Proofreader: somnium

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Go ahead and say no

“Your, Your Excellency!”

Lena was taking out a teacup and teapot to make tea. Lena panicked because she didn’t expect Kahel to come, but she didn’t mean to run away anytime soon.

“It’s just me, this, and I’ll be leaving soon. It’s really quick. It won’t take long.”

Seeing Lena desperately trying to make the tea for some reason, Kahel had just forgotten what he was thinking.

“But next time we meet, I would like to ask you for a cup of tea.”

Irik’s voice asking Lena to meet him next time echoed in his ears. He touched that red, smooth cheek with his fingertips, and kissed the back of her hand, which was slightly raised with bones, twice. Jealousy, which had barely been captured, boiled again.

Kahel slowly approached Lena. Lena, who had placed the teapot on the table and wiggled her hands, backed away unknowingly. However, Lena retreated enough that her back was against the wall, but Kahel did not stop and came face to face in front of Lena.

The purple eyes looking up at him were clear and clean, unlike his turbid mind. His guilt swelled up, but he still didn’t want to let her go. Kahel reached out and gently wrapped his hand around Lena’s cheek, which Irik had touched.

“After an abusive master, you have a master with the filthy devilish curse, your fate is so wretched.”

“No! I have been greatly favored by you.”

“But you would be afraid of me.”

“No! Oh, of, of course you are a high and noble man, so I have respect for you, but I have never seen you as frightening in any other way.”

Surprisingly, Lena, who spoke bluntly, was cute. What made her so cute? He was starting to get angry. To be cute, she only has to be cute in front of him. ….

“It hasn’t been long since I was last served by you, but my deceitful body is complaining. So I’m sorry, but you’ll have to attend to me like you did before. I can’t help it even if you point a finger at me for being very fickle.”

When asked if she would continue to serve him, Lena responded, trying not to show her joy too much.

“I will do my best to serve you.”

“If you don’t like me or are afraid of me while attending to me, you can push me away. No, maybe…… Just the thought of rejecting me might be enough to push me away.”

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If Lena were really the Queen’s blood, then of course he would. Even if Lena only thought, ‘No!’ in her head, he could have clearly sensed Lena’s rejection. Even if the power is weak, as long as it exists.

“Now think about me as something you hate. Try to make me obey.”

“How, how do I…….”

“Well…… Would this make it a little easier?”

Kahel leaned his head toward Lena as an excuse to confirm Lena’s powers. Their faces were close enough to feel each other’s breath.

“Say no.”

“Your Excellency…….”

“If I stay like this, I will do bad things. So go ahead…… Say no.”

In the meantime, Kahel’s lips moved closer to Lena’s.



Lena couldn’t say anything. Her heart was beating so loudly that her breathing was a little short. At this rate, Kahel’s lips would have touched her. She knew, but she couldn’t say no. Rather than hate it, she desperately wanted Kahel to kiss her at this moment.

Lena touched that lip several times in her dreams. It must have felt ecstatic, but after waking up from her dream, her memory is hazy, and she doesn’t know how vain she was each time.

Instead of pushing Kahel away, Lena just quietly closed her eyes.

And as soon as Lena closed her eyes, Kahel’s lips overlapped hers.

Their hot lips touched once briefly, then fell apart, and pressed against each other for a long time again. A wet tongue came out from between Kahel’s lips, enjoying the warmth felt from Lena’s lips, and lightly licked Lena’s lower lip. As if it was a knock, Lena’s lips parted slightly.

It was their first kiss, but instinct led them naturally. Carefully scanning her teeth, the tongue that had touched her soft flesh soon found Lena’s tongue and sucked it up in a tangled mess. They held each other and kissed for a long time, without even thinking of regaining their reason.

“Haa, haa…….”

“Lena…… Lena…….”

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Even after their lips parted, Kahel traced her cheeks and lips as if he didn’t know what to do with Lena.

“Why didn’t you push me? It’s okay if you don’t like it. Even if that happens, I won’t punish you or hate you.”

Lena, drenched in the sweetness of the dizzying pleasure, could no longer deceive Kahel as he looked at her complicated eyes. Still, she thought her head would melt with the kiss, so if she deceived him beyond this, she might even try to kill Kahel.

“I’m sorry, Your Excellency. I…… I lied…….”

“Lied…… ?”

“It seems that I am responding to your powers. Now, if I can’t see you, it feels so painful…… But if I say that, I’m afraid I won’t be able to be with you again…… I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

Seeing Lena twisting her brow as if she was going to cry and repeating her apology with her lips red and puffy from the kiss, Kahel wondered if he was dreaming.

“You seem to be responding to my devilish powers?”


“Tell me in detail what your symptoms are. It’s an important matter, so say it frankly, without adding or subtracting.”

“Well, I keep seeing you in my dreams, I miss you so much, and I hate that you go out…….”

“Dream? What kind of dream is it?”

At that question, Lena’s cheeks were dyed red and she chewed her lips, then closed her eyes tightly and confessed.

“Your Excellency, on my cheek…… on the lips…… Ah, just like before…….”

“I’m kissing you?”


Kahel felt his heart burst and he was about to go crazy. Lena didn’t come closer not because she was afraid of him, but she kept her distance because she felt like she was being eroded by her devilish powers. Still, she kept looking around because she wanted to see him. Kahel hurriedly kissed Lena again. The two lips, which had been making a moist noise, stuck together for a long time, and then finally separated.

“Your symptoms are not from being possessed by my devilish powers.”

“Re, really? Then why am I like this?”

“Well…… In my careful judgment, it seems to be ‘love’.”

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“If you are possessed by the devilish powers, you will inevitably be accompanied by a violent desire. You can’t withstand that craving. It’s a curse.”

Lena rolled her watery purple eyes, as if she was trying to gauge the difference between how she felt and what Kahel was explaining.

“But…… If, if I am possessed by the devilish power…… lust…… something like that happens, and I become obsessed with you…….”

Kahel felt like he was going crazy from Lena’s embarrassing confession. This cute girl had felt lust and obsession towards him.

“Therefore…… Are you saying you love me?”

At the voice mixed with unbearable laughter, the weeping purple eyes fell in astonishment and then immediately began to shake.

“I’m, I’m sorry. I dare…… !”

If this was not due to a curse, but a feeling she created herself, that would be a big deal. To say that she loved the Duke when she was his close maid from a lowly origin, she didn’t know her place. When she was living in Kerouac, she was so busy that she wondered when she came to have such a huge guts. It was clear that she had become arrogant because Kahel was good to her.

But Kahel whispered as if begging for Lena’s mercy.

“Tell me you love me. That you dare to love me, and I’m not the only one feeling this…….”


“I want you. Even if you are possessed by the devilish power, if it is by your hand, I will die again and again.”

Lena stared intently at Kahel’s face, trying to confirm that Kahel’s words were sincere. What is wrong with the Duke, who has the most beautiful appearance in Logos and the power that is bigger than the Queen, to say that he loves a trivial thing like her? Maybe it means that he wants to have her as a mistress. Actually, it didn’t matter.

“Can…… Can I really stay by Your Excellency’s side?”

“I would rather beg you. Please stay by my side.”

There was water in Lena’s eyes. She didn’t know how far Kahel was going to ruin her, Lena thought to herself, half resenting it. And she didn’t know what more to say, so she just fell into Kahel’s arms. She was so happy that it made her a little uneasy.

‘Let’s not think about anything for now.’

Lena struggled not to think of Viscount Ruban’s letter she had found on Kahel’s desk, and enjoyed the present bliss.

* * *

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Leslie came to see Lena the next day.

“Miss Leslie!”

“Miss Lena! Thank you for welcoming me even though I came suddenly.”

“I wasn’t busy anyway.”

Lena is delighted to have a friend coming to see her, and she takes Leslie to her room. It was a small room with a parlor.

“Wow…… ! Is this really Miss Lena’s room? It’s a room like a Count’s Lady.”

“I’m just in a situation where I’m just leaning on the Duke’s grace for a while.”

However, Leslie continued admiring Lena’s room, which was different from hers for a long time. Meanwhile, Lena prepared hot tea on the table.

“I prepared peach flavored tea. I think you liked it at the last banquet.”

“Oh, thank you! How do you even remember things like that?”

“It’s nothing.”

Lena laughed bashfully and drank the tea with Leslie. The sweet-smelling black tea and savory cookies went really well together. After confirming Kahel’s love, even if it was the cheap tea, it would feel fragrant and even if it’s a back alley, it would be beautiful for Lena.

“Oh, look at my mind. I almost forgot the reason for my visit today. Here, a gift!”

“Yes? What gift is this?”

“It’s been a long time, but I’m embarrassed to say that I never hosted my own tea party like last time, no, actually, but Miss Lena was there as my guest anyway. Thank you very much. This gift is a return for that ….”

“Thank you. I should thank Miss Leslie for inviting me.”

Lena didn’t quite understand. No matter how much she thought about it, she wondered if she should thank the person who invited her, but Leslie mumbled, blushing slightly.

“If Ms. Lena hadn’t come that day, I would definitely have been trembling. Besides, I must have been treated like a Lady with no guests to invite. You don’t know how happy I was when Miss Lena appeared. To be honest, I almost cried. So, well, it’s not that great, but I prepared it because I wanted you to understand my feelings.”

“Miss Leslie…….”

Lena realized that she was too ignorant of the social world. Even if she had no one else to invite to the party, she had invited her, and the more she knew, the more affectionate she felt. Then, suddenly, she was curious about the bizarre tea party that day.

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