The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 353: 353 Take Care Of Ember

As they parted away reluctantly while kissing, Draven spoke, looking at his mate who was panting lightly. We should stop here or I might not be able to leave anymore.

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Ember knew she wouldnt be able to handle him anymore either. Though her body had started to expect intimate things again after listening to his sweet indirect confession, her mind was rational to know her own bodys condition. She was in a desperate need of rest.

Draven pecked on her forehead gently and pulled the blanket up to cover her bare chest which was painted with the sweet assault he made on her delicate body.

Rest well, he said and stood up to leave.

Ember nodded and she watched him leaving. He seems so different. Was he always like this, so tender and sincere? Why do I want him to stay back? Why do I still want him to be with me?

Just then, Embers servants entered the Kings chamber which pulled her out of her thoughts. All along while letting her servants help her, Ember was simply thinking about Draven while sitting inside the pool of hot water. A pleasant smile didnt leave her lips as she continued to remember the words he said to her when she asked What am I to you?

She gave a thought about what he had said to her, repeating each and every word in her mind.

Why did it feel like he likes meumm loves me? Its not all because I am just his mate but he seems to really feel that way about me? Am I wrong? To think of it, even if I am not sure about him, I guess, I like himI love him. Only if he stops overdoing things, everything will be perfect. We can get more time to show what we feel instead of me lying in bed all the time. Her gaze turned determined, Soon I will tell him what I feel for him. I never felt this way before, it feels goodreally goodthis lovely feeling which I thought I will never be able to feel. The smile on her lips widened, as she thought more about it. I cant wait to see him again. I hope he returns soon.

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Draven appeared in his study where Morpheus had arrived to meet him as well. The moment Morpheus entered the study and went closer to Dravens desk, he could smell the strong scent of Ember on him. He sighed inwardly to ignore it and for a moment cursed for having such sharp senses.

Morpheus bowed to Draven by lowering his head a little to give him the respect of a king as he was there with the authority of the Commander of Warriors. Good Morning, Your Majesty.

Draven accepted the greetings with a light nod and signaled Morpheus to have a seat.

Morpheus let out an annoyed sigh as he mumbled while sitting, Its so annoying to play this King and his subject role after so long.

No one is forcing you to. You can just get to the point, Draven said as he heard Morpheus who didnt bother hiding his displeasure and neither did Draven mind it.

Morpheus tilted his head and then spoke after a small pause as if he came up to decide on something very important, I think that would be best as no one is here. It can spare me from pretending to be your most treasured subject which I am sure not.

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Draven offered him his usual cold glare, I dont have much time for you. Make it fast.

Morpheus smiled playfully, Neither do I, Your Majesty.

Draven simply waited for him to talk.

Morpheus finally said, You are aware of Leeora and Cornelias visions, right? Leeora told me you were at Zeldas home when she was there.

Draven nodded, Hmm, what about it?

My sharp eyes didnt fail to notice you roaming around the kingdom in search of something? Morpheus commented, And if my guess is right, then you are searching for any kind of divine weapon that can exist in this kingdom.

Hmm, you are right, Draven agreed, If that divine weapon in the vision is going to cause a disaster then it wont be created out of thin air. It must exist somewhere. If we can not find it in Agartha then it will come from outside. We need to keep an eye on any activity happening inside the kingdom and anything entering the kingdom from the outside.

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I have already appointed my clan members for this work. It would be impossible to skip anything from their gazes, Morpheus replied.

Draven approved of it and said, If that weapon is powerful enough to kill the strongest supernatural, its existence itself is not a good thing if it fell into the hands of the wrong person. We need to find it at all costs.

And then what? Morpheus asked with a frown, what if we find that weapon? You know that weapon is meant to kill someone destined to die with it. Do you plan on taking that destiny?

I will decide what I have to do with that weapon. You dont have to worry about it, Draven replied coldly as this was what he didnt wish anyone to concern themselves with.

Worry? Morpheus chuckled as he almost looked like he was going to laugh, Why would I worry if you want to die? I will be glad to see my wish fulfilled. Finally, there is another weapon which can kill you. Its something to celebrate about. If I find that weapon, I will hand it over to you by myself or even help you stab yourself. Better than dying in a warriors hand that in a womans hand.

Anything else? Draven asked with indifferent tone as if Morepheus words didnt affect him.

Morpheus stared at the cold and quiet king for a while and then replied, Nothing. I was just here to see how you look when you prepare to head for your death, he sighed, tsk! And I must say, its boring.

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Draven said nothing as his cold gaze looked like he could never be affected by anything.

I and Aureus will be in the search of that weapon as well. It cant be hidden for so long. Once I find it, I will let you know, Morpheus stood up, Before you are gone, I can help you that much at least for the sake of our old friendship, he turned to leave without waiting for Dravens reply.

Just as Morpheus reached the door of the study, he heard Draven, Just take care of Ember. I guess I dont need to tell you how.

Morpheus stopped and turned to look at Draven, You dont need to tell me anything. I know what I need to do, and turned back to leave while Draven simply watched him leaving.


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