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Chapter 403 – Amethyst Fish Palace (25)

“It can’t be the real Amethyst Crystal Fish!” Lan Xuan also came over immediately after, with a mystified expression across his entire face.

“This…seems to be the real Amethyst Crystal Fish.” Anye Ming examined it for quite a while, before unhurriedly arriving at a conclusion. Afterwards, he looked at Su Luo with a complex expression.

“What ‘seems like it’? Of course it is the real one.” Nangong Liuyun cast them a glance, showing his dissatisfaction with their doubt.

It seemed as if Beichen Ying thought of something, immediately, he was extremely happy: “Well, as it turns out, you already knew earlier that the real Amethyst Crystal Fish was in sister-in-law’s hands. Therefore, secure in your knowledge, you then went to extort the crown prince, isn’t it so?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Nangong Liuyun calmly and as if it should rightfully be so, raised an eyebrow.

“The two of you…” Beichen Ying, full of a righteous sense of justice, criticized: “One used Amethyst Thorned fish to defraud one thousand five hundred green-colored crystals stones from the crown prince before, and the other one used the Amethyst Crystal Fish to defraud another one thousand five hundred green-colored crystal stones from the crown prince. You guys, you guys are still really… if not from the same family, then won’t enter the same family’s door (1). A match made in heaven and truly a pair of super two-faced people!”

Nangong Liuyun expressed that Beichen Ying’s last sentence touched deeply his desires, therefore, with regards to his criticism, he accepted all of it. He also satisfiedly nodded his head: “What you said is very good.”

Lan Xuan again moved closer with misgivings across his entire face: “But how could the Amethyst Crystal Fish be in sister-in-law’s hands? Weren’t all the good stone rooms snatched away by everyone else? Weren’t you guys the last ones to arrive?”

Beichen Ying, Anye Ming, one by one, also expressed their puzzlement.

Nangong Liuyun, with one hand hugging Su Luo’s slender shoulder, raised an eyebrow with self-satisfaction: “Again, so what?”

‘Again, so what?’ Beichen Ying stammered while saying: “That means it was practically impossible for you guys to obtain the Amethyst Crystal Fish ah——”From previous years, the good room numbers were all written down by everyone ah.

Nangong Liuyun faintly smiled, pointed to Su Luo: “Impossible or not, ask my family’s little Luo Luo.”

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“Hiss——” Beichen Ying, the three of them, inhaled a breath of cold air: “This Amethyst Crystal Fish…was obtained by sister-in-law?”

Nangong Liuyun was more proud than if he had gotten it himself. Very smugly, he raised his chin to croon: “That is only natural, also not seeing whose it is.”

Su Luo crossly rolled her eyes at him: “Regardless of whose it is, it is still not your family’s wife.”

Beichen Ying and the three of them, with a ‘pfft’ sound, let out their laughter.

Nangong Liuyun peevishly pinched the tip of Su Luo’s nose: “This girl, will anything happen if you don’t undermine me? Just like this, won’t give this king some face.”

Beichen Ying and the three of them really held Su Luo in esteem, simply admiring her to the point of prostrating themselves in adulation.

Like Nangong, this kind of man, there were a countless number of women who, after bathing clean, would line up waiting to sleep with him. Whatever looks he wanted in a woman, how could he not have?

However, contrary to reason, he just hanged himself on Su Luo’s tree to die, and not only was he perfectly happy to do so, he was still complacent about it.

Really didn’t know what to say to him that would be good. This really made them, his childhood friends, fume with rage between gritted teeth.

Su Luo pushed Nangong Liuyun away: “Don’t disturb me, I’m doing something serious here.”

Once this was said, everyone became silent. With a burning pair of eyes, they stared at that little purple fish in Su Luo’s palm. They were waiting for it to tell them the correct path to take.

Su Luo closed her pair of eyes tightly, and carefully placated the purple fish full of spirit.

The little purple fish seemed to have been lonely for a long time, with great difficulty, a master with an aura that it was very fond of appeared, and suddenly, it was extremely excited. It talked non-stop…

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Su Luo’s mind was forced to accept innumerable bits of information, a lot of it was very ancient news….

All the information spun around making her dizzy, it was quite a while before the excited little purple fish stopped. In the moment it took a break, Su Luo took advantage of the gap to ask which path they ought to take.

1) If not from the same family, then won’t enter the same family’s door: This is an Chinese idiom that is used to describe a pair of very compatible couples. A similar but more general English saying is that birds of a feather flock together.

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Chapter 404 – Amethyst Fish Palace (26)

The little purple fish, not without some scorn, swept a glance at Su Luo, and in passing, pointed to the road in the middle, that was to say, the fifth path: “Naturally it’s there, does it even need to be said?”

Okay, the Su Luo being looked down upon opened her eyes. Her gaze encountered a group of male eyes that were full of hope.

Su Luo lifted her hand very much like a queen: “Follow me!”

Consequently, a party of four youngsters, every one of them young masters from influential aristocratic families, where if their names were spoken outside could make the ground of Eastern Ling Empire shake three times. All of them now, in a humble little brother manner, slavishly followed behind Su Luo, giving a ‘yes Ma’am’ following blindly appearance.

Beichen Ying very quickly moved closer: “Sister-in-law, was this Amethyst Crystal Fish really found by you?”

“Then who else?” Su Luo irritatedly looked at him once.

“How did you finally find it?” Beichen Ying was extremely curious.

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They rushed ahead so fast, everyone of them had gotten hold of a good room, so why didn’t they get as good a treatment as her?

Su Luo’s explanation, in his ears, made him even more depressed.

“Just like that we walked in and got it.” Su Luo very innocently said: “Oh, that’s right, at that time, the Jade Lake’s Fairy was just dithering in front of the door. After she abandoned it, then we were able to enter that room.”

Beichen Ying felt somewhat dizzy for a moment.

This luck was great to what extent, that she could snatch the treasure from the hand of a rival in love without batting an eyelid?

“Then, after going in, just what magical beast hindered the path?” Beichen Ying somewhat curiously asked.

His luck was really surprisingly different.

At that time when he entered, there was a sabertooth tiger guarding the door. The deeper he went, the more sabertooth tigers there were. If it weren’t for his martial arts being tolerable enough that he could get by, very likely today, he would be finished in there. In addition, the even more miserable thing was, not to speak of treasures, he didn’t even get a hair.

Lan Xuan standing on the side fiercely nodded his head, and with a pitiful appearance: “The magical beast guarding the Amethyst Crystal Fish ought to be very terrible right?”

The stone room he entered was a little better than the one Little Shadow entered. At least, there was some broken copper and scrap iron. However, the magical beasts could be counted in piles. Killing them took him more than ten trips of going back and forth before he was able to clean up all the monsters. Thus, he was able to protect his life to come out.

Su Luo’s expression was somewhat innocent: “Magical beasts? What magical beasts? We simply did not see even a hair of a magical beast. Nangong, what do you say?”

Finished, Su Luo very kind-heartedly sought confirmation from Nangong Liuyun.

Nangong Liuyun raised an eyebrow and smiled: “Silly girl, before they were running that fast, it was because they wanted to find a few magical beasts to temper their skills.”

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So it turned out to be like that.

Su Luo very obediently nodded her head and said to Beichen Ying. “Following along this walk with us, it is unlikely to come across any magical beasts. However, if you still want to temper your skills, then change to another road, okay?”

Beichen Ying wanted to cry but had no tears.

Why would he want to temper his skills? Those magical beasts were all very awe-inspiring, okay?

Beichen Ying pulled at Su Luo’s sleeves: “Sister-in-law, don’t abandon me…”

Nangong Liuyun picked him up, throwing him aside just like tossing a cleaning rag: “Move a little further away.”

“Why!” Being cast aside, Beichen Ying expressed was very unconvinced.

“The air you spit out is too smelly, it will fumigate my family’s little Luo Luo too much.” Nangong Liuyun randomly found a reason to fob him off.

Beichen Ying pointed at Nangong Liuyun, practically glaring at him somewhat speechlessly!


A man caught in the snare of love was simply too shameless! With the opposite sex, he didn’t even have any humanity left!

Nangong Liuyun didn’t even pay any goddamn attention to him, he only enquired after little Luo Luo’s well-being and a bunch of other nonsense. This kind of disparity in treatment, seeing it simply made Beichen Ying jealous to death.

Su Luo rolled her eyes at Nangong: “We have arrived at the place, prepare to fight.”

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