The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 223: 223 Apolozising to Ember

After enjoying playing on the swing for some time, Ember had no choice but to stop. She was starting to feel a little dizzy and had to ask her servants to stop pushing her.

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Though it ended up with her feeling unwell, she was happy that one of her childhood wishes was fulfilled. And since the swing belonged to her, she could enjoy it for as long as her heart desired.

Once Ember stepped down the swing, her servants could not help but be full of smiles.

That was fun, Reya giggled. Was it fun for you too, Miss?

Miss, did you enjoy it?

I did. Ember smiled back at them. Just a little dizzy.

Apologies, Miss, did we push too high?

We did get a little bit excited.

Ember held her head. Im not sureIt was fine at the start

Its your first time playing on a swing so that must be the reason. Once you get used to it, you will get used to it.

Clio suggested, Next time, you can try kicking your legs so you can adjust your own pace

Ember agreed, I see. Next time then.

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Reya then looked around. Miss, do you want to rest for a bit first in the garden gazebo? We can prepare tea for you. The weather is wonderful today so

However, someones arrival made not only Reya stop speaking, it also caused the smile on Embers lips to disappear.

So you were here having fun on this swing like a little girl, Isa said, stopping a couple of steps in front of Ember.

We greet Young Lady Isa, the elves hurried to say to the newcomer.

Meanwhile, Ember simply stared at the pretty fox in silence. Her two servants were worried that once again Isa would upset their master who finally looked better.

Isas gaze remained fixated on the swing decorated in vines. If His Majesty could see you

He is the one who arranged this swing for me, Ember countered, emphasizing the words for me.

I see. I guess His Majesty has no choice, because his mate not only looks like a child, she is childish as well.

As if to drive her point, Isa tilted her head, crossing her arms in front of her to show off her womanly charm. As Ember grew up living a harsh life, her body was on the smaller and leaner side, making her look younger than her real age. Compared to Isa, her curves were truly nothing to speak of.

However, Ember was not even a bit insecure.

Fortunately, His Majesty cares for his mates wishes, even if they are childish. Ember no longer looked like a timid girl, and instead, made sure to meet Isas eyes to challenge her. I am sure you have other places to be in, so you can go ahead. I believe you wont disturb this child from enjoying her gift from her mate.

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In short, please go away.

There was a glint of anger in Isas eyes, but she suppressed it and said, Dont worry. I will leave as soon as I am done. I wouldnt even be here if not for His Majesty telling me to apologize to you.

Ember was quite surprised that Draven had asked Isa to apologize to her. Before she could say a word, Isa spoke again But shouldnt you be the one apologizing? It was you who attacked and almost harmed

I already apologized, Ember replied.

Isa raised a perfectly arched brow at her. Have you? I do not recall hearing nor receiving your apology.

I have apologized to those I have hurt, Ember said as her gaze turned towards the direction of the practice grounds in the garden which had burned trees surrounding it. To those trees I harmed, I apologized to them already.

Isa could see Ember was mocking her and felt humiliated. Oh, you are acting like this with me? You are only proving how uncivilized and rude you are. If not for His Majesty, I would not have come here

I am yet to hear the reason why you sought me out, Ember interrupted her.

Clio and Reya were staring at Ember as if they were seeing her for the first time. Only now did they realize this timid-looking human, their master, had some bad temper. On normal days, she looked like a weak bumbling girl, the kind that would need protection, but nowit seemed like the arrogant spoiled fox had brought the bestor probably the worst out of their master.

Should we thank Young Lady Isa that she brought this side out of her?

Isa clenched her fists but didnt say a word. As the King had ordered her, she had to do it.

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I am waiting, Ember said again.

Isa closed her eyes as she said with gritted teeth, I apologize.

Several seconds later, she opened her eyes and saw the human girl wearing no expression on her face.

I didnt hear you, Ember commented.

If she was not his mate, I would have strangled her right away, let alone apologize to her, Isa thought and took a shaky breath I apologize for what I said to you before.

Ember didnt need an apology from her as she knew it was not sincere, but she didnt want to let go of a chance to see her obediently apologizing to her. Draven had told her that she is free to prove she is superior; thus, she was following his advice. From now on, she would not let others trample on her so easily.

Moreover, being a wielder of the fire element, Ember herself does have a fiery temper. She simply had no opportunity to discover this when she and Gaia were focused on survival, and with her powers slowly revealing itself, Embers true nature was being displayed as well.

Isa turned to leave since she had followed the Kings order but


She heard Ember, and she looked over her shoulder, her lips curved into a frown. She didnt want to mingle with this uncivilized human anymore.

I am not done with you yet, Ember said, causing Isa to turn around to completely face her.

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What now? And you dare call me that way? Isa said in irritation as Ember didnt call her by her title, treating her like she was nobody.

You receive what you give to others, Ember commented.

Clio and Reya realized that Isa always called Ember in this manner as well and there was no politeness of respect whenever she talked with Ember. However, Isa talked down to all the palace servants like this, and they got so used to it they did not find it weird anymore.

Miss sure is ruthless.

What do you want now? Isa asked impatiently. She could not stand this human. She was holding back simply because she knew she could not do anything to Ember when they were in the palace, not when the King was around.

Embers eyes had that vicious look which showed she would not spare this annoying fox. As you questioned my upbringing, I want to question yours as well.

Isa simply crossed her arms in front of her.

You say I am uncivilized because I was raised in the mountains by some random woman, so how come you are this ill-mannered and rude when you were brought up in this palace? Should I blame His Majesty since he raised you?


I am not done yet, Ember raised her voice a little.

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