The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 154: 154 I Will Ask Him To Teach Me

After having eaten her lunch, Ember was quiet as she walked the hallway back to her chamber, her mind filled with complicated thoughts about the things she learned from Yula a while ago. The moment she entered her chamber, she was welcomed by the sweet chirping sound of her pet, Ray.

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She walked towards the cage and saw the adorable little bird happily feasting on a small bowl of mixed grains. Once she saw her master, Ray lifted her head as if to imply she was finished eating. She hopped here and there in a silly dance before settling on the small tiny swing inside the cage.

Finally, you are back? Ember said as she sat on the window sill where the cage was kept. She remembered what the bird had done this morning and how she embarrassed her in front of the King.

You naughty, naughty bird. What am I going to do with you? How can you embarrass me in front of His Majesty? I am your master and the things I tell you should be secrets between us.

Chirp! Chirp!

Ray only responded with another round of sweet chirping while continuing to enjoy herself on her swing.

Just because youre adorable, dont think I will forgive you easily!.

Ember was initially pouting but she couldnt help but crack a smile the more she watched the birds cute antics.

You like to play on the swing? It looks fun. You look like youre having a lot of fun, Ember said with envy in her tone.

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You know, Ray, Ive never tried sitting on a swing before. I have always wanted a swing, but my nanny refused to make one for me. Its not that Gaia doesnt think of me; its because she said the mountain where I used to live was not safe., There were nothing but dead trees in the forest and they were not sturdy enough for my nanny to arrange a swing for me. She was worried that those dry branches would break and I would fall and hurt myself. How lucky you are to have your own swing

Still not getting any response from her pet, Ember gently stroked the small birds head with a finger and then immersed herself back to her previous thoughts.

Ray, I heard something really shocking today. Did you know? His Majesty is in pain because of me. I dont know what I did to hurt him but I wish he wont hurt anymore. Yula didnt tell me what to do so he wont hurt anymore. What shall I do? she mumbled to herself.

I want to be a good mate, a good wife too, Ember felt awkward as she tried to embrace her newfound role, but, Ray, what do I do? I dont know what to do. Im scared of becoming a bad failure of a mate. Will His Majesty be happy if I go to him? What if he thinks Im bothersome? What if I try to be with him so he wont be lonely anymore, but it makes him mad instead?

I want to try, RayHis Majesty has been very good and kind to me. He often looks angry though, but its fine. I had seen him getting angry at me from the moment he brought me here so Im kind of used to it. It was not that bad. I can handle it.

Ember moved away from the cage and leaned her head against the glass panes of the window.

But you know, Ray, Im still confused about what consummation means. Yula made it sound really, really important. Why didnt she tell me and why did she say it cant be explained so simply and I might be scared? I wonder why it is scary

The girl stared at the scenery outside her window, and she noticed her faint reflection on the glass. Seeing the crimson blossom on her neck, she had a vague idea.

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His Majesty bit me in the morning but then stopped because I was in pain. Is this biting thing what Yula was talking about? She said its scary because its painful?

Ember thought her assumption was heading in the right direction.

When I think about it, didnt the bond start with biting? So maybe he needs to bite me again to complete it. If biting me will make His Majesty feel better and complete the bond so he wont be in pain, then I think I can bear with it. Biting hurts but its bearable. Its only a short time of pain. Besides, Im used to getting injuries. Back when I fell from that cliff and had a big cut on my thigh, or even back when theres the forest fire Compared to that, biting isnt even painful. I can let him bite me and everything will eventually turn out fine.

She sighed. Shall I tell His Majesty that he can bite me again and lets consummate the bond?

She looked at her pet. What do you think, Ray? Shall I tell him I am ready to consummate the bond?

The bird simply chirped and Ember poked its wing feathers with her finger. Talk to me. You know how to use words yet you never reply to me, you bad bird.

In response, Ray chirped loudly as if she was angry before flying away from the cage. The white cockatiel then landed on the chandelier in the ceiling.

Is she angry? Ember wondered as she saw Ray turn her back on her. Even a tiny bird can be angry at me now. Poor me. Wait, shouldnt I be the one angry because you made trouble for me? Im yet to forgive you!

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Just then, there was a knock on the door and Yula entered with a book in her hand.

Did you have a good meal, Miss Ember? she asked as she walked towards the human sitting on the window platform.

Its as good as always. Ember nodded and then had a look of curiosity upon spotting the book in the elfs hand. What is this book?

His Majesty has asked me to give this book to you. In this book, you can read information about the mate bond of divine beasts.

Embers eyes brightened up. Thank you so much for bringing it to me.

You should thank His Majesty. I was thinking of giving it to you but His Majesty had already thought about it.

I will thank him personally then, Ember said.

Yula passed the book to Ember. That would be great. I hope Miss will understand how important it is to not delay the bond completion and how important it is for you and your mate.

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Ember nodded and then asked, Is it mentioned here that what I have to do to consummate the bond?

Yula cleared her throat lightly. The process of consummation is indeed mentioned here but only enough for you to get an idea of theprocess. This book is mainly about the information about the mate bond and how it affects the mated pair as well as the differences about bonds of beastmen and divine beasts.

Oh! Ember said, the disappointment written on her face.

But, rest assured. His Majesty will personally tell you what to do about, uhm, consummation. I believe it is better that way, Yula added, feeling a little nervous for this human girl.

Ember felt excited. Once I finish this book, I will go to him and ask him to teach me.

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