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Chapter 840 – Diamond Ape King (6)

Because no one knew what was at the cave’s end.

Ultimately, if the path led to a dead end, then being stuck inside this narrowed cave, everyone would die.

Luo Haochen took out a white porcelain bottle from his sleeves, and split one with Luo Dieyi.

Luo Dieyi quickly swallowed it.

Afterwards, the two people’s speed increased rapidly, almost faster than Su Luo and Zi Yan.

Luo Dieyi tauntingly provoked Su Luo: “Want to catch up to us, dream on!”

Zi Yan derided with a sneer: “Isn’t it merely an Advanced Spirit Restoration Pill? Do you think we don’t have it?”

“Pfft——” Luo Dieyi shook that bottle, “We have a whole bottle, how about you two?”

Su Luo was suddenly speechless.

This stupid girl, even now, she was still comparing this?

Su Luo simply flipped one of her hands, suddenly, two bottles of Spirit Restoration Pills appeared in her palm. She tossed one bottle to Zi Yan: “Catch!”

Zi Yan smiled happily, after catching the bottle, she grabbed a handful and tossed it into her mouth.

“You guys!!!” Luo Dieyi’s face was full of rage and one breath was stifled in her chest that wouldn’t go up nor down.

Zi Yan cast her a provoking glance: “We just need to run faster than you guys. Once you guys feed the Diamond Ape King until his stomach is full, then we will be safe. Ha ha ha.”

After hearing those words, Luo Dieyi was so enraged that she gave off smoke.

“Your Spirit Restoration Pills are fakes!” Normal people would never grab a handful at a time, okay? Even one pill would be divided into pieces to be eaten several times.

Zi Yan very generously tossed a pill to Luo Dieyi: “Whether it’s fake or not, you can examine it yourself.”

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Luo Dieyi, at one glance, could see that this Advanced Spirit Restoration Pill was clearly better than the ones she had!

“Brother….” This time, the hope of using Zi Yan and Su Luo as sacrificial victims had fallen through.

“Shut up, quickly run!” Luo Haochen was itching to abandon this younger sister who seemed to invite disaster.

Obviously, Zi Yan and Su Luo had already warned them, but this girl still spoke so loudly to the extent of waking up the Diamond Ape King, thus resulting in them being chased to be killed.

Luo Dieyi was angrily rebuked, and her eyes filled with tears. She felt that she had been extremely wronged.

If this was a normal day, naturally, there would be a countless number of people around, pampering and coaxing her. But now, who had the time to bother with her?

Behind them, the Diamond Ape King’s mouth was as thick as a sausage, curved into an ice-cold smile. Its eyes burst out with an scathing murderous aura.

Seeing the humankind ahead speeding up, rage shot out of the Diamond King Ape’s eyes.


From behind, came bursts of sounds.

A bright light suddenly flashed on in the Diamond Ape King’s idiotic mind.

Its finger stabbed forward.

Immediately, the ceiling of the cave burst out with loud crashing sounds. Piece after piece of rocks that were as tall as a person started to fall down non-stop.

The rocks continuously fell down, creating a lot of trouble for Su Luo and Zi Yan who were fleeing.

“Careful!” Seeing a huge piece of rock was about to smash onto Zi Yan’s head, Su Luo instinctively pulled on Zi Yan’s hand.

After just barely avoiding the boulder-sized rock, Zi Yan, with lingering fear, patted her chest, “That was close!”

Su Luo pulled Zi Yan close to her, and launched her Nothingness of Space that could only accommodate two people.

Originally, Luo Dieyi was running at Su Luo and Zi Yan’s back.

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Because Nothingness of Space was colorless and transparent, other people simply could not see it.

Therefore, when Luo Dieyi saw a huge rock dropping down vertically towards Zi Yan and Su Luo’s head, and it seemed as if they completely didn’t sense it——

At this moment, Luo Dieyi was simply elated, her eyes and brows were curved, so happy that she almost sang a song.

“Zi Yan, go die, go die. I order you to go die!!!” Luo Dieyi sang this madly with excitement in her heart, and even waved her fist in a cheering gesture.


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Chapter 841 – Diamond Ape King (7)

However, what made her eyes go blank from looking was—— .

When that huge rock was about to drop down on their head!

However, when it was about ten centimeters from Zi Yan and Su Luo’s head, that huge rock fu*cking stopped!

As if something had separated it from them.

Not only this, but that rock seemed to have received a severe attack, one piece was cracked into numerous pieces, and smashed towards Luo Dieyi who was behind them!

Because Luo Dieyi was watching with so much excitement, she forgot to defend. As a result, her delicate-as-jade face got scratched by the rock fragments flying by.


A soft sound echoed, with debris flying by, sprinkling a mist of blood. And Luo Dieyi’s delicate face suddenly had more than a huge area full of deep scars.

“Brother….” The changes in this matter happened too quickly and were too great, Luo Dieyi simply didn’t have the time to react. She unconsciously started to cry and look for her brother.

At this point, Luo Haochen’s heart was very irritated.

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The constantly falling rocks had already made him pale, but now, his younger sister kept crying and complaining to him.

Luo Haochen angrily roared at Luo Dieyi: “Shut up! Otherwise, I will leave you behind!”

While speaking, a huge boulder fell down from the sky!

Luo Haochen pulled at Luo Dieyi and they quickly sprang forward.

They dangerously escaped the attack of that boulder.

It wasn’t the first time that Zi Yan had entered the Nothingness of Space.

But the first time, she was pressed under Su Luo’s body, so she couldn’t feel anything.

This time.

Zi Yan had her eyes opened wide in wonder. Her pair of eyes was sparkling and shining: “Isn’t this too amazing, right?”

Compared to Luo family’s desperate struggles, the two of them seemed to be simply taking a leisurely stroll, very leisurely ah.

Luo Haochen was also not blind, on the contrary, his senses were very perceptive.

Seeing how Zi Yan and Su Luo treated those falling rocks as if they were nothing, although he couldn’t understand, it still didn’t hinder his heart from wanting to take advantage of them.

Therefore, Luo Haochen pulled on Luo Dieyi, and hurriedly tried to squeeze her near Zi Yan’s side.

Maybe he felt that like this, those rocks wouldn’t be able to hit them.


No matter what, they couldn’t have known. Su Luo’s Nothingness of Space was just that small, barely able to fit two people in.

Not only wouldn’t Luo Haochen and Luo Dieyi get any cheap advantages, instead, because they were at the edge of the Nothingness of Space…..

It was even easier for them to get hit by those rocks!

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“Brother, Brother save me! Brother, Brother save me ah!”

Because Luo Haochen had to protect his younger sister, he squeezed her next to Zi Yan’s side. But, who would have known that those rocks would hit Luo Dieyi even worse.

Luo Haochen quickly pulled Luo Dieyi back, but discovered that her entire face and head were covered in bloody grazes. On top of her head, was even a swollen bump the size of a steamed bun.

For a moment, he was simply speechless…..

But Su Luo and Zi Yan’s comfort was only on the surface.

In fact, their hearts were not peaceful at all.

This Diamond Ape King had almost become a spirit, its strength was formidable and terrifying!

If its speed wasn’t a little bit slower, by now, all of them would have been torn into pieces.

The places that the Diamond Ape King passed by, the ground would shatter like spider webs, its power was simply unstoppable!

Because of the falling rocks forming obstacles, Su Luo and other people’s speed were now slower than before.

But the Diamond Ape King’s speed became faster and faster.

Therefore, the gap between them was getting closer and closer.

The last member of the team, who was Luo family’s bodyguard, his feet were unstable, staggering, he almost fell down.

However, not waiting for him to fall down, the Diamond Ape King directly slapped a huge palm towards him.

The bodyguard from Luo family, his head was immediately smacked down into his neck!

His tall body suddenly shortened by a chunk.

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