Chapter 53 : Wyvern

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I was up in the sky along with the wyvern, flying away from the small village. 

But the wyvern’s question was still ringing in my mind. 

……….The reason why I protected the human… That kid from before… 

I kept on asking myself the reason why.

But I knew for certain. 

Even if I were given 100 chances to redo it, I will surely decide to protect that young boy. 

Then what about the adult human? The soldiers? The adventurer?

I.. Don’t know. 

I still hadn’t found the right answer to the wyvern’s question.

After flying for a while, I saw a forest that could serve as a good place to hide. 

I asked the wyvern to bring us down there. 

Sitting down on a large rock, I told the wyvern I had something to discuss with him. 

“Tell me about yourself, Wyvern.”

((By your will.))

With an overall length of 3 meters, this wyvern was still considered as a small one for a dragon. 

Unlike the red dragon or the black dragon, the wyvern’s body was quite slender and his wings were very big compared to his body. 

His green scales blend well against the forest. 

((I was born 2 years ago. Shortly before that, our wyvern colony was attacked by the humans, led by the hero.))

The wyvern became silent for a while before he continued on. 

(( The hero was the leader, or should I say they actually didn’t need anyone else but the hero. The hero easily slain the strongest wyvern with one blow. He severed the neck of the other adult and then he… He used something like a hammer to destroy the eggs so no one was left behind. The scene of carnage that I saw.. It was something I couldn’t forget.))

The sheer imagery of it was enough to render me speechless.

((Mustering his final strength, my father hid me away in a rocky area, determined to save my life until his last dying breath. When I came into being, I was surrounded by nothing but the decaying corpse of my brethren. I cried for help, for anyone to hear my plea but there was nothing but the rotten smell of death around me. After that… I had to do whatever I could to survive. There was nothing for me to eat so I had to make do with grass or moss lying around the rock. Sometimes if I were lucky, I’d get to eat some bugs as the only source of my protein. But still… It was not enough to sustain my growing body. So… I had to eat the corpse of my brethren while crying my heart away.))

He was..Alone. 

Just to survive, he had to eat the rotten corpse of his own family. 

He had no one else but himself…

((2 years. I had to do whatever I had in order to grow up during the last 2 years. My only purpose in life is to get revenge on the human that killed my family. I have no purpose in my life but that…))

“And that’s why you attacked the village.”

((Yes.That village was the closest human settlement. I figured if I kept on attacking that village, sooner or later the hero and the other humans that annihilated my brethren will surely come. It’s not like I want to prey on the weak. Those weak humans in that village served as nothing but a bait for me to lure the hero out.))

That was why despite him continuing to attack the village, he never hurt the villagers that ran away. 

But.. Still….

“They will easily kill you since you’re all by yourself.”

((But still, if I only able to get a single scratch on them, I’m willing to lose my life.))

Because his only purpose in life was revenge. 

I was moved to tears, hearing the wyvern’s past and his determination. 

And at the same time, I finally understood. 

The reason why I saved that young boy.

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“I will tell you the reason why I saved that boy, Wyvern.”


“If I let that boy die, I’d be the same as them.”


“The people that annihilated your family.”


“It’s easy to kill and hurt someone but giving birth and nurturing something is much.. Much harder.”

My thoughts ran back toward the children at the Maou’s Castle. 

Those tender and fragile children, my most beloved children…

“If you were to kill that young boy from before, you’re no different from the human that pummeled the defenseless egg with a hammer.”

((The same as those human…))

“You said trampling on the weak was never part of your revenge or intention, right? 

((Yes. Us wyvern are a prideful species. Killing those defenseless being hold no value for us.))

“Then you understand, don’t you?”

I stared deep into the wyvern’s eyes.

The wyvern seemed to ponder for a while before realization kicked in. 

His eyes twinkled and there was a shift in his expression. 

((…. It is against our pride to prey on that weak boy.))

The wyvern fell to the ground.

((My sincerest gratitude to Maou-sama. I almost did the same thing as those despicable humans had done to us.))

“But.. If one day that boy grows up and bares his sword to demonkind…”


“I will kill him without hesitation.”

Stepping down from the rock, I hugged the wyvern’s neck gently. 

“That goes to anyone that wishes to harm us, for I am the Maou.”


“Well then, what’s your name?”

((Name… By the time I was born, I was already alone. Such a thing like name… I never thought about it before.))

“Then I will give you a name, will that be alright with you?”

((Ah, it will be my pleasure.))

“What about ‘Viper’?”

((That is.. A great name. Thank you very much!!))

Well the name Wyvern derived from the word Viper after all….

“Viper, rather than revenge would you offer your life to me instead?”

((What do you mean?))

“In exchange for pledging your loyalty to me, I will grant you a family. I hope you’ll be able to guide your new family well later.”

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((Family… Guide… You will really give me a family?!))


((Thank you so much, Maou-sama!! Ah.. I… I won’t be alone anymore!!))

From his crystal clear pupil, a stream of tears started to flow. 

Seeing Viper moved to tears from happiness, I feel satisfied with myself. 

I shed my clothes off so I could quickly grant his dream. 

I leaned on the rock I had sat on previously and spread my legs apart, pointing my butt up to the sky.

“Now, Viper. Give me your seeds.”

The grass rustled as Viper timidly walked to me, he licked my back with his tongue to taste me. 

((Such a small Maou-sama.. Can I really fit in there?))

Well you’re not the only one worrying about it but.. I think.. We’ll be alright… I guess.

“Can you… Loosen me up there first?”

((By.. Your will.))

Viper seemed to be embarrassed but his tongue slowly slithered down to my crease. 

Careful not to scratch me, Viper parted my hills with his claw-hand.

Being exposed to open air like that, my hole puckered at the sensation. 

Viper circled his tongue around the hole before he slowly put his tongue in. 


I flinched at the intrusion, this ever-virgin body was really bothersome. 

((Did it hurt?))

Viper immediately took his tongue out.

“No… I’m alright.”

To prevent my voice from coming out, I covered my mouth with my hands. 

I shook my butt at Viper, prompting him to continue on. 

Viper seemed unconvinced but he relented and put his tongue back in. 

The wyvern’s tongue was long and slim for its size.

I said ‘its size’ since his tongue was still too thick for my comfort. 

Ever so slowly, as if he was threading on streams of silk, Viper’s tongue kept on going into me until he reached the entrance of my sigmoid colon.


Viper seemed to understand what to do after hearing the moan that escaped my mouth. 

He broke through the ring of muscle, spreading my insides apart with his velvety tongue. 

Having a tongue inside me of course felt entirely different from fingers. 

Viper couldn’t turn into humanoid form like Alexius and Chaos. 

I didn’t even want to try having those sharp claws near me, let alone my poor chrysanthemum bud. 

Viper tongue was the only thing available here to loosen myself safely. 

His tongue didn’t feel hot, it was eerie really. 

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It was like his tongue slowly adapted to the temperature of my body.

And despite his inexperience, Viper was really attentive at every miniscule of my reaction. 

He was a fast learner for sure. 

Everytime his tongue knocked on my pleasure spot, Viper would pay special attention to that particular spot. 

Covering my mouth with my hands seemed like a futile effort on my side.

I kept on moaning and my body slowly grew hotter as Viper dutifully loosened me with his tongue.

I didn’t know how much time passed by since the sun was already long gone when we had arrived at the forest.

((Is it alright now?))

“Ah.. Yes, it’s alright…”

My body was oversensitive thanks to Viper intense care. 

I could feel myself slowly descending into the thick cloud of pleasure. 

Viper couldn’t spread my cheeks apart himself, given those menacingly sharp claws.

Presenting myself like this felt humiliating, I hesitated for a bit before I caved in and pulled my cheeks apart myself. 


With my back turned to the wyvern, I whispered for him to come closer to me. 

When I turned my head back, I could see his raging boner, erecting proudly toward the sky. 

Milky white liquid could be seen dripping from the bulbous tip, despite his young age the wyvern knew exactly what this act entitled to. 

It’s… So thick and long…

Viper inched closer and knocked my entrance with his shaft. 


My vision grew white with stars as he slipped his thick penis inside. 

((Maou-sama, Maou-sama.))

Viper began to thrust his hips, he seemed to be unable to hold himself back. 

“Wa-wa-wa-wa-Ah! Wa-!”

I wanted to ask him to wait but I couldn’t muster a clear word. 

My body rocked along with the heavy mass pounding into me.

The silent forest was now filled with the lewd squelching sound and meat slapping against each other. 

Viper’s penis kept on going further in, getting deeper with each thrust. 

I felt like my body was going to break from the vigorous thrust, Viper seemed to already lose himself in the ecstasy of flesh.

“Ha! Gha!”

By some kind of miracle my comparably small body was able to take all of Viper’s penis in. 

That thick and long shaft forcing its way through my sigmoid colon into my stomach.

A warm trickle of blood stained the grass with crimson red color but both me and Viper paid no heed to it, we kept on chasing toward the endless spiral of pleasure.

“Ah! Hii! Haahh! Ahh!! Hig-uh! Ahh!”

I gasped for air as Viper kept on slamming his hips into me relentlessly. 

Droll dripped from my open mouth, the sound of my delirious moans seemed to make Viper become more aroused. 

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((Maou-sama… Maou-sama!))

With his long and slender neck, Viper breathed into my ear while singing my name directly into my mind. 

My rear end felt so wet, blood, cum and saliva mixed together like some sort of wicked concoction. 

Viper licked my ear with his surprisingly hot tongue.

His dexterous reptile tongue slithered on my earlobe, licking every single spot meticulously. 

The vigorous motion from behind me was relentless, his thick penis grazed on my prostate everytime he pushed in. 

“Wah-Ah! Hahhh… Nghh! Ah…! Vi-viper! S-sloowww…Do-Ah! Down!”

Despite my plea, Viper didn’t show any sign of slowing down. 

In fact he pistoned his hips even harder than before. 

I tried to hold on the rock with my dear life, my whole body was rocking along with Viper like a ragdoll. 

“Ahh! Haahh!! AHh!! Hih! Viper!”

((Maou-sama.. Maou-sama..))

((I don’t want to be apart from you. I’m losing my mind. I want to be inside you. Stronger, deeper, harder. Feels so good. I want to ravish you. I want to eat you.))

Hearing Viper’s feelings flowing through my brain like a waterfall, I immediately turned my head at him. 

“No!! Don’t eat me!!!”

I wasn’t sure what kind of ‘eating’ was he referring to but true to his feelings, Viper was ravishing me. 

He didn’t stop thrusting into me for even one moment. 

“Ah! Hahh! Ahh!! HAH!!”

Viper quickened his pace, his pounding was nearly brutalistic. 

His penis became even more swollen inside me, the soft scale on his belly scratching on my buttocks.

Then without any warning, Viper came deep inside of me, coating my womb with his warm essence. 

He pushed his penis tight and deep into me, clogging me up as he poured a stream of fertile seeds into my womb. 

“Hah…Hah… Hah… Hah…”

With ragged breath, I tried to cling to my last thread of consciousness. 

I stroked my obviously swollen belly, trying to ascertain the seeds was deeply implanted. 

My chest heaved everytime I took a breath, the vigorous fucking really took it tolls on me. 

Finally.. It’s over…

Or so I thought.

((Maou-sama… Maou-sama…))

Viper began to rock his hips again, his once deflated penis was hard again in no time. 

“W-wa-wai-t! Ah! I’m! L-let me- Ah! Re-gain! B-breath!!”

Paying no attention to my plea, Viper kept on thrusting his thick shaft inside. 

He began to build his pace, returning back to his brutal force from before. 


In the end, it took me 3 more rounds to satisfy the lonely wyvern.

<<You acquired 40 Wyvern Eggs from mating with LV 40 Wyvern!>>

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