Social Debut

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“Your, Your, Your Excellency! This, this, not, doesn’t suit me!”

Lena was so embarrassed that she even stammered. However, anyone would be shocked to receive such a gorgeous and expensive-looking necklace. The necklace, which had a purple ruby ​​egg embedded in it between hundreds of tiny diamonds, seemed to be choking just by hanging it around her neck.

“If you look at this one now, it may look flashy, but when you go to a banquet, you will realize that this is nothing. There won’t be only one or two people who come out wearing much more glamorous and dazzling jewels.”

“Bu, but……!”

“I told you, right? You will be introduced as my close maid. Should you be humble in a place like that?”


Kahel thought that was a good excuse to push her, and he smiled a little to himself.

“Don’t lose heart to the necklace this much. The person you serve is a much greater person.”

“Understood. I’ll, I’ll do my best!”


No matter what she was trying to do, Kahel thought Lena was so cute that he was about to die. He really wanted to hug her tight, but he couldn’t and was about to die.

* * *

On the day of the Spring Banquet, the weather was warm and sunny. Even so, Lena’s fingertips were cold and trembling.

“What if I make a mistake? No, I will definitely make a mistake.”

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She has been like this since yesterday. Seeing that she had darker double eyelids than usual, it was clear that she had not slept well.

Her finely combed, wavy hair, delicate makeup, a lilac-colored dress that suits Lena, and a diamond necklace shining from her neck were all beautiful. But Lena, who was worried that it was wrong everywhere, had no time to admire herself.

Kahel held Lena’s hand. She felt startled, but she didn’t take it out.

“Don’t worry, no one can curse you for your mistakes. You will be protected under the name of Luave.”

Lena’s heart softened as the large, warm hand covered hers. Her heart was pounding hard as if she was reacting more to his devilish power, but even if Kahel noticed it, she was relieved because she could roughly say that it was because she was nervous today.

After she thought of that excuse, she wanted Kahel to keep holding her hand. So, she quietly bent her fingers and gently squeezed Kahel’s thumb that had come into her palm, and Kahel pretended he had forgotten he was holding her hand. Leaning his torso toward her is enough to make his back hurt. Lena, and Kahel, wanted this time to feel the other person’s body temperature lasts for a long time.

But unfortunately, the carriage soon reached the Queen’s residence, Victoria Palace. Kahel was so sad that he had to remove his hand from Lena’s, which was gently grabbing his finger. Even if it borders on Lena’s fear, he wanted to touch her more. But the man named Duke Luave could not be pampered.

“I’ll say it one more time before we get off. I am behind you. If there are those that ignore or bother you, just memorize their names accurately. At the next party, I’ll make them bow their heads in front of you.”

Lena found her courage in Kahel’s hand, which was holding her hand tightly as if it were energizing her.

“Sigh, whoo…… I will do my best!”

Seeing Lena smiling full of energy with her last deep breath, Kahel also smiled. Then he first got off the carriage and escorted Lena down after. From that moment on, Lena had to endure the pouring gaze. Being a woman escorted by Kahel Luave, this was a very surprising event for those who knew of his devilish power.

Lena pretended not to notice the blatant gaze and tried to put on a soft smile as she practiced. It was such great interest that, if it were the usual, she would have been so embarrassed that she would have collapsed on the spot. It was like a harbinger of how the day would go.

People bowed their heads to Kahel, but their eyes turned to Lena, not Kahel. It was the first time in Kahel’s life that people’s eyes turned to someone other than Kahel, even when Kahel was in front.

Kahel entered Victoria Palace, where the melody was already playing, and headed straight for the Queen.

“Kahel Luave greets Your Majesty.”

“Welcome, Duke Luave. When Duke comes, the banquet shines even more. And this one…… ?”

Fabian’s gaze turned to Lena. Lena’s head seemed to go white, but as she recalled the etiquette she had learned, she narrowly bent her stiff waist.

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“To Logos be infinite glory. Lena Belrose, greets Your Majesty the heavenly Queen.”

Her thin, trembling voice was pathetic. Fabian regarded Lena as cute and ordered her to raise her head. And when she saw Lena’s face facing her, she stopped.

‘It’s a face I’ve seen somewhere…….’

She wasn’t flashy, but she was a very beautiful girl with fine features and smooth white skin. Of course, there were so many beautiful young girls in the social world, it was impossible to remember them all just because they were beautiful. But she was somehow familiar with Lena.

“This is Miss Lena Belrose, who was given a Baronet title as a vassal who will write my mother’s biography this time. Baronet Belrose is also my close maid.”

At Kahel’s elaboration, Fabian stopped thinking about who Lena looked like. Instead, she smiled softly and acted out as previously discussed with Kahel.

“It’s amazing that you are Duke’s close maid.”

“The constitution of Baronet Belrose is a little unusual. Thanks to her, I have become a little less fatigued.”

“If anyone hears it, they’ll think you must have had a very miserable life, Duke.”

“Your Majesty will change your mind when you rub your back with a brush on a stick.”

At that, the Queen laughed out loud. But that’s all there was, and she didn’t ask about Lena’s unique constitution. Because that was the promise made between the two of them.

However, the nobles around them, who were paying close attention to their conversation, wondered how Lena was able to withstand Kahel’s devilish power, and they were on the verge of their anxiety. And while Kahel and the Queen chatted a little more, Gerard took Lena to one side of the banquet hall, and the nobles immediately began to approach Lena.

“Hello, Miss. My name is Barbara Ethelred. Feel free to call me Mrs. Ethelred.”

The elderly Madam, with a gleam in her eyes, came to her and introduced herself.

“Hello. My name is Lena Belrose”

“Are you interested in embroidery? There’s an embroidery meeting hosted by me…….”

But before she could finish her words, a man interrupted.

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“Miss Lena Belrose! Hello? My name is Damian Dimaretto. Viscount Dimaretto is my father.”

“He, hello? Nice to meet you.”

As soon as the greeting towards her was finished, another young lady interrupted.

“Miss Belrose. My name is Larisa Mendel. Let me know if you’re looking for a peer group to join in. All my friends are kind and educated people.”

For a moment, she tried to remember what Mrs. Ethelred meeting was about, and Lena responded as if she was talking to everyone.

“Thank you for the invitation. But I am still worried about going to private meetings.”

As some Madams and young Ladies showed disappointment at her reply, another deep voice rang from the side.

“Baronet Belrose. My name is Rubio Humencia. I was close with the former Duke Luave.”

“It is an honor to meet you, Count Humensia.”

This greeting was repeated countless times. Lena couldn’t quite memorize everyone’s names and faces. By the time Lena was drowned in the flood of information, she was fortunately saved by Gerard who stepped up.

“Well, everyone seems to be amazed at this young lady, but if Miss Belrose passes out because of this, His Excellency the Duke will be offended. Miss Belrose, would you like a cold drink over there?”


Lena answered with a desperate voice without realizing it. She was nervous that other people might frown at her, but everyone seemed to find Lena cute.

Receiving everyone’s gaze, Lena moved with Gerard. She quenched her choked throat with the cold champagne that Gerard had given her, and let out a sigh she had been holding back.

“Thank you, Count Langtail. No joke, I was really dizzy.”

“You don’t have to try to remember them all, Miss Lena. After all, you hardly will ever see anyone else. And when you meet later and pretend you know each other, you can greet each other again by saying, ‘Let me greet you formally.’”

“Oh, that’s the way!”

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“So don’t be too nervous.”

Gerard was a much more friendly person than Kahel. She wondered if it would be great to have an older brother like this. But perhaps it seemed that way to others, as even though Lena was with a young man, Gerard, there were men coming to say hello to her.

“I wondered where the scent of flower came from, Count Langtail had a monopoly on this beautiful flower.”

“Oh, Sir Etollen.”

“Hello, Miss Belrose. My name is Rex Etollen. I am the second son of Count Etollen and serve as the 3rd Guard of the Royal Family. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you from the moment Duke Luave brought you in.”


“He, hello, my name is Lena Belrose.”

Lena was taken aback by the sudden greeting of a man named Rex, but another man pushed himself in her face as he slipped between them.

“The woman who will be the muse for today’s concert will be Miss Belrose. It is an honor to meet you. I am Vincent Hyatt. Inspired by Miss Belrose, I just came up with one song. May I play it for you?”

“Sir Hyatt. I was greeting Miss Belrose first.”

“Ah, Sir Etollen! Where is the man who will wait in line when he falls in love with a beautiful girl at first sight?”

As the two quarreled, another man grabbed Lena’s hand and kissed the back of her hand lightly.

“Hello. My name is Patrick Eden. Over there, my sister Liliana will soon start playing the piano, and it would be an honor to be with you.”

Lena started turning white again. It was the same with Gerard. It was because Kahel’s eyes looking at this sight were extremely harsh. If he couldn’t drive these flies out, Kahel must have done something to retaliate against him.

“Cough! Everyone, stop. Miss Lena is my partner today!”

The three men who fought against each other over who was first, glanced at Gerard’s piercing voice and then grinned. It was clearly a laughter with intentional ridicule and disregard.

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