Proofreader: somnium

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Sweet Rebellion (2)

In the bedroom, where there are only the two of them after dismissing the nagging chief attendant and needlessly many handmaids, only the moist noise of indulging each other’s lips could be heard for a while.


“Haa…… What on earth did you put on your lips, it’s so sweet…….”

“More…… do more, Your Excellency.”

As Lena begged him to kiss her like a child, Kahel looked at her lovingly, then pressed their lips together again. But perhaps kissing until her lips swell won’t make her completely satisfied. Lena was always craving him.

Besides, they got married to always be together, but even after getting married, they didn’t have much time to see each other, so her frustration piled up. Even if he became a Grand Duke, he could make such a deviation without thinking back and forth.

Anyway, it’s free time they got after a long time, and it’s like going back to a year ago, so there was a stronger tension between the two in the bedroom than usual.

“Lena…… You knew what I was going to do and followed me to the bedroom? You are careless.”

“But Your Excellency is always decent.”

“Oh no. There is no other beast in the world that is brimming with lust as much as I am.”

“Then, I must be punished for being foolish to come this far.”

“My only close maid is a bit ill-mannered.”

Kahel grinned and pulled the ribbon of the dress Lena was wearing. It is fortunate that simple dresses have recently become fashionable. If it was a dress with a lot of decorations like before that she couldn’t even put on and take off without a handmaid, Kahel would have had to spend a lot of time just taking off Lena’s clothes.

The loose-fitting dress fell to the floor, and Lena was instantly dressed in only her underwear. Lena was also touched by excitement, but she was a little embarrassed that she was bare in front of Kahel, who was still wearing all of his clothes. But even as Lena clasped her legs together and covered her chest with her arms, Kahel untied the ribbon of the corset, kissing her white shoulder.

“You don’t know. What do your master, whom you admire so much, think of when he closes his eyes every night?”

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It was such a seductive voice that the listener would become hazy. Soon, his hand, unraveling the corset’s ribbon, came onto the flesh in her smooth skin and stroked her narrow waist and spine.

One by one, her underwear fell to the floor.

“What, what were you thinking of?”

Lena asked while revealing her white body and blushing. Kahel, appreciating Lena’s beautiful body, roughly unraveled his own cravat.

“One day, I imagined sitting in the bathtub with you, and on other days I imagined putting whipped cream on your lips and sucking it. Sometimes I even imagined you crying in my arms.”

“Really? I only believed that you were ascetic…….”

“You have been deceived. There was no one more lustful than me in the Luave mansion.”

Kahel recalled the days when he was terribly surprised while imagining each and every action with Lena. The memories of those encroached by his devilish curse running at him and trying to take off his clothes or rub his skin were so terrible that he never thought that he would fall into such a delusion.

Whenever he was touched by Lena’s kindness, something welled up inside him and he kissed her on the forehead, but at that time he thought that what he was doing was just a compliment or a sign of affection.

However, he started thinking more about Lena, and his imagination for her grew more and more intense as time went on.

When he let go of his mind for a moment, he imagined kissing Lena ‘not on her forehead’ but on her bare skin, and as the imagining deepened, his whole body heated up in panic. He insisted over and over again that he shouldn’t do this, but when Lena smiles prettily in front of him, he gets caught up in thoughts about Lena again without realizing it.

Of course, it wasn’t just lust. He wanted to give Lena everything, and he wanted to take care of her wounds. Then, how discouraged he was when he found out that what she wanted was not material. It seemed like the only thing he could give her was only the things that money can buy…….

He was so worn out and tormented by the unfamiliar thoughts, but at the time he didn’t know what that meant. He only thought that he might be encroached by the devilish curse, but he had no idea that he was falling in love.

“You don’t know how painful it was.”

“Was it painful?”

“My body and mind were burning with unfamiliar heat, but there was no way to release it.”

At that time, touching his own body felt too dirty, so he would just pour cold water on himself. If he had to live like that again, he wouldn’t be able to stand it. Now that he knows the supreme happiness and pleasure that Lena gives.

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Kahel took off his shirt as well and laid Lena, white and soft like a dough, slowly, on the bed.

“Even though you made me like that, you didn’t seem to mind, so I was angry at times.”

At that, Lena smirked. But if Lena had been able to peer into his mind at the time, she would probably have run away.

“When I was young, I learned many things from the head of the family’s knights, and the one that impressed me the most was how to hunt. I learned something like how to patiently twist a timid animal and catch it in one fell swoop……Thanks to that, I was able to hold you in bed like this. It was the most useful lesson I’ve ever learned.”

Kahel smiled languidly as he took off all the clothes left on his body. Lena felt as if she was a rabbit in front of a large snake. He looked down at her like a red-eyed snake that would swallow her in one bite, but she didn’t think to run away. It was clear that she wouldn’t be able to resist his sharp, sweet tooth that pierced her body.

As Lena stared blankly at Kahel, he began to create fluttering marks over Lena’s white body. Lena’s moaning voice mixed in the air of the bedroom.

“Poor thing, you were so naive that you got eaten by me.”

“Your Excellency…… But I, too, had an impure heart towards you…….”

Kahel’s red eyes were instantly dazzled by curiosity.

“Since when?”


“Come to think of it, at first you were just afraid of me. I still remember it clearly. I was secretly trying to seduce you, but you were afraid and only shed tears. Since when did you start having feelings for me?”

At one point, Lena was only afraid of him, to the point that Kahel’s self-esteem was hurt. So, for a long time after that, he only thought that Lena was afraid of him. That was a stumbling block toward confirming their love for each other, and the failure to completely relieve Lena’s fears was the reason Lena was kidnapped.

So he was curious. When did Lena open her heart to him, and why did she love something like him?

“Maybe…… I think it was from when you first kissed my forehead.”

“Kiss you on the forehead…… ? Then…… The day you first gave me a massage?”

“Yes. At that time, you stroked my hair and kissed me, right? I thought that was a compliment. I thought it was because I was praised that I felt so good. I wanted to feel that feeling again, so I even asked Arder, who was passing by, to stroke my hair.”

“…… Did you even get a kiss from Arder?”

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Lena smiled a little when she saw Kahel’s straight face.

“No. It felt so different from the stroke you gave me, so I just said my greeting and passed by. Strangely, I didn’t even think about wanting to be kissed by the butler. But when I think of you again, I want to be kissed on the forehead as much as I can.”

Lena’s cheeks and earlobes turned red. She doesn’t know if it was because she was ashamed of her naive past, or it was because Kahel’s body temperature, which was transmitted through their close skin, that causes her to become hot.

“Since that time…… How ignorant have I been?”

When he realized how much time had been wasted on misunderstandings and delusions, Kahel became angry even though the time had already passed. So, now, they had to love each other as hard as they could.

Kahel again slid himself over Lena’s body, swallowing her lips and breath, lamenting the time he had lost.

* * *


“Lena, I love you, I love you…….”

“I think you need to eat something. Lena?”

“I want to swallow you all from head to toe.”

Lena’s eyes widened at the sound of Kahel’s voice calling out to her. But she couldn’t tell if he was calling her now or if the sweet words she heard last night were still ringing in her ears.


“Ah…… Kahel…….”

When she opened her twinkling eyes, she saw Kahel’s face, which seemed wet from the pleasant fatigue. Seeing that the surroundings were bright, it seemed that it was already morning.

“You look very tired.”

“Yes…… a little…….”

“Forgive me. I can’t control myself…….”

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Instead of being too busy to sleep, once he started doing it, Kahel didn’t know how to stop and didn’t let Lena go until daybreak. At that time, Kahel’s expression was really like a beast. Fortunately, Lena’s powers are strong, but if she was a normal woman, she wouldn’t have been able to handle him.

At that thought, Lena’s face was blushing again, and Kahel smiled and raised Lena’s upper body.

“You must be hungry because you didn’t eat dinner last night. The chief attendant has prepared a meal with just the right things to eat.”

On the cart, which the chief attendant quietly pushed into the bedroom, breakfast was laid out. However, seeing the heavy-looking chicken dish and the hearty soup with cheese, it seemed that he was quite concerned about the fact that the two of them used up all their stamina last night.

“Even though Count Astollen nags a lot, he is quick-witted.”

“Otherwise, he won’t be able to become the chief attendant.”

Lena was chewing on the loaf that Kahel had ripped, when she realized that he was no longer speaking casually to her. It was a little disappointing, but that didn’t change the way Kahel looked at her. Even though he was courteous and polite, his ruby-like ​​eyes were always filled with flames that seemed to burn forever.


“What? Are you talking about Count Astollen?”

“No, I have no interest in the chief attendant. I want to talk about Kahel.”

“That’s a relief. It would have been a bit disappointing if you kept thinking of the chief attendant in front of me.”

Kahel smiled seductively as she spread the front of his robe wider with her fingertips. He thought she knew how to seduce people from birth, but after marriage, her audacity was increasing day by day. Of course, it wasn’t a bad thing.

“Well, that’s not it…… In the future, I think it would be good to do events like yesterday…… more often.”

Seeing Lena with her cheeks dyed red, Kahel smiled softly.

“It seems I wasn’t the only one who found the rebellion to be so sweet.”

“Oh, why is it so hot?”

Lena fluttered a fan in her hand, avoiding his gaze. Kahel, who couldn’t stand Lena’s loveliness, forgot that she was eating, and hugged Lena again. Perhaps, today’s inquiry should be canceled.

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