One Spring Day

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“Big Brother! Where are you?”

“Kiki! Here, here!”

“Kiki! Here too!”

“Hnng, where? Hhhnnngg, uwaaahh!”

Eventually, Kirna burst into tears. Although the ending was expected by the adults, the children rushed out to comfort Kirna, who was sitting on the floor.

“Don’t cry, Kirna. I’ll be the next tagger.”

“Kiki is a baby, so let’s exclude her from it.”

“Yeah, that’s right!”

“Kiki! Look at this! It’s choco, choco! Kiki wants to eat a little bit of choco?”

Kirna, who was called a baby among the five to seven years old, was four years old. The expressions of adults watching from afar were delighted to see such children comforting the youngest Kirna.

“You don’t want to go to Kirna?”

“The kids are all comforting her, right?”

Gerard, Kirna’s father, waved his hand at Kahel’s concern. Even though she was a hard-earned child, he didn’t want to be too easy on her. Moreover, as he said, Kirna was already weeping yet smiling thanks to the comfort of the older sister and brothers.

“Lennock has also become quite mature.”

“Haha! He grew up a lot, right?”

“It’s bad to trust the father, let him be naughty. He’s still young, but I’m thinking of getting a proper tutor next year.”

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“Hey, it’s still early. When you’re young, you should let them play to their heart’s content.”

Unlike Lian, who quickly became happy hearing praise for his son, Maybelle was strict. Thanks to this, Lennock of Duchy Santella looked more to his father than to his mother, and he played all kinds of pranks thanks to his father’s strong affection. Just by looking at it, they could tell at a glance who Lennock looked like.

“Being with Princess Catherine, you can see that Lennock is young. You’re too soft on Lennock.”

“Isn’t Lennock’s charm was to be innocent?”

Gerard intervened while Lian was hard at work defending his son to his wife.

“Princess Catherine seems very calm, unlike a seven-year-old child. It seems that she is already dignified.”

“Yes…… Catherine looked just like her dad.”

Lena gave birth to a daughter, Catherine, three years after the marriage. Everyone was so happy when the first child was born as a daughter. Moreover, Catherine was said to have the same power as Lena, and that she would inherit the glory of Logos.

However, Catherine’s appearance and personality were the same as her father, Kahel. The dark, fine-grained hair, white skin, and large, red eyes drew admiration to the point that it had to be said that she was beautiful even though she was still young. She was a child who resembled her father as much as she loved her mother.

“But she’s still a child. She likes being with me the most. If no one is watching, she secretly acts childish.”

“Isn’t that true not only of Princess Catherine, but also of the Grand Duke? I would say that father and daughter are alike…….”

At Gerard’s words, Kahel, who was next to Lena and was fiddling with Lena’s hair, glared at Gerard with pointed eyes. But now Gerard’s direct boss was not Kahel, but Damien, so he didn’t flinch. Of course, he has never done that before.

Although Gerard brought up Catherine first, he was more interested in Prince Arman, the second son of Lena and Kahel. Five-year-old Arman was the next Duke Luave.

“Prince Arman resembles Your Majesty. He really is like a fluffy baby rabbit every time I see him.”

Arman, who resembled Lena, was a cute child with dark brown hair and pale cheeks and eyes that were darker than Lena. If his older sister, Catherine, already had the aura of a cold and noble beauty, Arman felt good and clear.

“Anyway, he worries me a little. The child who would be Duke Luave is so…… I wonder that he looks too soft…….ugh”

“Hahaha! Don’t worry. Since he is the son of you two, I’m sure he won’t be weak. And even though Your Majesty seems to be very soft on the outside, you are by no means an easy person.”

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Gerard’s wife, Dahlia, stabbed Gerard in the side, but Kahel agreed and nodded his head. Lena only seemed to be soft and naive in her outward appearance, but she was by no means an easy opponent.

She was rather stubborn, and didn’t fall for the nobles’ persuasion, and once she got angry, she even froze the meeting room with a cold, submerged voice. Oh, though, of course, it was really frosty inside the meeting room because of her powers.

“That’s right. Our Queen wasn’t that fragile even from a young age. She’s strong-willed, never cries, and when she gets angry, she risks her life and speaks out.”

Sid, who was beside her, giggled.

After she was caught trying to run away from her marriage to Viscount Delroins, Lena’s behavior in front of Mrs. Marvin and the Viscount Fidelia was truly unexpected. Lena quickly figured out what weapon she was wielding and how much she was worth, and she wielded it to protect Sid. It left a strong impression on Sid at that time, who did not regard Lena as weaker than her.

“That’s not what Sid should say. Sid was really strong.”

“That’s why Eris is a tomboy. These two women will kill me.”

She laughed out loud when Abbert spoke of his sorrow. But everyone knew that Sid and Eris were able to be so cheerful and joyful, thanks to Abbert’s quiet and firm support behind them.

After being teased for being a noble thanks to his wife, he soon rose to the position of chief stable keeper of the Royal Palace, the position of managing the Palace’s horses.

“When I was young, I thought I was stronger too, but as I got older, I realized that Your Majesty was really strong. I’m not talking about power. Well…… Is it your nature? You never broke even if you were bent, and you wobbled and became hard. If it were me, I would have run away.”

Everyone nodded at Sid’s words.

Of course, when discussing Lena’s powers, it was impossible not to talk about her innate powers. And it was Liddell who experienced the power more than anyone else. She doesn’t remember it, but it was Lena who broke the ancient curse that no one could have undone, and wiped away the magical powers she had.

“Is there anyone here who thinks the Queen is soft?”

Liddell said something like a joke, and then Lena laughed as well.

“Who said that…… well it’s just…… For me, Luave is just like my husband’s image. It’s kind of awkward to think that Catherine is the Queen and Arman becomes Duke Luave.”

“It will be the same for everyone. I also feel strange to think that our Terzo will later become King of Hildebrunn.”

Liddell’s son, Terzo, was a child who looked exactly like Liddell. If Terzo became King of Hildebrunn, it seemed like an image of Liddell inheriting the throne of Hildebrunn. Liddell was very afraid of that fact, but surprisingly, Liddell’s popularity in Hildebrunn skyrocketed. It must have been more difficult not to like her because she was said to be the most beautiful woman in the world, and she was smart enough that even the King couldn’t refute, and even came from a Duchy in Logos, a powerful country.

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Even their eldest son, Terzo, was gifted with an angelic appearance that resembled his mother, so royal memorabilias featuring Terzo’s portrait ran out of stock every time they were made.

“By the way, is Luahalla alright?”

“He is not very alright. His Majesty the King is ill, so he has been able to take charge of government affairs in earnest. In fact, he really wanted to come here today, but he was so busy that he couldn’t find the time.”

“Now that he was truly treated as the king of Hildebrunn, it will be difficult to go anywhere carelessly.”

Lena made a sad face and nodded.

It was really fun when everyone got married around the same time and set up such a regular meeting like this. Sid and Abbert, Lian and Maybelle, Liddell and Luahalla, Gerard and Dahlia…… Lena, who had never had so many friends, felt like she had a lot of friends for the first time, and in fact, they were a huge help to Lena when she was struggling or lonely. It was a different feeling from the sense of security that her husband, Kahel, gave her.

Moreover, since the birth of the children, the children were able to make friends and share a deeper bond with each other. Without them, Lena and Kahel’s children would have had no choice but to form friendships based on the logic of the adults from an early age.

“Oh, is Duke Luave in good health?”

“Of course. To be honest, after the two of them returned to the capital, I wondered if even a younger sibling would be born…….”


As Lena beats Kahel, trying not to recall the strange scenes of their in-laws, he’s actually not wrong. Evelyn, who regained her energy, and Damien, who was originally strong because of his magical powers, both looked much younger than their age, and they acted affectionately as if they were making up for what they had been putting off for a while.

Thanks to that, for a while, the hottest couple in the social world was none other than Evelyn and Damien. Damien, who always worships his wife wherever he goes, and Evelyn, who looks at him with eyes full of love, were very nice to look at, but it was also true that it was a little embarrassing from the point of view of their son.

Seeing him like that, Liddell chuckled as she looked at Kahel.

“Next month, the third lylock supply contract will expire, so I have to meet the Duke before returning to Hildebrunn.”

“As expected, you didn’t just come to play.”

“I told you before, my husband is too busy. I can’t just be playing as the Crown Princess.”

Like Lian, Kahel found it great to see Liddell showing off her full potential. Since she was someone who could not be satisfied even as a Duchy’s successor, she would definitely help Luahalla in developing Hildebrunn. She may not have been the Queen of Logos, but this will do enough to match her.

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“Dad! Dad!”

“Kyaaahaha! I’m first!”

This time, again, the children started running to find their parents at once. Then, a much bigger smile flowed from their parents who had been exchanging words with each other.

“Terzo! You’ll fall down!”

“Oh God, Lennock, this punk! You got your father’s stomach right with your head…….”

“Catherine, Arman. At least one of you should have run to Dad.”

“Eris! You lost the formation. You got second.”

“Oh no, our Kiki! Let’s do a little bit more!”

Regina Palace’s garden was filled with fragrant tea and sweet dessert scents, the warm hearts of those who loved each other, and the clear laughter of children. Lena hugged her children tightly with their warm body temperature, looked back at her lovely close friends, and prayed for their peace and happiness to last forever.

The wind that carried her prayers while brushing her hair was refreshing.

hello, effe here! we have reached the end end of Can’t Sleep! (the main story actually ends at 131, but the story continues right after so it didn’t feel like an after story~) 

but anyway, please thank somnium for being on this journey with us!

thank you to all readers who had loved and read Can’t Sleep till the end! the story is very light, easy and not much political thing going on, so a nice break from TVLT haha 

pardon me if the tl is still not perfect! 

thank you again for loving this book!
love, effe~

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