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Chapter 50 – A strong and overbearing kiss (2)

Nangong Liuyun lowered his head. His handsome face, like white jade with exquisite luster, was slowly getting closer… centimeter by centimeter. He sensually puffed warm air near her sensitive earlobes

“Nangong Liuyun!” Su Luo tried to push him away with one shove.

But Nangong Liuyun’s hands were strong and powerful. His long arms tightly imprisoned Su Luo near his chest. His palm touched Su Luo’s pink tender cheek, and his thumb gently caressing her lips; like a lipstick gentle and smooth, meticulously contouring the shape of her lips.

Su Luo opened her eyes wide. She wanted to resist, but she soon discovered that she was helpless in his grasp.


Nangong Liuyun’s palms appeared on the back of her head, locked itself there, and heavily seized her petal-soft lips.

His tongue was hot and soft, but also seemed to contain a formidable strength. It sharply entered to explore the inside of her mouth and closely chased after her tongue.

Earnest yet persistent.

He closed his black as ink eyes and stood fast, as he evenly drank in her sweet flavor.

Since the beginning, she had been resisting. Even under such overwhelming assault, she still passionately resisted.

But he secured her hands behind her back. The back of her head was once again powerfully in his grasp, and her entire body become weak and limp, unable to move a single step.

This kiss was full of burning lust and strongly felt of honeyed desires.

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Perhaps it was due to a body’s instinctive chemical response; or maybe it was because of his superb skill. Whatever the cause, slowly, her stiff body started to soften, and steadily began to harmonize with Nangong Liuyun’s forceful, wantonly plundering kiss.

Currently, Su Luo’s brain activity had flat lined.

The past betrayal she experienced in the other world… the pain that tore her heart and split her lungs…she couldn’t think of anything. All rational thoughts had fled, and her body slavishly listened to the commanding kiss and feedback this signal to her brain.

After what seemed like an eternity….. their lips parted. The corner of his mouth held a sliver of white, silken thread. Giving off a coarse and wildly erotic appearance.

All along, Nangong Liuyun’s vision was locked onto Su Lu. It was hard to read anything from the midst of his beautiful eyes. However, they seemed to still hold remnants of passion.

Su Luo’s fair and delicate face, without any warning, had become red.

Her subconscious mind wanted to push him away. Nangong Liuyun, however, suddenly gave off a wicked laugh.

Once again, his lips, like swan feathers, gently played across her cheeks, her earlobes, her eyes….

Both of Nangong Liuyun’s lips resembled a blazing ball of fire,wantonly setting everywhere aflame. Where ever he kissed, a fervent blaze, that could scorch anything it touched, would spread there.

Su Luo’s temperature increased little by little until it finally engulfed her entire body. Su Luo suddenly felt as if she had been set on fire…..

Memories from her previous life came back thick and fast. On top of the cliff, that impossibly hard to forget sense of betrayal rushed forth like the tide….

A sense of panic suddenly flashed across Su Luo’s heart. Subconsciously, she abruptly used all her strength to push Nangong Liuyun away—-

Nangong Liuyun, who was immersed in the passion and desire, was completely taken aback. He did not expect Su Luo would take such an action, so, without the slightest bit of guard, he heavily fell backwards….

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“Bang….” a loud sound echoed, as the back of Nangong Liuyun’s head knocked against the hard interior wall, producing an echoing sound that was sharp and clear.

The surrounding area become very quiet all of a sudden. The air was saturated with a feeling of awkwardness.

Nangong Liuyun’s expression was covered with haze, like tranquility before a tempest. His pair of eyes, black and deep as ink, seemed cold and overcast with a somewhat scary, deadly look. These eyes locked onto Su Luo, and his handsome appearance condensed into a thick layer of frost.

Su Luo was dumbfounded. She unconsciously covered her red lips, wanting to laugh but afraid to laugh. Within her there was not only embarrassment but also a thread of regret

How could she have known that this strong and overbearing man was so frail, with one push he would fall?

“That uhmm….Are you okay?”

Su Luo saw him firmly glaring at her. He seemed to want to stare until he reached the bottom of her heart. This made her become apprehensive. She could only feebly stand by her question.

Her response was Nangong Liuyun’s silence and that pair of cold black and fierce eyes.

Su Luo slowly moved closer to him, and somewhat awkwardly, scratched her head. She even shook his sleeves with a hint of embarrassment. Being at a loss, she continued to ask, “….Does it hurt?”

It should have been very painful, right? Just now, the sound from the impact was so severe that it could scare people.

Nangong Liuyun’s deep dark eyes were cold and remote, and moodily measuring and watching her he replied. “Want to give it a try?”

Chapter 51 – A strong and overbearing kiss (3)

“No, it’s okay.” Su Luo saw although his face was gloomy, the depths of his eyes held a childish feeling of being thwarted. She couldn’t help but think it was ridiculous. She slid a few steps back to be far from where he sat.

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“Come here——,” said Nangong Liuyun with one hand supporting the back of his head. The other lush and jade-like hand beckoned towards Su Luo.

But the gaze he fixed upon Su Luo was with his deep enchanting and boundless pupils. His light, phoenix-like gaze narrowed. It seemed to hold a touch of laughter inside of it. From its disappearing, beautiful nature their hidden depth revealed an insufferably arrogant and noble haughtiness.

That effortlessness exuded the highest quality of a tyrannical king. It was a gaze that, just by seeing it, people would find it hard to defy such elegance and charm that resemble nature itself.

Su Luo perceptively shook her head.

She was not a fool. If she went over now, then wasn’t it voluntarily delivering herself to his door for him to ravage? Of course she didn’t want that!

However, Nangong Liuyun’s beautiful, elegantly thin, rosy-pink, lips started to rise His mouth suddenly issued out a whistling sound. It was a crisp whistle that was loud and resounding.

Suddenly, the Dragon Scaled Horse galloping at lighting speed, by scattering open its four hoofs, abruptly raised up both front hoofs. It followed up with a mighty whine.

However because of the stop, the horse carriage suddenly began to twist, and, not in the least bit on-guard, Su Luo got violently thrown back——

Without the time to react, she had again fallen back into Nangong Liuyun’s embrace.

Before she could sit back up, Nangong Liuyun’s slender, powerful hands dared to clamp like steel around Su Luo’s wrist. His enchanting and devilishly sly lips turned upwards, carrying a trace of arrogance and haute.

His pair of dark, obsidian-like eyes, shone luminously and firmly locked onto Su Luo’s face. The corner of his mouth raised into a wicked laugh. Such a laugh made Su Luo somewhat scared within the depths of her heart.

“You, what are you doing!” Su Luo unconsciously hugged her plump, well-endowed bosoms. Her stammering tone betrayed her guilty conscience.

“You said you won’t come over. Yet didn’t you just take the initiative to deliver yourself into my arms?” His eyes contained an evil and stern smiling expression.

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“Obviously this is due to the fact that you cheated!” Su Luo bitterly threw him a glance.

He and his Dragon Scaled Horse had conspired to set her up . So instead of distancing herself, she could have been said to have thrown herself into his arms. It really was truly preposterous!

“So what?” Nangong Liuyun’s smile was really infuriating His eyes turned into peach blossom as they started to shine brightly, “If you have the ability you can also go and catch such a horse. Ah, but right now you should be compensating this king for his time.”

“What do you want?” Su Luo felt she was extremely unlucky at this point.

Nangong Liuyun supported his forehead with one hand, and allowed his soft fine black hair to flow down swiftly. He really did carry such a devilish charm that despite acting wild and rash, it was making him out to be the ultimate lure.

He unhurriedly spoke with a deep and alluring voice. His beautiful, dark eyes resembled a sinister pit of darkness and profoundly mysterious that did not allow people to see into his thoughts.

“How about serving this king.” The corner of Nangong Liuyun’s dark eyebrows raised slightly. As he glanced around: inside of his eyes flashed prettily and flirtatiously, with a touching smile.

Nangong Liuyun’s pair of snow-white hands gracefully swirled the wine cup made of jade celadon. While taking a light sip from time to time, his appearance was happy and content.

“How do you want to be served?” Su Luo expressed that she completely did not know.

Nangong Liuyun with a joyful expression shot her a quick glance. His entire body leaned on top of the soft cushion, giving off an lazy impression. From his long and narrow elegant almond-shaped eyes emerges a smiling expression. “What do you think?”

Su Luo thought about it, picked up the white jade wine jar, artfully poured a cup of wine, and handed it to Nangong Liuyun. “Once you drink this cup of wine, with one stroke we’ll write off what happened in the past! Come, let’s drink.”

Nangong Liuyun, unable to take his eyes off Su Luo, used his beautiful eyes suspiciously to size her up. Suddenly, his mouth formed into an extremely charming, devilish smile, and using Su Luo’s hands , his red lips inhaled the amber colored grape wine in one mouthful.

But, his pair of gloomy deep eyes were always burningly fixed on Su Luo.

The corner of his mouth was perfectly curved, and a scarlet drop of wine rolled down it. This gave off a pretty and flirtatious charm but also cold and blood-thirsty.

Being watched attentively by such a wild and coarse wolf-like stare, Su Luo’s heart secretly shouted to herself, “not good!” She turned around wishing to retreat, but who would have known that Nangong Liuyun already single-handedly clasped onto the back of her head, immobilizing her body. After that, a dense shadow came to envelope her.

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