Proofreader: somnium

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Whom are you looking down on?

Then the surface of the mirror that was reflecting Margella shook like a water surface, and it began to illuminate a bedroom, not a cave. Dim lighting, luxurious furniture, white and fluffy bedding, and a young woman with dark brown hair sleeping buried in there.

But the only one who could see it was Margella, who recited the spell. Leonard standing behind her saw the mirror as if it still reflected his way.

“Is she possibly the woman of Duke Luave? How can she be treated like this in a luxurious room?”

“It’s not possible, but if that’s the case, then Kahel’s expression, returning after defeating the monster, will be even more impressive.”

Leonard laughed. He doesn’t know how he found a woman who was not a priestess and did not respond to Kahel’s devilish powers, but if he lost the rare human he had difficultly found in such a vain way, it seemed that Kahel’s flawless face would crumble to pieces. It was a pity that he couldn’t see it in front of his eyes.

“You may take her body, but drop one of her arms on the bed. So that Kahel can hold on to it when he cries. It would be better to show that kind of mercy.”

“Ahahaha! As expected, Your Excellency is really generous. All right. Well then, I’ll be right back.”

Margella swung the sword in her hand and took one step into the mirror. Margella’s body plunged into the surface that was a hard mirror.

Margella, who had been in the cave where her voice had just been humming, silenced herself for a moment, in the surrounding that suddenly became quiet. However, since Sharden Castle was busy with the appearance of monsters, no one seemed to come to the room where the patient was lying. It was as they had planned it.

Margella walked out from behind the mirror in the middle of the luxurious room and took one step closer to the sleeping woman. She was exhaling a little hard, perhaps because she had a fever.

“Oh my gosh, How pitiful. It looks like it hurts a lot But don’t worry. You will soon be comfortable.”

Margella held a sword imbued with magical powers. The sharp blade of the sword flashed in the light of the bloodstone hanging on the wall.

And the moment she raised her sword high, Lena, who had been gasping for breath with the fever, suddenly opened her eyes.


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Margella forgot to lower her sword, and she made a stupid sound.

It was very strange. The woman who had fallen asleep opened her eyes and looked straight at her without looking around. Margella wondered how this could be the case. Besides, she didn’t even struggle from the moment she opened her eyes. She was just staring at Margella fiercely.

“He, hello, Miss?”

Unable to overcome her curiosity, Margella lowered her sword and looked into Lena’s face. It was a pretty face. Although there was no blood, her skin looked soft and fair, and the eyes shining under the rich eyelashes were large and beautiful. However, unlike the gentle and cute appearance, the gaze staring at her was full of indescribable intimidation.

“Uhm…… I’m really curious about Miss, but my master is waiting over there. You need to die. I’m sorry.”

Margella apologized with no regret at all, and then she gripped the handle of the sword again. Then she raised her body and looked down at the woman of small stature. At that moment, Lena’s lips twitched.

“Whom are you looking down on?”

And the moment the voice reached Margella’s ears, an enormous weight pressed down on her, as if a huge boulder had been placed there.


Margella tried to resist the power by mobilizing her own magical powers, but it was not enough. She barely sat on her knees, kneeling on the floor. She looked like she would be crushed to the floor if she was even a little careless.

Meanwhile, Margella rolled her eyes in surprise, not understanding what had just happened. The woman on her bed still looked the way she was, but Margella had to look up at her now.

“You, who are you!”

At the urgent question, it was as if a laughter could be heard from Lena’s lips.

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“I didn’t think the intruder was going to ask.”

It was a small voice, but it felt as if Margella had bowed down under great majesty, wishing only for a merciful disposition. Even in front of the priests who imprisoned her and Leonard who freed her, Margella, who was proud, trembled in fear for the first time.


Lena, who had subdued Margella with few words, commanded, pointing her forefinger to Margella as if she had nothing to do anymore.

“You have nothing to remember about me.”

Then she flicked her finger lightly towards the back of the mirror she had come over. At the same time, Margella’s body flew to the other side of the mirror, and in Lena’s room, the middle-aged warlock, the back side of the shimmering mirror, and even the sword she was carrying disappeared. The purple eyes that had been shedding anticipation also hid behind the slowly sinking eyelids.

And after a while, Phil, at Kahel’s request, came into the room where Lena was sleeping, with two maids carrying the treatment tool. To him, the situation was no different from what it was after he had finished treatment.

He glanced at one of the maids, and the maid gently rolled up the quilt that covered Lena. Phil put a hand on her forehead, thinking that Lena’s body was probably warm by now. However, her body temperature was normal. Her breathing was even, and her complexion had returned quite a bit from before.

“That’s unexpected.”

Phil tilted his head and thought, ‘Well, I guess you have a healthy constitution.’ Kahel wouldn’t let him go if he said he saw Lena’s naked body, so Phil looked out the window while the maids untied Lena’s bandage. In the distant Kalahan Mountains, the indiscriminate slaughter must have been taking place by now. Of course, it would be Kahel, not the monster, who carried out the massacre.

“Do, doctor!”

His thoughts were interrupted by the surprised call of the maids.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

“This…… I don’t know what happened…….”

The two maids had their eyes wide open, not knowing what to do. Phil wondered if the wound had worsened, so he hurried to the bedside. Thanks to the bloodstone lamp carried by the maid, Lena’s smooth back was very visible.

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“Oh? Unbelievable…… !”

Yes. It was a smooth back. It wasn’t the appearance of a wound that would inevitably leave a hideous scar even if it had healed, but a very smooth and clean back that was originally hers.

Phil, like the maids, stiffened with their mouth wide open.

He checked the face of the girl lying on the bed and looked back. Traces of the terrible wound that were left were only on the bandage that had just been removed, and there was no more left on Lena’s body.

“Oh my gosh, how can this be…….”

No matter how much he looked at the knowledge and experience of the past 30 years as a doctor, it was impossible for a wound to heal so quickly. Oh, of course, people with magical powers like Kahel could do this. Because they were able to self-heal with magical powers when they were seriously traumatized.

However, this young lady was not of the Duchy’s blood. Of course, there were occasionally people with magical powers other than the Duchy’s blood, but if this young lady had magical powers, Kahel would have known.

Phil pondered for a moment about this wonderful healing. It was an absurd situation, but if he were to guess the cause, he could think of a few things.

First, it is possible that she was healed by Kahel. He knew that until now that Kahel had never used his powers to heal.

Second, it is possible that Lena’s peculiar constitution, which does not respond to Kahel’s devilish powers, has influenced her in some way. In this case, it was an uncharted territory, so there was nothing to predict.

Third, it is said that the monsters that appeared this time use magic, and that Sevchek used magic that only temporarily hurts to scare Lena. Of course it wouldn’t have been so.

Phil urged the maids, who were only waiting for his orders, to remain silent on Lena’s unusual recovery rate. Before Kahel’s confirmation, this was not a good thing if it was to get rumored. Fortunately, all the employees of this castle serving the Duke had a heavy mouth. It is because they are well aware that if they misuse their mouth, they can die without even a mouse or a bird knowing.

Phil left Lena’s room, leaving the maids to dress her.

“I thought she wouldn’t be a normal person, but this is too surprising.”

The close maid, who had surprised them from the moment she arrived in Sharden, seemed like a huge piece of mystery. Anyway, he thought it would be good news for Kahel, who was eagerly waiting for Lena’s recovery, so Phil decided to think positively.

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While Phil, who suddenly had nothing to do, scratched the back of his head and walked through the corridors of the castle, Leonard’s urgent voice echoed from within the huge cavern of Levanas.

“Margella! Wake up, Margella!”

It shouldn’t be difficult for Margella, a powerful warlock, to kill a slender girl who couldn’t move. So he didn’t care too much and was relaxed, suddenly Margella was spat out of the mirror. It’s harsh enough to say that she had almost been thrown out.

And Margella, lying on the floor, lost her consciousness even though there was no trauma.

Margella’s disciples carried her to the bed and Leonard tried to bless her several times to rejuvenate her, but Margella did not open her eyes. She wasn’t dead, so it was fortunate, but he was in a very bad situation because he had only Margella who could summon monsters.

“What the hell happened!”

Leonard yelled at the innocent Margella’s disciples for nothing, but of course no one answered.

“Shit! I was still trying to get more monsters!”

The fact that she couldn’t come to her senses despite his blessing with the powerful magical powers meant that she had suffered deep internal wounds that prevented her from waking up immediately. And there wasn’t much time left for Leonard. A New Year’s party will be held soon, and as the head of the Guardian family, he had to attend the event.

The monster army could be completed in no time, so he tried to release the monster first, divert Kahel’s attention, and get rid of the woman next to Kahel first. Unknown danger had to be rid of their plans as much as possible. But he never imagined that it would have such a result.

Leonard barely swallowed the anger that was about to boil over and glared at the giant mirror, shining through the cold wall.

“The woman who is by Kahel’s side…… There must be something.”

There seemed to be a warning of danger in his head.

Although the number of monsters he was aiming for with this visit was a little short, the monster army prepared so far will be of great help to Liddell. But he was worried that Margella would lose her consciousness forever. It was because Margella had a lot of work to do in the future besides summoning monsters.

Leonard once again placed his hand on Margella’s forehead and tried to wake her up, but Margella’s consciousness refused to allow her to wake, and she did not accept his power. Leonard left the cave, clenching his teeth, and ordered Margella’s disciples to heal her.

It seemed that he had no choice but to return to Ardennes earlier than planned this year.

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