Proofreader: somnium

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Hero and Villain

Kahel was gasping and panting while killing the monster. The seemingly endless swarm of monsters was now almost settled, and it was a situation where it was over with just a few more small and medium-sized monsters. Kahel raised his remaining magical power and smashed the heads of the small monsters that attacked him fearlessly.

“Haa, haa. Is it over?”

As the roar of the monster disappeared, Kahel’s harsh breathing was heard loudly.

However, the relief was short-lived, and the roar of monsters could be heard from afar, like déjà vu. This time, Kahel couldn’t help but feel dizzy. There was no more strength left to fight against the large monsters. His black magic had also faded a lot in the meantime, and now it had a faint purple color. It was also difficult to divide the magic into several branches, so even if he focused his magic attack on only one monster, he could not kill them at once.

‘How many times did you call them out!’

The legs that stood on the ground were trembling. Of course, Liddell and Lian were not seen until this point. Duchy Santella have given up being the Guardians of Logos. No, it must have been Duchy Santella who summoned the horde of monsters, so it was as if they had declared that they would become the destroyers of Logos. Santella, who betrayed the family’s long-standing glory and honor, and the Queen’s, didn’t seem afraid of God’s punishment.

Unfortunately, the situation was not very hopeful.

‘Am I going to die here….?’

He wanted to see Lena just once before he died. If he could make her stay safe by his death, he could die fighting the monsters. What he was afraid of was that Lena might have been in the few buildings the monsters had destroyed.

As Kahel swallowed a gulp and raised his magical power again, he felt someone with magical power approaching from behind. He initially thought it was his father, but his father’s feelings were different.


It wasn’t a very loud voice, but Kahel turned his head unknowingly. It was Liddell in a flawless white dress that did not match the dire circumstances.

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“Liddell…… ?”

It was absurd. She has such a carefree face after creating all these situations…….

“You have finally revealed your true face. Monster. The devil. A mutant who should be wiped out from this land.”

Liddell couldn’t hide her happy smile and glanced at Kahel. He looked like a monster covered in hard scales, with hideous horns and sharp claws. The human being said to be the most beautiful in the Logos stood in front of her with a more heinous figure than any other monster. Liddell was supremely satisfied with the situation.

The audience was behind her, her position was the stage, and in front of her was a villain who would make the hero stand out even more. It’s the hero’s turn.

“Kahel Luave!”

Liddell raised her voice with magic. In the strangely quiet city, Liddell’s dazzling voice resounded like an angel’s. And when the tip of her sword pointed at Kahel, people realized that the monster was Duke Luave. Earlier, someone was shouting nonsense that Duke Luave was a monster, but now everyone confirmed that it was true. Everyone was muttering with breathtaking sounds.

But Kahel didn’t pay any attention to her chatter.

“Liddell. Where is Lena?”

Liddell almost burst out laughing. Kahel must have known that it was not a very favorable situation for him, but it was funny that Lena’s well-being was the first thing he asked when he met her.

But Liddell took one step forward to fulfill her stellar lead role, while at the same time putting a magical shield on the side of the carriage. She was like an angel who stood out to fight the devil alone while protecting her limbs.

At that time, the image of a horde of monsters running across the border of the capital began to catch her sight. People were terrified and screamed, but Liddell raised her pure white sword high in one hand and shouted briefly in a language that ordinary people could not understand. Then, the white light emitted from the sword spread all at once, and the approaching hordes of monsters screamed in pain.

“An, angel! Long live the angel!”

“Oh my God, the angel defeated the monsters…… !”

Until now, it must have been the ‘Guardian’ Kahel that had been cutting, slicing, and tearing the monsters and keeping the line of defense, but people were more moved by the scene Liddell directed than the abominable scene. And the fact that Kahel looked nothing less than a monster was the main reason that drew that reaction.

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If the most beautiful person in Logos defeated the monsters, he would be welcomed even if he did the same thing, but if a monster-like creature did the same, it would be frowned upon. Liddell, a master of image politics, knew it all too well.

“Kahel. You have been proven in front of everyone that you are the devil. It’s not enough to summon monsters to Sharden, and to bring them to the capital.”

Still, her voice reverberated through the air around. People were agitated and began to murmur.

“Haa…… ! That’s what you were going to do…… It’s funny, Liddell.”

Kahel sincerely ridiculed Liddell’s theatrical tone. He had always thought she was a really attention-grabbing kid, but that’s a different delusion of grandeur.

No, the entire Duchy Santella may have fallen into their delusion of grandeur.

“Let’s not talk nonsense, where is Lena?”

“Through the devil’s tricks, the seeds of the devil were born in the great Duchy Luave, but the sword of Santella will purify evil!”

Liddell was so drunk on herself that she couldn’t hear Kahel at all.

Well, there’s no way Liddell would have told him. A faint anger began to rise from the feeling of weakness that took over his body.

“Yes, it doesn’t matter. Leonard will tell me when I’m halfway through killing you.”

Kahel took a step closer to Liddell. The blood of a monster that had not yet dried dripped from his hand. Liddell also approached Kahel with magical powers in the splendid form of the sword.

And in the next moment, the two quickly rushed towards each other, creating a tremendous sound and light. With a boom sound, soon the ears of those who were watching them became deafened and the sound went away. Ordinary people were so blind that they couldn’t really see what had happened.

But in the midst of the clash, Kahel and Liddell were fighting fiercely. Of course, Kahel, who had lost a lot of his strength, was pushed back a long way, but he didn’t fall under Liddell’s blow.

‘Unbelievable! How in the world…… !’

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It was Liddell who was surprised.

The moment she bumped into Kahel, Liddell didn’t even think she would be stopped.

After he had killed a huge horde of monsters, of course, he had little power left. The color of the magical power that she saw while killing the monsters was also pale purple, not the usual black.

She thought that was enough to win, but Kahel was standing his ground with his two feet on the ground and holding out.

“Liddell…… If you come to fight the monsters, you have to focus.”

Kahel slammed Liddell with a clenched fist. Liddell, who was still full of magical powers, received no harm and just stepped back behind, but there was a look of bewilderment on her face.

In fact, even Kahel did not understand his own condition.

By the time he was dealing with the remnants of the horde, his whole body was hurting as if it was going to break, and his magic power was fading. However, from the moment he thought he had completely hit the bottom, his magic began to fill up again. It was probably around the time when anger began to boil in his stomach. Even the rising speed was very fast.

And along with his magic, the feeling of being able to do anything was also filling up quickly. It was a little bit dangerous.

“If you don’t come first, I’ll come.”

Kahel’s eyes began to shed a red glow and he scattered his purple energy.

* * *

Lena, who had lost her consciousness in the carriage, was lost in a strange dream.

Green fields and dense forests, wild beasts roaming freely, and people picking fruit from trees in groups…… It was a sight that seemed like a long time ago, but it was very peaceful. Hearing the chirping of birds from somewhere, it seemed as if a delightful smile would bloom.

But that peace was quickly broken. Dark clouds began to form in the clear blue sky, and a roaring sound that could have been caused by thunder resounded across the sky. Soon after, lightning struck the forest and burned the forest, and something like black smoke crushed the rocks and dug up the ground, and a gust of rock and soil swept over the ground.

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Something black and gigantic flashed past Lena’s eyes and slammed into something whitish approaching at high speed from the other side, shaking the air once more.

‘What is that?’

The two beings fighting for strength in the dark mist resembled human form at first glance, but they were not. It was much larger than a human, had wings and a tail, and had pointed hands and feet. However, except for the color, the two beings seemed to look alike.

They continued to attack each other as if to kill each other. It was so powerful that the surroundings were devastated. It felt great that they were fine despite such an attack, but it was only from Lena’s position, which took a step back as if seeing a dream, and it was a disaster for those who peacefully picked fruit.

People and animals in the vicinity had already lost their lives and were half buried in the soil, and all the people of a distant village were taking refuge in a cave. However, the two beings, preoccupied with fighting each other, seemed to have no interest in the tragedy of the living beings around them because of their fight.

And when the two beings clashed their fists again, the wave of power that occurred there carried a forest fire to the village and began to burn all the way to the village. Just then, a little brother and sister in a small hut were running away after playing with their short legs. But the children were too slow, and the burning wall fell over them.


Lena reached out her hand, but nothing changed. The two children, who seemed as if they were only six or seven years old, were thrown by the burning walls and burned to death.

At that moment, Lena felt tremendous anger.

Why should it always be the weak that suffer in the fight of the strong! All life on this earth is a seed sown by God, so why was God silent? If there was a providence of balance in nature, shouldn’t there be the power to subdue such dangerous things!

[So, open your eyes now.]

A voice from somewhere shook Lena and woke her up. It felt as if her brittle, aching head was really split and something radiated out of it. She was no longer sick, and the ringing had ceased.

‘Ah…… ! I am…….’

Lena realized who she was.

[Subdue the raging power of destruction and become the guardian of the living.]

At the same time as that voice pierced through Lena’s body as if she had been reborn, she was completely awakened. She is a piece of Lana that has been descended upon this land, and she was the Queen that the humans of this land should worship.

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