Proofreader: somnium

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Kahel was speechless at Dashar’s question. Rather, Lena was so different from others to the point that he had to pick out her similarities with others.

Lena wasn’t affected by his devilish powers. Although she suffered serious injuries, she was healed in one night. She was not at all swayed by his appearance, and she preferred the safety of others, who supported her during her poor days, rather than jewelry or dress. She didn’t want revenge on those who tormented her, nor did she welcome her nobility title.

He knew that she could smile more innocently than anyone else in the world, and every time she ate food, she was truly impressed by it. She was really good at massaging with her little hands and she was more happy when she gave her back than when she received a gift.

Was she different from others? Rather, she was a child who had nothing in common with others. She was a child that he had no choice but to love. Because she was like the only light in his darkened life.

Dashar let out a small sigh as he accepted Kahel’s long silence.

“Your Excellency seems to have something in mind.”

Kahel sighed louder than Dashar. He doesn’t know, but whenever he thinks of Lena, he’s unlike himself. Dashar dropped another bomb on him.

“But the seal…… It will be released soon.”

“The seal is being released? Didn’t you say you don’t know what’s locked up?”

“Yes. So I am telling you this. I don’t know how Lena will change when the seal is lifted. But when I saw the mighty power of the seal, I am…… certain that something great is going to happen.”

It was quiet inside the hut. Dashar watched the famous Duke Luave’s eyes fluttering anxiously. It was clear that the maid, Lena, was not of ordinary significance to Kahel. But, perhaps as Duke Luave, when Kahel closed his eyes tightly and opened them, no one could even see the residue of agitation in his eyes anymore.

“Thank you for telling me. But I hope you don’t tell anyone about this.”

“I understand. I wish you all the best.”

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Kahel nodded his head heavily and stepped out of the little hut. It was time to return to Ardennes again.

* * *

“You’re back?”

Liddell smiled broadly as she met Leonard with a firm expression on his face. Just by looking at Leonard’s expression, she could tell that things didn’t work out for him at Hildebrunn.

“The plan to attack the Sage’s village leaked out. Kahel is called to the Sage’s village.”

“You said he’s been quiet for the past few days, but he was there.”

“Kahel’s magical power…… was stronger than I thought…….”

“Oh, the great Duke Santella is not afraid of such a kid, is he?”

Leonard was relieved to see his smiling daughter, who was not at all agitated, even though she had been told everything had failed. At times like this, he was able to reaffirm that Liddell was the queen.

Leonard calmed his anxious heart and talked with Liddell and Margella about what happened at Hildebrunn.

“It was an attack that mobilized more than five large monsters and sixty small and medium-sized monsters. To be honest, we were going to end up with three large and thirty medium ones, but because of Kahel, we called for more in a hurry. And those many monsters were wiped out by only one Kahel. The real monster is that Kahel.”

“It’s not like I didn’t know that, right? How many monsters are left in total, Margella?”

“Thanks to the three people sent by the Miss to drive the magic circle, there are two extra-large, forty-three large, one hundred and twenty medium-sized, and around two hundred for small.”

“You worked hard. Although it is a pity that the monsters lost in this attack have gone to waste, it is meaningful that we confirmed Kahel’s power. Prepare the monsters for the next attack.”

‘Preparation’ means putting magic stones into the bodies of the monsters. The monsters with the magic stones will obey the order of Margella and Santella. They didn’t seize as many magic stones as she had planned, but she still had a good harvest because she robbed a part of the Sage’s village warehouse.

“Do you have any thoughts, Liddell?”

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“At first, I thought it would be okay if this attack failed.”

“What do you mean?”

Liddell smiled as she recalled Ragdrill’s unfiltered sense of inferiority towards his brother.

“It might be better to cut off Kahel’s support than to get more magic stones. This failure will surely put Ragdrill under pressure from the nobles. And since he was a little stingy, he’ll probably bring it all in, blaming Marquis Rognac for all this.”

“No, it seems that the support for Marquis Rognac has grown in Hildebrunn.”

“If they are sane, of course they will. But Marquis Rognac will die near the Hildebrunn border. It must be so.”

Once they crossed the border of Logos, the escorts given by the Luave family could not follow any further. Ragdrill and Liddell were also planning to take advantage of that opportunity.

“But wouldn’t the cunning Marquis Rognac expect at least that much?”

“Fufufu. We have to use the weapons we have. You can release the monster there.”

Liddell’s smile brightened.

“Since Kahel can’t follow him there, Marquis Rognac can’t fend it off either.”

Leonard smiled as if satisfied with her comment. Why couldn’t he think of such a simple method, he felt pathetic of himself.

“Let’s say that a monster that has only been seen in Sharden until now has appeared near the Logos border. Nobles will fuss as if Logos are about to be overflowed with monsters. Besides, the current situation without the Queen’s successor will make them even more anxious. Then put pressure on the Queen, and she will have no choice but to accept the temple’s suggestion.”

“It’s a way to get rid of Marquis Rognac, and also pressure the Queen.”


Leonard thought that it was rather fortunate that the attack on the Sage’s village had failed. Now he thinks he understands why Liddell told him to, ‘do it in moderation.’

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“The day is coming, Father. The tedious battle between angels and devils will end in the angel’s victory. Kahel will be torn to death by the monsters, revealing that he is the devil to the world, and Santella will silence all devils and claim the throne of glory.”

“Of course! Yes! You have no idea how happy I am to be your father.”

At that moment, Margella, who had only listened to Liddell and Leonard’s conversation, opened her mouth with a bashful smile.

“By the way, the mutation in Duke Luave’s body.”

“Oh, Margella must have seen it. Isn’t it ugly?”

“It was more bizarre than a monster. Only both hands are mutated, but if he uses more magical power, perhaps his whole body will be transformed?”

“I don’t think so? They said that the mutation of both hands was only possible because it was Kahel.”

“Hmm…… Wouldn’t it be more helpful ‘on that day’ if Duke Luave’s whole body was mutated like a monster?”

“Well? I suppose so. Why? What’s wrong, Margella?”

“There is a drug that I accidentally created while researching to make the monsters bigger. It is a drug that permanently transforms the body when the magic power is raised above a certain level. In fact, I thought that the research was a failure because the monsters couldn’t control how to subdue or raise their own magical power, but wouldn’t it be very interesting to use it on our Duke Luave?”

Liddell’s eyes twinkled at those words.

“Oh my God, Margella! You are a genius!”

“Margella has never let us down.”

After Liddell and Leonard’s compliments, Margella smiled mischievously. There would not be a family that supported black magic so much, even if she searched all over the world, there was no place like Santella.

But Lian didn’t.

‘Crazy…… ! What the hell are Father and Liddell thinking!’

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Lian, who had his ear to the door with his own presence concealed as much as possible, could not believe what he had just heard. He didn’t want to believe it.

Recently, Lian’s father and Liddell’s actions have been unusual, so he hired someone to investigate how the family’s affairs were going. Initially, the purpose of the investigation was to relieve his anxiety, but as the investigation progressed, the anxiety was not relieved, but rather his blood was drying out day by day.

Father and Liddell revised the scriptures with their arbitrary interpretation of Melike’s prophecies and colluded with the temple in exchange for the supply and financial support of white jade. She was bribing the central aristocrats to marry the 1st Prince and occupy the Queen’s seat, and joined hands with the royal family of Hildebrunn and attacked the Sage’s village.

The most astonishing thing was about the monsters. The monsters that haunted Sharden were being born in Revanas. Just imagining that it was his father who summoned the monster, and that Liddell was thinking of killing people with that monster, was terrifying.

‘Why …… Why are you so obsessed with the position of Queen… ?’

Lian couldn’t quite understand it. After all, even if she married the 1st Prince and enjoyed the queenly position for a while, in a way it was only a temporary job to bear children. Rather, she would have enjoyed much more power in the Duchy of Santella.

But once he cleared his confused thoughts, he seemed to have a vague idea of ​​what his father and Liddell were after.

‘No way…… You want to change the dynasty…… ?’

He had goosebumps on his back. To say treason as the white wings of absolute submission to the Queen, this meant that Lian was denying life itself. However, it was shocking to see his father and Liddell made that treason the goal of their lives. He slowly pushed his trembling body back. He had to find out what he had to do as soon as possible.

As Lian disappeared toward his room, a shadow moved from behind a wall a little further away.

‘It’s strange…… Why is this young master eavesdropping like a mouse?’

The owner of the shadow was Mrs. Marvin, who was going to the laundry with Elliot’s clothes. Originally, the maids could not walk through this hallway, but she was too bothered to go back to the laundry room, so she was sneaking through the hallway where the offices of the Duchy’s peoples were located.

When she saw Lian, at first she tried to hide until he went away. But when he put his ear close to the door of the Head’s office, the appearance aroused Mrs. Marvin curiosity. It was because it seemed like he was secretly eavesdropping on an important story.

Mrs. Marvin, who was born with a great aptitude for flattering power, concluded that Lian’s conduct could bring her some benefit. Anyway, the peak of the Duchy’s power was Duke Santella and Liddell. If she told on Lian, who secretly listened in on their conversation, it would have been clear that gold coins would fall.

However, since she, the maid, was not allowed to speak directly to Liddell or the Duke, she had no choice but to use Elliot.

‘It’s a bit of a waste to share, but I can’t help it. Maybe this opportunity will win Elliot’s heart more.’

Mrs. Marvin threw the laundry into the laundry room and hurried to Elliot.

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