The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 163: 163 My Name…Say It Again…

Ember didnt respond. Though she was trying to resist his true scent, she was barely hanging on. Before he could say it was fine to no longer resist now, she was already drowned in what her body was demanding and could not wait for him to do something with her.

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MoreI want more

That simple touch of his hand over her cheek was enough to ignite her delicate skin. It burned for him to touch her more to hold her morefor more

Peering close into her eyes, Draven moved to brush his lips over hers. He then gently captured her already parted lips that let out a tiny surprised gasp that turned to a moan of appreciation. His bare hand moved to the back of her neck from her cheek, pulling her head close to be able to kiss her better while his other hand pressed her against his body.

Before Ember could understand the situation, her body reacted in kind to his touch, clutching on his white undershirt as her hands moved to explore past his black tailcoat, pushing the coat away as if her hands had a mind of their own.

Their mouths danced with fervent urgency, his lips passionate and possessive on her innocent ones. But that didnt last long as her body learned to match his pace, earning a guttural groan of approval from him as she started kissing him back while sucking and nibbling on his lipsthe same way he was doing it with her lips.

Deep and hungrytheir kiss was one that responded to all the desires the two had suppressed for each other since they first tasted each others lips. It was wildly intoxicating, as if theyd found salvation in each other, and neither of them wanted to pull away, even if it was to take a breath.

MoreI want more Embers body seemed to scream.

Her mates hand continued to angle her face the way he wanted as his mouth took over hers entirely, eventually sliding his coarse and warm tongue inside her wet cavern, making her blood thrum in her veins with each passing moment.

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Soft, alluring moans could be heard from her throat that mixed with the needy groans from him, and their hot breaths continued to mingle together, unmindful of their surroundings.

However, in the end, Ember was still human.

Though her mates tongue continued to play with hers, she felt her own tongue going numb with that long kiss. Ember was starting to feel the effects of the lack of air, causing her response to his teasing tongue to be weighed by her increasing tiredness and need to breathe.

Feeling her slowly gaining back her senses, Draven stopped from ravaging her lovely lips, but he didnt move away from her. While she gasped to get enough air with her eyes closed, the tip of his nose brushed with hers in a playful manner as he enjoyed the sweet and refreshing scent thats unique to him.

You cant be this weak with me, he mumbled as his lips brushed against her moist and swollen ones. She could not understand a single word of it. A kiss like this is enough to turn you this weak; what kind of mess would you turn into when we mate for real? Will you be able to handle it? Will you be able to handleme?

She opened her emerald green eyes to stare at him, and the expectation in that gaze gave him the answer he wanted.

Today, I will make you feel something more.

As if to show her what he meant, both Dravens hands were on her slender body, holding her firmly to press her against him, not letting her move away or take a step back.

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Ember didnt understand what he meant but she felt his thigh parting her legs away from each other, before pressing a leg in between her thighs, against the most feminine part of her.

A surprised gasp left her lips with this strange action. Her body felt a rush, as if a strange kind of anticipation hummed within her veins. She didnt know what it was, but it made her feel something different in a good way. In reflex, the grip of her hands tightened on his clothes as her eyes field with a sudden shock.

Seeing her reaction, Draven tugged her lower lip with his teeth, making her feel a little pain and asked while increasing the pressure of his thigh on her feminine part.

It feels good, doesnt it?

She let out a small cry of pleasure in response to his action between her thighs. As she panted, wanting something she wasnt aware of, she heard him whisper seductively against her lips, Answer me, Ember!

Calling out her name did wonders. A shot of pleasure made her body shiver. For a bit, she wondered if she was under an illusion or a dream. He had said her name a few times before, but all those times, it was to tell others things about her, talking to her in the third person. Not even once had Draven ever called her by her name when they were speaking to each other.

Until now.

Does it feel good? he asked as his hand moved down from her waist to gently squeeze her bottom.

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She didnt answer it but instead let out a whimper, My namesay it again

Her beautiful green eyes gleamed with expectations as they stared at him while her mouth let out soft pants. Her heart was running rampant inside her chest as well as she never had desired something this much from another.

But at this moment, all Ember wanted was to hear him say her name.

Draven lifted her a little and made her sit on his large desk that was just next to them. It made her miss what he was doing with his thigh, and she felt a surge of disappointment envelop her drooping body.

Draven could see her becoming visibly upset and smirked a little. He leaned in to kiss her, one of his hands already moving to grip the back of her head while the other one caressed her thigh.

Small, chaste, a light brushing, almost teasingly frustratingit was that kind of kiss this time, and each time Ember moved closer to catch his playful kiss, Draven would move back only to swoop in once more, capturing her lips in his gentle yet insistent kisses.

In between each playful kiss, he would ask,

You want me to say your name?

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Do you want to, hmm?

Just your name?

On her fourth try, she was able to catch his lips and sweetly kiss him back. Ember then let out a soft begging whimper as she nodded in response to his questions.

Since youre doing well, then I guess I have to reward you after you do what I say, he replied. His free hand that was caressing her thigh pulled her dress up to leave her thighs bare to his touch.

He felt the soft skin of her thigh under his large and warm palm as it continued to move to the inside of her thigh, closer to the sacred place between her legs.

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