135. Duke Luave’s Residence’s Love Story (1)

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“Can I help you?”

Sid, who had been brushing Nathan’s neck for a long time, frowned slightly at the voice of the new stable keeper who had been bothering her for a long time.

Nathan, Kahel’s favorite horse, was sensitive and harsh like its master. It took her three months to get Nathan’s ‘permission’ to brush him, so what was this newbie saying now?

But she didn’t laugh at him because she wanted to be friendly with others.

“It’s okay. It doesn’t take long anyway.”

“But wouldn’t it be faster if the two of us did it?”

He seemed to think Sid was saying something he didn’t like, so he pulled out a brush. The moment that brush touched Nathan, Nathan almost certainly would reject even Sid’s touch as well.

“Thank you for the kindness, but it’s really okay. This guy is so sensitive, he doesn’t like being touched by strangers. Don’t come close.”

“Really…… ?”

“Yes. If there is nothing to do, go help clean up Stable 1.”

At Sid’s words, he put down the brush he was holding, but he didn’t stop talking.

“I work for Stable 2, why should I help there? Why, you think I came all the way here because I have nothing to do?”


“Why am I here? Guess.”

Sid was slowly starting to get annoyed.

She didn’t like it very much that he came up to a person who was working hard and talked to them. Looking back, his offer to help her in the first place didn’t seem like a genuine favor.

Sid didn’t answer, just focused on brushing Nathan. However, the newbie leaned against the opposite wall and continued to talk.

“At first I thought you were a very pretty guy. Do you know how surprised I was to hear that you are a woman?”


“Oh, my name is Jeffrey. You are Sid, right?”


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“After this, come hang out with me.”


When Sid didn’t answer, Jeffrey grinned. At first glance, it was as if a word saying ‘playing hard to get, are we’ was heard.

If it was the old Sid, the brush she was holding would have been thrown straight into the guy’s face. However, during the year and a half of her life in the Duke’s residence, she also learned how to behave as a servant of the Duchy, and she continued to brush quietly because she thought that if she caused a problem, she might cause concern to Lena, no, to the Queen.

However, Jeffrey didn’t seem to be willing to accept this favor.

“Give me some time.”

Sid finally answered the voice that turned commanding,

“Why me?”

“Oh, you finally talked. What do you mean, why? To build some friendship.”

“I know. So, why me?”

Jeffrey snorted once more at the apparently displeased answer, then went up to Sid and grabbed her wrist.

“I liked you.”

Sid looked closely at the guy holding her wrist for the first time.

He had black hair, black eyes, and thick lined face and physique. He may have a look that would be popular with some girls, but in Sid’s eyes it was nothing more than ‘stupid macho’. And that stupid macho was holding Sid’s wrist tightly.

“You better let go of this hand.”

“Don’t want to. And when I see you don’t give up…… It doesn’t look like you hated it.”

“I warned you.”

“You’re cute.”

As she had given a warning, Sid, who thought she had done her part, immediately kicked his crotch with all her might. Jeffrey’s scream was followed by a thud sound.


“What’s going on!”

Hearing his scream, the chief of Stable 2 and a few stable keepers, who ran to them, turned to look at Jeffrey as he rolled on the floor and Sid, who was staring coldly at him. Jeffrey managed to put up with the pain and pointed at Sid.

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“She kicked me! That crazy bitch! Agghh!”


Everyone took a breath in shock at Jeffrey’s shout and looked at Sid. But they didn’t take Jeffrey’s side. Rather, they tried to pull Jeffrey out, and the chief of Stable 2 leaned close to Sid, who started brushing again, and appeased her.

Jeffrey didn’t understand the situation and the pain still didn’t go away, so it increased his annoyance.

“Let, let me go! What the hell?”

At that moment, someone’s soft voice was heard from outside the stable.

“What are you all doing here?”

It was Stable 1’s Abbert. Jeffrey did not have any personal acquaintance with him, but he did know that Abbert was quite popular and powerful among the stablekeepers. Jeffrey looked at Abbert and pointed to Sid again.

“Just in time! That bitch, she belongs to Stable 1, right? She kicked me!”

“What…… ?”

Abbert’s eyes widened in surprise and he looked at Jeffrey.

“For God’s sake, I thought it was going to explode. Damn bitch, pretending to be hard to get.”

“What did…… you just said to Sid…… ?”

Abbert’s voice dropped sharply. At that moment, the chief of Stable 2, who was asking for Sid’s forgiveness, ran to Abbert.

“He, hey, I’ll let that guy go right away. Just know that this guy has nothing to do with us. Seriously, he hasn’t been here long.”

But Abbert didn’t listen to him, and went up to Sid to examine her complexion. And his eyes were fixed on her wrist, which left traces of someone holding her tight.

“Sid. Did that guy do this?”

“Never mind. It wasn’t a big deal. I kicked him as hard as I could.”

“If it wasn’t a big deal, why would you kick that bastard? What did that bastard say?”

“It’s not a big deal.”

Abbert is getting even more annoyed at Sid’s reply that it’s still not a big deal, but Jeffrey, who doesn’t notice, looks at Sid and Abbert with scornful eyes, then smiles sarcastically.

“Ah, she had a pimp? No wonder, she had a high nose.”

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At that moment, everyone’s eyes turned to Jeffrey. The chief of Stable 2 almost fainted.

“Hey, dude! Can’t you shut your mouth? Get out! You are fired!”

“Did I say something I shouldn’t? And who are you firing? My uncle is the chief gardener here. Did you know that the chief gardener has influence? If you don’t want to be fired, shut up.”

Still, Jeffrey glanced Sid up and down. He didn’t like what she was doing, but his face showed that it was too good to give up. Her buttocks and thighs, exposed by the pants, were mouth-watering enough to burn.

“By the way, Abbert. In a stable with only men, the only woman is her, so let’s not monopolize it, but share. Alright?”

At that moment, Abbert ran up to Jeffrey and punched him in the face. The stable keepers, who had always only seen the gentle and kind Abbert, were so surprised that they couldn’t even stop him. But Jeffrey wasn’t that foolish, so the two men soon got into a fight with each other. Only Sid, standing next to Nathan with a brush, had a troubled look. She hadn’t met just one or two guys like Jeffrey in her life, she just kicked his crotch and tried to end it, but how did it get so big…….

Fortunately, the stable keepers, who had come to their senses, were just about to separate Jeffrey and Abbert.

“What is the fuss?”

It wasn’t that loud, but it was a voice that resonated heavily inside the stable.

“Grand Duke…… !”

Still, Kahel, who had come to see Sid, was standing at the stable’s doorway with two knights. Jeffrey and Abbert, who were in a mess, all the stable keepers, who had straw all over their bodies after trying to stop them, quickly retreated to one side and bowed their heads. As she bowed her head, she could not see Kahel’s face, but she could feel his cold gaze staring at them.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Explain what’s going on.”

“That, that…….”

When Sid was wondering where to start and how to explain, Jeffrey intervened.

“That woman kicked me, Your Highness! I was the victim, but they all lynched me just because I’m new!”

The other stable keepers turned white at Jeffrey’s attitude, which went past being brave to being reckless. But Kahel was not generous enough to tolerate such arrogance.


Kahel’s eyes lit up, and Jeffrey groaned in pain as he was crushed flat to the ground. No one was moving, and Jeffrey panicked at the thought that someone was ruthlessly crushing him. But everyone except him knew that it was Kahel’s magic. They just hoped that the magic would not extend to them.

“Sid. Explain.”

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“Jeffrey grabbed my wrist and teased me, so I warned him twice and kicked him. Abbert just couldn’t stand the anger at his insults to me.”

“It’s a lie, Your Highness! I was just trying to help her brush the horse, because she looked like she was having a hard time alone!”

Again, Kahel’s cold gaze glared at Jeffrey sharply.

“Do you think you could even touch Nathan’s mane?”


“By the way, you are a bold man. Harassing the Queen’s sworn sister…….”

“Yes…… ?”

“That’s why I told you to move to Victoria Palace quickly, Sid. How long has Her Majesty been waiting? Stop working in the stables.”

Sid smiled embarrassedly at the scolding, although not a scolding, and replied that she was sorry.

Jeffrey was the only one who didn’t understand the situation. Jeffrey was unaware that the new Queen, who had recently been crowned, was the woman who served as Kahel’s close maid, and that she was Sid’s sworn sister. And even the fact that the Queen was about to bring Theo and Sid into the Palace as soon as she puts out the urgent fire.

The end of ignorance was not so good. Jeffrey quickly knelt in front of Sid and apologized, but he was immediately dragged away by the knights and thrown out of the Duke’s residence’s door. It would be difficult to find a job in another noble family in the future.

That night, Sid visited Abbert with a small container of ointment in her pocket. As expected, Abbert had left the wound untreated. He kept his mouth shut, as if angry with Sid, but didn’t deny her touch as she applied the ointment to his face.

“Why did you even fight with a guy like that? Ignore it.”

The words Sid tried to comfort Abbert only aggravated him further.

“You want me to ignore it? How can I ignore it?”

“It’s because I already kicked him with my foot.”

“Doesn’t that make you mad? Tell Her Majesty to kill that bastard. You’re Her Majesty’s sworn sister, so you should have done that. No, I should have killed that bastard first before Her Majesty came!”

Sid was still amazed and thankful that Abbert was so angry instead of her. She felt like she was the most precious person in the world when she was with Abbert.

Abbert, whom she only thought was gentle, was not afraid to show his affection after falling in love with Sid, and Sid was filled with euphoria as he confirmed his love every day. Now, it seemed she couldn’t live without Abbert.

“Abbert. Marry me.”

“What…… ?”

Sid found Abbert’s surprised face cute and persuaded him once more.

“Lena, no, it’s because Her Majesty is calling for me to come quickly…… But the only people I can take to the Palace are my family. So, be my husband.”

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