Proofreader: somnium

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Be careful when signing

“Elliot. From what I’ve heard, you seem to be going to and from the library a lot.”

“Ah…… Yes…….”

At Liddell’s attention, Elliot pretended to be pitiful, raised her eyebrows and nodded her head slightly, but inside she was happy.

“The main thing you’re looking for is about ‘reinstatement’…….”

“Yes. I think that there is only one way to comfort my parents’ unjust death…… But every night I pray to my parents for an apology because I don’t think there’s any way I can do it on my own.”

“Oh no…… Well. I’m really sorry that I couldn’t take care of Elliot’s situation because I was busy.”

Liddell made a sadder face than Elliot and held Elliot’s hands tightly together. Elliot had a face full of emotion just by that.

“Reinstatement is not really that easy. The royal family cannot intervene recklessly in the punishment imposed by the Duchy of Luave. However, recently, there are many scholars who oppose the system, saying it is outdated. At least, I think we can make sure that Elliot, who is not yet 20, is not dragged back.”

Even with those words, Elliot couldn’t shake her anxiety.

“But the life of a girl who has no title, no property, no spouse, in the Duchy of Luave, could be wiped out without even a noise.”

“That’s why I asked a very distant relative of mine to adopt Miss Elliot.”

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“Yes? Adopt……?”

“It is Viscount Lucenwein, who is my grandfather’s cousin brother. He is in his early 50s and unfortunately, he has no children yet. He said that if Elliot became his daughter, he could at least take a son-in-law and carry on the title. What do you think?”

Elliot blinked her eyes and tilted her head to see if this was a good thing or a bad thing. The responsibility to regain the honor of her deceased parents weighed on her heart, but on the one hand, she was delighted with the condition that she would not only be a Baron, but would be the only daughter in a Viscounty family.


“Well, then…… Am I safe?”

“Sure. Baron Fidelia’s daughter is already dead, and Elliot will be Elliot Lucenwein, so what’s the problem? And Viscounty Lucenwein is quite wealthy. If the family had a daughter, men would line up to marry Elliot. Elliot is also quite beautiful.”

In an instant, a bright light appeared on Elliot’s face. These were truly exceptionally good conditions. She no longer has to live in hiding as the daughter of a sinner, she can enjoy everything as a daughter of a wealthy family, and a love affair with a wonderful man will naturally follow.… !

But in the next moment, Elliot realized that this great fortune was unlikely to come for free.

“I….… So, what should I do? Something…… I must repay Miss Liddell for the favor…….”

“Oh! Elliot, what is wrong with you? I do this because I want everyone who is my maid to do well.”

Liddell, who burst into a bright smile as if the sun was breaking, was like an angel of salvation. She gives such great grace without any conditions, and Elliot even thought that there was no human being who was so merciful.



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Elliot, who was reassured, raised her head.

“It should be revealed that the Luave executed the sentence on the wrong person along with the deceased Baron Fidelia and his wife. It wasn’t Elliot Fidelia that the Duke of Luave killed with the Barony couple, but that it was an innocent stranger who had never joined the Fidelia family. After that, public opinion will arise whether the death of Baron Fidelia and his wife was too much. Wouldn’t it be enough for Baron Fidelia and his wife, who died unfairly, to close their eyes comfortably?”

“If that’s the case, I can’t ask for anything more…… how…… ?”

“Don’t worry, Elliot. I will prepare everything. Elliot just needs to appear at the set moment. So speaking of which…….”

“Yes, Miss.”

“The situation was so urgent that I could not seek Elliot’s permission and went through the adoption process. If Elliot doesn’t want to, you don’t have to sign the adoption agreement. But the reason I moved so quickly was because I wanted to take Elliot to the second day of the New Year’s Celebration. How perfect would it be if Elliot Lucenwein’s debut in the Ardennes social world is the second day of the New Year’s Celebration? Isn’t it?”


“Yes? Me, really? At the royal ball…… ! But, on the second day of the New Year’s Celebration, isn’t it tomorrow?”

“Yes. I’m really sorry to inform you in such a hurried manner. It was only late in the evening that the documents arrived from the Lucenwein family. But I have prepared the dress Elliot will wear. And Elliot wouldn’t be a sinner’s daughter anymore, it’s a royal ball, so you don’t have to shrink at all.”

“Ah, Miss…… You are truly an angel. You saved my life! Thank you!”

Excited, Elliot even shed tears and said thank you. Liddell took the white handkerchief from her arms and patted Elliot, wiping her tears.

“Maria will bring the consent form soon, and you just need to sign it. Then everything will be perfectly ready.”

“Yes! Thank you!”

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It was a beneficial deal in many ways as it solved the problems of the distant relatives, strengthened Elliot’s precarious position, and earned her loyalty. She had to do some distraction by squeezing her hand over it so Elliot couldn’t see the whole papers while she signed it, but that wasn’t much of an effort.

The next day, at the New Year’s Celebration ball, there was a pretty girl with a face never seen before, standing next to Liddell.

She had dark blonde hair with fine braids, vivid green eyes, smooth pink skin, and a sultry look, but in fact, at the New Year’s Celebration, there was nothing notable about her that they cared so much about. What made Elliot special was that she stood next to Liddell Santella.

But she felt that people’s eyes were pouring on her, and she believed that it was all because of her beauty. It was a possible misunderstanding because she did not yet know the extent of Liddell Santella’s position in the Ardennes social circle.

Liddell introduced Elliot lightly to the crowds around her.

“Ah, this is Miss Elliot Lucenwein from the house of Viscount Lucenwein, from my grandfather. This is her first time in the capital city, so everyone please be kind.”

“Hello? I am Elliot Lucenwein.”

And Elliot bent her knee slightly and bowed shyly, just as she had been told beforehand. She was actually afraid that someone would recognize her because she had been to the debutante ball last year, but as Liddell put it, no one asked her, ‘Isn’t she the Lady of Baron Fidelia?’

After all, among the huge crowd that flock to the debutante ball, no one will remember the daughter of a rural Baron whom they have never heard the name. Her appearance is completely different from back then, especially since the name Elliot is quite common.

In any case, the fact that she was introduced by Liddell made Elliot a hot topic. Busy Liddell only introduced Elliot, and left her and mingled with the white faction noble, but she was gone from Liddell’s eyes, thanks to the swift enveloping of ladies eager to hear even the slightest bit about Elliot. There was no time to worry about Liddell’s absence

“The dress is so beautiful. It goes so well with Lucenwein’s emerald eyes. You have a keen eye.”

“Ah, thank you, this is the dress Miss Liddell gave me as a gift. The one with the good eye is not me, but Miss Liddell.”

“Did you receive a gift from Lady Santella? Oh my goodness…… That’s why she’s so close to Miss Elliot, isn’t it?”

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The question of whether she was close with Liddell came in secretly. But Elliot shyly replied, “Because Miss Liddell is so kind and sweet.”

They were having a conversation like that for a long time, and suddenly the surrounding was buzzing. Elliot was bewildered, but the other ladies started snooping through the entrance to the hall with a quickly fluttering face. Elliot wondered what was going on, and she snooped her head along with them.

At the entrance, the crowd, who had been chattering for a while, seemed to slowly open the way, and in the midst of it, the figure of a tall man began to appear.

“Oh…… my God…… !”

A young man, who unintentionally drew all eyes, was leading others into the venue. He was a man of overwhelming beauty that made her wonder if even that simple act had some great meaning. Broad shoulders, a solid chest, and outstretched limbs make him feel very strong, but when he turns his head, the jawline and fluttering hair are beautiful, indifferent red eyes and slightly closed lips seem to not be interested in this crowded banquet hall. It was so bizarre that her saliva dripped.

When she first saw Lian, she felt he was a heavenly beauty, but this was a different beauty from Lian, and it was more fatal than Lian. If Lian was just a bright light that existed there, this man was a darkness that seemed to take people’s hearts by force. Without even thinking of closing her half-opened lips, Elliot turned her head slowly in the direction the man was moving.

‘This is love at first sight…….’

Even as her mind wandered, Elliot was convinced. She fell in love with her fated one, like the protagonist in a fairy tale. After overcoming all kinds of trials and tribulations, she came across a seductive man who came at the ball. It was like the moment when a prince and a young lady, who used to be covered in ash and had been restored to her beauty by a fairy, met.

Elliot felt that she was close to the climax of the fairy tale. If the young Lady, who was standing right next to her, hadn’t whispered.

“Miss Elliot, is this your first time? That is Duke Kahel Luave.”

“What? Wh…who?”

“Oh, Miss Elliot! How can you be so absent-minded? Hohoho! That’s His Excellency Duke Kahel Luave. How does it feel to see him in person?”

The young lady looked shyly expecting an answer, but Elliot was dizzy as if she had been hit in the head with a hammer.

“Luave…… ? The Duke of Luave…… ?”

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