Proofreader: somnium

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The death that day

“It could be.”

As Kahel responded lightly, Liddell continued to speak as if questioning him, with her docile eyes twinkling.

“I know Kahel is smart and good. Anyone who asks for the perfect specimen of a young head will think of Kahel. But everyone makes mistakes, and there are lessons to be learned from them, right? For example…… something like compassion…… ?”

At those words, the people around realized what Liddell was trying to say. It must have been related to the rumor that began to spread quietly from the second day of the Celebration, ‘Kahel Luave killed a completely unrelated person other than the actual daughter in the process of slaughtering the criminal’s family together.’

Of course, since the dead are commoners, no family would dare to argue with Kahel, but if this is true, Kahel’s status of ‘perfection’ will be cracked. Once ‘perfection’ is cracked, it is no longer perfect, and after that, no matter how well he does, he can’t go back to ‘perfect’.

Everyone’s attention was focused on the young and beautiful man who perfectly performed the Head’s duty while carrying the devilish curse. They were full of anticipation as to whether his human side would finally be revealed, as he seemed even more devilish because he was so flawless.

Kahel subtly enjoyed their gaze and pretended to be ignorant.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Liddell raised her eyebrows as if in embarrassment and wiggled his hands, opening her mouth with difficulty.

“Remember Baron Fidelia, who was stripped of his title about half a year ago for taking part in the crimes with Viscount Delroins?”

“Ah! You’re talking about the Baron of Kerouac, who was involved in a crime plotted by Viscount Horace. Yes. I remember.”

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Although the center of the crime was Viscount Horace, a white faction noble, Liddell’s tactic of mentioning only the name of Viscount Delroins, a black faction noble, was a hint of how she cleverly manipulated public opinion. Even though Kahel knew what was going on, Liddell was not at all flustered.

“That’s right. That person. At that time…… I heard that you even beheaded his family?”

“Yes. It was. I can’t afford to let the people try to blow up the Duchy’s main property and risk my life.”


“Kahel. If his daughter were still alive, would you want to kill the Lady, who is not yet twenty?”

Kahel looked at Liddell with a faint smile. It was a great performance as always. Kahel once again thought it was clear that Liddell thought she could really be the goddess of mercy.

“You’re talking as if his daughter is really alive, Liddell.”

The people around them were watching this elegant showdown with excitement on their faces. When Liddell came out like that, she meant that she had already secured Baron Fidelia’s biological daughter. Even if it wasn’t for Kahel, everyone knew that. Will Kahel then admit the existence of the Baron’s biological daughter? Will he acknowledge his mistake? And if Kahel doesn’t approve of it, how will Liddell prove it?

As they ate the tea and refreshments in front of them, everyone was anticipating who would win.

As Kahel looked at Liddell coldly, Liddell gave a shallow sigh with a sympathetic face and nodded her head slightly.

“Of course, now she is listed in the family register of my distant relatives, she is not ‘Elliot Fidelia’, but ‘Elliot Lucenwein’. Now that she’s from the Lucenwein family, I hope Kahel would let her go. Because the lady is trembling with anxiety every day. Could you have mercy on her, Kahel?”

Even if a saint was present, she would not be able to create a face as perfectly benevolent as Liddell. It was to the extent that everyone in the room exclaimed lowly as if they were moved by Liddell’s heart. To say that they disliked it was the same as demonizing the image of Luave family.

To be honest, he wanted to catch and kill the girl who had tormented Lena so much, but Kahel replied with a glamorous smile. There, Liddell smiled happily and gestured to her back. Again, Liddell had brought Elliot as her maid for today’s stage.

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Kahel watched the blonde woman walking from behind her, taking care not to reveal her murderous energy. Naturally, it’s a feat to win everyone’s sympathy, but as Elliot drooped her eyebrows like Liddell and played an anxious expression, she slowly walked over to Liddell’s side. And Liddell gently wrapped her arms around her shoulder, acting as if reassuring her. She wasn’t facing the crowd, but everyone was watching them.

“Elliot. Say hello. This is Duke Kahel Luave. And Kahel, this is Lady Elliot Lucenwein. Due to her pitiful circumstances, she is now serving as my maid.”

Some people recognized that on the second day of the New Year Celebration, Liddell brought that Lady with her, but most of them had not liked Elliot’s pretty appearance until now. The perfect blonde hair that is hard to find, the clear green eyes, a tall nose, thick and sullen lips, and a slender, trembling body…….

Had they met at the banquet hall without Liddell’s introduction, she would have been considered one of the common ladies, but Liddell’s dramatic portrayal of Elliot’s circumstances made her even more beautiful. Some of the Madams who were obsessed with romance novels seemed to be filled with anticipation that Kahel might develop a crush on Elliot.

But in Kahel’s eyes, Elliot was just an abomination.

‘She looked evil at first sight.’


Besides, what she was doing now. Being the daughter of a sinner, and in addition the subject of persecuting Lena over the years, yet look at her pretending to be a victim.

“Hmm…… So you said this was Baron Fidelia’s daughter. She should have died together with them.”

“Kahel. It’s all over. Are you still angry?”

“No. In fact, I can’t even remember it right now.”

Liddell hurriedly defended Elliot, but Kahel gave in lightly and said to Elliot.

“Is it Lucenwein now? Yes, Miss Lucenwein. I don’t know where you were hiding at the time of the arrest, but it’s your luck that you survived this way. Since Liddell is begging for it, I am not going to come forward now and talk about the collective punishment. But you won’t be lucky twice. Just keep that in mind.”

The smile on Kahel’s lips was still beautiful, and his eyes weren’t even bitter, but the nobles gathered there noticed that this was Kahel’s last warning. But the one scared was the ordinary nobles, not Liddell. Liddell smiled brightly as if pleased with Kahel’s forgiveness, preparing for her final blow.

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“Thank you, Kahel! I knew Kahel would forgive her. That’s great, Elliot!”

“Thank you, Duke Luave. Thank you, Miss Liddell.”

As Elliot said her thanks and hurriedly pulled out her handkerchief and pressed it against her eye, a small applause erupted around her. Of course, it was an applause for Liddell, not Elliot. And just in time, Liddell tilted her head and asked naively.

“By the way…… So who was it that died that day, the daughter of Baron Fidelia?”

As if asking a trivial question, but with a slightly louder voice than that…….

As Liddell had planned, the happy eyes of those around them turned to Kahel with some suspicion, curiosity, and certain expectations. Even the compulsion like, ‘Now, admit your mistake!’ was faintly included.

However, Kahel’s relaxed expression did not break down. Because he had no reason to falter.

“I don’t know whom you are talking about.”

“It’s a long time ago, but I definitely remember it. The notice was made saying that the Baron Fidelia couple and their daughter had been executed. But Elliot is here…… Who died that day?”

Without any malice, she had a face as if she was just asking out of curiosity. Kahel had to manage to press down on a laughter, which was starting to burst out of his heart.

“Ah! The girl who was caught ‘instead’ of the daughter! With dark brown hair…….”

There Elliot took her face off of her handkerchief and asked all in haste.

“Was it a girl my age with dark brown hair and purple eyes?”

“Well…… I think so.”

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“Aahh! What should I do…… The child was a maid in the Barony. As a poor child who lost her parents, my parents raised her as a maid. I can’t believe she was swept away to death like that…… What to do, I feel so bad..….”

Elliot sobbed more as if her heart was being ripped apart. To anyone who didn’t know the circumstances, they would have thought that Elliot really cared for the maid. Of course, it was just creepy to Kahel, who knew everything about the situation.

“You seem to have misunderstood something. I didn’t say she was dead.”


“During the execution, I learned that she was not the daughter of the Baron, so she was spared. The person who wrote the notice didn’t know that and thought the daughter was also dead. I heard that she worked in the Barony, so she is working as a maid in our mansion now? Right, Arder?”

“Yes, Your Excellency. Surprisingly, she knows noble etiquette well, and she is good at her work.”

“Right, it was. Bring the maid.”

Kahel calmly ordered that Lena be brought in, and at those words, the atmosphere inside the greenhouse changed. Now everyone’s eyes turned to Liddell. Liddell was also perplexed. She had confirmed several times that the Luave had killed the Baron’s daughter with the official notice, but she never thought she would be alive.

After a while, Lena, dressed as a maid of the Duke’s residence, followed Arder into the greenhouse. The people looked at her with more startled eyes than when they saw Elliot’s appearance.

The neatly braided dark brown hair, large and mysterious purple eyes, soft cheeks and cute lips that looked like they were dyed with fresh fruit…….

If Elliot was a common beauty, Lena was pretty and lovable, so she was much more eye-catching. And Lena’s eyes were wide open as she greeted the crowd and raised her head.

“Mi, Miss Elliot?”

Surprisingly, Elliot was the same.

“Lena? Really, Lena?”

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