunting sentence: “Eh, all at once, the crown prince will give three green-colored crystal stones. This will make the crown prince spend some money, I’m truly sorry about this.”

A mouthful of blood was stuck in the crown prince’s throat.

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Spit, couldn’t spit it out.

Swallow, couldn’t swallow it down.

It was really choking him until his complexion was ashen, both of his eyes were scarlet red, and his hands were trembling.

Beichen Ying had always had complete rapport with Su Luo, a flawless partnership, seeing this, he happily added another knife stab: “Sister-in-law, you need not be anxious on the crown prince’s behalf. Within his magnificent palace far from here, there are many treasures. He’s not afraid of being unable to afford to lose. In the worse case scenario, we could just carry everything away, including that magnificent palace of his.”

The stuff in the magnificent palace had taken the crown prince more than ten years to collect, inside were countless number of treasures that would simply shock people.

The crown prince’s pair of scarlet red eyes glared at Beichen Ying, wishing he could throw himself on him and choke his neck. This busybody, even if he didn’t speak, nobody would think he was mute!

Su Luo nodded her head in approval: “Oh, this time, I feel reassured. Otherwise, I was afraid that the crown prince could not afford to lose this amount, so much so that I didn’t dare to let go and fish with my all.”

“Sister-in-law, you are simply too kind-hearted, too admirable, too charitable!” Beichen Ying made a big fuss over the littlest things, then exaggeratedly gestured and danced for joy. Finally, he again kind-heartedly consoled: “But you really ought to let go and have free rein to fish, otherwise, the crown prince will question the fairness of the competition.”

The crown prince was almost about to vomit blood.

If that loathsome girl uninhibitedly fished, why wouldn’t he question the fairness of this competition? The crown prince was almost about to howl out this sentence! If that loathsome girl let go and fish, his magnificent palace would not not enough to pay for the loss.

Su Luo cast a glance at the face of the crown prince that was about to pass out. Her face was full of surprise and said: “Eh? So it seems good intentions still did bad things? Looks like I really need to feel relieved and boldly fish. Otherwise, the crown prince is certain to be unhappy.”

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Lan Xuan, who was at the side, when he heard their unselfconscious dialogue, he was practically speechless.

Afterwards, Lan Xuan and Anye Ming exchanged a glance, both of their eyes had a forced smiling expression, and they sighed helplessly in unison.

Who said that now, the only person at a loss was the crown prince himself? Both of them were also very regretful, alright?

Now, the both of them, without exception, wanted to complain against Nangong’s strategic methods.

This busybody for sure had already known that Su Luo had this ability earlier, so in the beginning, Nangong just one-upped them in a match. He manufactured a kind of ‘she doesn’t know how to hook an Amethyst Thorned fish’ facade, making them lower their guards and feel too embarrassed to ask for a single Amethyst Thorned fish that she, a little Miss, would catch. As a result, they both made a solemn vow to decline her catch.

Now, when they saw Su Luo pulling the fishes up one by one, they were also very envious watching this, okay? They almost wished that time would flow backwards and return to that time when they were on the boat, so they could rightfully and boldly request Su Luo to also hand over her Amethyst Thorned fish catches.

Beichen Ying smiling happily, bumping Lan Xuan’s arm once: “Hey, didn’t expect that Sister-in-law would be this awesome, right? Now, regretting until your intestines are green, right?

“Shut up!” Lan Xuan hatefully glared at Beichen Ying, arrogantly and with frailty, he turned his face away, but facing the wind was the same, as two broad lines of tears appeared.

So many Amethyst Thorned fishes, originally, it should be divided evenly between him and little Ming….a blunder, a giant blunder, all conned away by Nangong, that big cheat.

Really, just thinking about it made him have a heartache…Lan Xuan exaggeratedly covered the place over his heart and cast a faintly blaming glance at Nangong Liuyun.

Who knew that this guy was not even a little bit sympathetic, instead, he returned a glance that was full of an imposing manner, indifferently saying: “What?”

What? What other could be there? Admiration, envy, regret, hate etc..these words were easy to say, but they didn’t sound good. Lan Xuan could only wretchedly, silently and secretly be bitter as he once again turned his head away.

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