Chapter 55 : 

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It was finally time for a round-table meeting in Maou-sama’s Castle. 

Usually Alexius would still attend this meeting despite looking annoyed and grumbling the whole time but this time….

The red dragon was nowhere to be seen. 

Everyone participating in the meeting was worried whether something had happened to Alexius. 

“My bad, my bad. I came in late.”

They were about to set up a search group for Alexius when he finally stepped into the meeting with his ever so carefree attitude. 

“Alex, you are late.”

Maou-sama reprimanded the oblivious red dragon.

“Sorry, I was doing a little bit of something.”

Maou-sama stared at Alexius, he looked strangely glowing for some reason. 

When Maou-sama took a closer look, he could see a little puff of steam coming out from the dragon’s body.

Out of curiosity, Maou-sama asked.

“Were you taking a bath before coming here?”

“Ah, yeah. There’s hot water pouring out in the spring at the rocky area on the east. I was taking a dip there and lost track of time.”

“Hot water in the spring… Isn’t that a hot spring?!”

Maou-sama jumped up from his seat as I realized the spring Alexius mentioned was something familiar from his previous life.

“Maou-sama, you know about it?”

“Yeah! Different hot springs have different benefits to your body but overall soaking in a hot spring is good for you! Where is that place? I want to go! I want to go!”

“Okay. I will take you with me next time.” 

“Hey… Alexius-dono… You shouldn’t make half-hearted promises like that. Taking Maou-sama to a dangerous place like that is…”

Sybyl the Sabretooth Tiger chimed.

“It’s not dangerous though…”

Alex pouted. 

“We don’t know much about that place and if by any chance something happened to Maou-sama there….”

“Why don’t we all go there to check whether that place is dangerous or not then?”

With a single word from Maou-sama, it was decided that all residents of Maou-sama’s Castle will be going to an onsen as a field trip.

Almost everyone.

Chaos the Black Dragon was staying behind to protect the castle and there were some demons that didn’t like getting wet so they opted out from the trip too.


“Ohh! So this is the onsen!”

The group arrived at the onsen in a matter of seconds thanks to the magic circle that Alexius created. 

Steam was puffing all over, giving the place an eerie and mythical feeling to it. 

“Hot water is really pouring out from the ground, huh…”

“Huh… This smell…”

Some of the demons became even more curious from the smell and some became hesitant.

Ignoring the mixed feelings between the demon, Maou-sama bounced excitedly. 

“Well! Let’s go!!”

But Chaos the lizardman immediately stopped the over enthusiastic Maou-sama. 

“Please wait a moment, Maou-sama! We will go in first to make sure there’s no danger!”

“Ah, o-okay.”

Being the experienced one, Alexius led the group to the spring with comfortable temperature, not too cold nor too hot. 

Without hesitation, the red dragon shed his clothes off and slid into the hot spring. 

“Ah~ This really feels so good~” 

“Alexius-sama, it’s not a good manner to scatter your clothes like this when taking a bath.” 

Elk chided while folding the dragon’s clothes. 

Then.. Me too!

Maou-sama was eager to jump in but remembering the lizardman’s words, he glanced at Chaos first. 

The lizardman nodded at Maou-sama and took his clothes off too. 

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He made sure to properly fold his clothes first before dipping into the hot spring unlike a certain red dragon. 

“Ohh… This is… Feels pretty good…”

Chaos sinked even further into the lukewarm spring. 

“It’s safe right? Then I can go in too, right??” 

The lizardman nodded at the enthusiastic Maou-sama and politely advised him to get into a small hot spring, separated from the big one where the other demons already dipped into. 

“Why I’m the only one here….”

“That… It’s because Maou-sama’s figure is.. Too tempting for us.” 

Chaos admitted bashfully, a hint of pink tinge blossomed on his cheeks. 

That’s right.

All the demons here had held Maou-sama at least one time so being naked in front of them could become dangerous in various senses. 

Fearing for his chastity, Maou-sama immediately nodded in understanding.

“Okay! I will go ahead first! I’ll see you guys later!” 

Thus, Maou-sama ran toward the isolated spring without looking back even once while the other groups of demons took a dip together in the big hot spring. 

“Haah… This is an absolute bliss…”

Chaos breathed out, his skin was dyed in a slight pink hue.

“Feels so good…”

“That’s right….”

Elk and Sybyl added, all three of them seemed relaxed and happy.

“Wait a minute! Sybyl-dono! Your hair is floating in the water!”

Chaos suddenly said.

“That’s Lexus’s hair.”

But Sybyl calmly replied without batting an eye.

“No matter how you see it, the hair is clearly white! How could you easily shift the blame to someone else?!”

Lexus became flustered given how easy Sybyl dropped the blame to him. 

Since they have animal-like appearance, it was given that their body hair would shed when soaking in the water. 

“Let’s see who can stay in the water longer.” 

“What an easy win for me.”

“Not if you die from blood rushing to your head first.” 

Even in this place, the dark elf twins were busy fighting with each other. 

“I heard hot spring water does wonder for old wounds…”

“Gedo-san, you have a lot of scars, huh…”

“You can take your time and rest peacefully here.”

The three humanoid demons, Gedo, Randolph and Beryl were soaking side to side. 

“Ugh! Don’t try to stop me, Velke-dono!!” 

“There’s no way I’m going to let you be!!” 

“No matter what it takes I have to get a picture of Maou-sama’s pink colored cheeks while soaking in the spring!!”

As always, Velke was busy trying to reign Viktor, the Vampire in.

“You have to wash the back of your ear too, boy.” 

“Ah, y-yes.”

For some reason, Fenrir had taken a liking to Copper, the Kobold. 

The legendary wolf demon was teaching Copper how to properly wash himself. 

“It’d be nice if the water were a little hotter, don’t you think so?”

“Yes, you’re right.” 

The two muscular demons who had worked as prison guards before were reminiscing about their hometown as they soaked in the lukewarm water. 

((I’m so happy I can dip in the water together with everyone…..))

Viper the Wyvern thought to himself while grinning from ear to ear.

After warming up their body to a certain extent, the demons got out of the water and took turns in washing their body. 

“Who’s next?”

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“Me! I’m next!” 

The harmonious chatter of the demons could be heard all over the hot springs vicinity. 

While Copper was being washed by Fenrir, he suddenly noticed something. 

“Wow! Everyone’s so big!” 

He didn’t explicitly say which part but everyone understood what he meant. 

“I think my size is well… Pretty standard? But it’s a different case when I’m in my original form.” 

Fenrir replied. 

“Velke-sama’s looks splendid!” 

Copper said, his gaze was directed at a certain place on Velke’s body. 

Surprised at being addressed so suddenly, Velke covered his nether region with a towel. 

A frown could be seen on his handsome face as the other demons were blatantly staring at his naked body. 

“Copper, you shouldn’t say things like that…” 

“Isn’t that fine? Come on, don’t be so uptight!”

Velke reprimanded but Alexius immediately interjected and took Velke’s towel away.

“Well~ I can see the foreskin is well peeled and the dark color looks nice but mine’s bigger than yours.”

Alex said with an imposing stance.

Indeed, the red dragon’s penis was truly splendid even though it wasn’t hard yet.

Little did they know, there were two demons eavesdropping on their conversation. 

Both bull-headed demon & horse-headed demon got out of water and stood there imposingly.

“No, no. If we’re talking about thickness, mine’s the thickest out of all here.” 

Red Hare the horse-headed demon started.

“What are you talking about? Mine’s longer than yours. Having a longer one is better, of course.”

“No, a man has to be thick.”

“What are you talking about?? I’m hung like a horse- or should I say like a bull! Either way mine’s longer than yours!”

The two then started to bicker with each other.

“Oh my~ Of course size is important but the beauty of the shape is important too, right?~” 

Elk stood, joining in the fray.

In addition to its size Elk’s penis was so beautifully shaped, just like an ancient sculpture. 

“Jill’s dick is short and small.”

“Noisy pig.”

“Huh?! You wanna die? You wanna die huh?!?!”

“You’re the dead one.”

In reality the dark elf twin’s dick was pretty big and to top it off, their size was the same. 

((My dick is pretty big too but… Should I join in too…?))

Being a wyvern, his size cannot be compared to the other humanoid demons. 


Between the humanoid demons.. 

There was one anomaly between them. 

It was the titan. 

“I think between the humanoid demons, mine is the biggest…?”

Beryl the titan said sheepishly, his massive dick was dangling between his muscular thigh. 

“I think my size is not that bad either but it cannot be compared to Beryl’s.”

“That’s true. Ah.. I.. Please don’t stare at me like that..”

Between the humanoid demons, it was given Beryl’s dick was the biggest since he was a titan. 

Meanwhile Randolph the proteus had gotten hard from the other demon’s gaze. 

He was an extreme masochistic after all, the stare flicked his exhibitionistic and humiliating side. 

“Everyone.. This conversation is too vulgar..”

Chaos the lizardman said. 

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“Chaos-sama, why can’t I see your penis?”

Copper asked.

“Because this is not the right time nor place to show it off.” 

Yes, a lizardman’s dick was normally tucked away between the slit. 

“Come on, it’s not like you’re losing anything by showing it to us. Show it, come on.” 

Alex prompted. 

“I’m sorry but I have to refuse.” 

“Ah, because it’s too small?” 

Alex snickered. 


Agitated from the red dragon’s teasing, Chaos took his dicks out. 

Yes, dicks. He had two dicks.


All the other demon’s eyes widened at the sight.

“Chaos-dono has two dicks!” 

Sybyl said as a matter of factly. 

“Wow~ That’s amazing!” 

“They’re pretty big too!”

The demon’s attention was focused on the twin dicks.

They never saw something like this before so it was given they became curious about it. 

All in all, these adult demons were having a conversation equal to an adolescent boy. 

On the other side… 

Let’s check the condition of the other demons staying in the castle.

“Who in their right mind would deliberately dip themselves in hot water??”

Collin groaned.

The cat sidhe was having an afternoon snack in the dining room, he took another piece of cookies with his cat paws. 

“You’re right.”

“Well~ Everyone seems excited though.” 

Crisp clear voice rang across the hall as the harpy talked.

The harpy siblings seemed to hate getting their feathers wet. 

“In the first place, fire is the essence of phoenix’s life. Getting into water might disperse the ember. Even if I want to, it’s not like I can join them. But if Maou-sama desires so, maybe I should-”

“Ah Phoenix-san, would you like me to refill your cup?”

“Please. Thank you.”

Haium immediately offered another cup of black tea to interrupt the phoenix from going on another long tirade of complaint. 

“Lugrant-sama, would you like to have another as well?”

“Yeah, thanks.”

The demons were having a leisure afternoon tea time when suddenly someone appeared. 

“Can I please have a cup too?”


Everyone said in unison.

The dark dragon who never set a foot outside of the Fountain of Life appeared in the dining room. 

“Today most of the demons are gone, huh?” 

Chaos exudes an aura of elegance even when he was only sipping an ordinary black tea.

“I wonder what kind of things they’re talking about right now?”

Haium asked.

“Well~ It seems like there’s a lot of serious looking guys there so I’m sure they must be talking about boring stuff.”

Cat sidhe replied.

“Maybe they’re talking about the future of Maou-sama’s Castle?”

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Halbiut added.


“No, I’m the thickest.”

Red Hare started.

“No, having a longer one is better. I’m the longest.”

Iron Bull showed no sign of giving up.

Contrary to their expectations, their fellow demons were busy arguing about who had the best dick.

“Please, can we stop talking about indecent stuff like this?”

Velke said weakly, he looked tired.

“As expected! Everyone’s thing is very big!”

“Well it’s survival of the fittest in this world. Of course they’re well endowed in that department as well.” 

Sybyl explained to the excited Lexus. 

“I see! That’s why they’re big! That makes sense!”

The werewolf nodded excitedly, he was looking at the other demon’s private part with admiration.

“Maou-sama is truly amazing! He’s able to fully take in such big things inside his small body!” 

It was at this moment, Sybyl realized Lexus had fucked up. 


Seeing how everyone suddenly grew silent, Lexus became flustered.

“Y-You idiot!!”

The surrounding area was filled with chaos. 

Yes, Lexus has uttered the forbidden words. 


Because just the phrase alone was enough to remind them of their memories when they held Maou-sama. 

“He’s able to fully take in such big things inside his small body!”

Just because of that phrase, their imagination went wild. 

I can’t help but be reminded of that moment.

I want to hold Maou-sama’s body. 

I want to do it with Maou-sama.

Everyone had the same thing in their mind right now. 

“Fu-! Wah!”

Sybyl, who was the most easily flustered with sexual stuff, had a nosebleed. 

His pure white fur was stained with deep crimson color. 


Chaos immediately bent forward to help Sybyl.

“Eh?! D-did I do something wrong??

Lexus knew he had done something wrong but he didn’t know what. 

“You need to be wary of the place and occasion before you talk!!!” 

Elk scolded the dimwitted Lexus. 

“As I thought… I should’ve killed that mongrel…”

“I really have no other words for you, Lexus-kun. I expected that from you but…”

Behind them, a string of commotion came crashing in one after another like a trainwreck. 

Of course Lexus was severely scolded after that. 


“Nnghh! Ah! I knew it, the hot spring is really amazing!~ I feel lonely dipping in alone but- Eh? Everyone? Why is your face so red? And why are you guys slouching down….?”

Maou-sama who was enjoying the hot spring by himself didn’t know what had transpired between his vassals.

Later on, Maou-sama said he really enjoyed the hot spring trip in which Velke immediately replied, it’d be better if they don’t take Lexus along for the next trip. 

Field Trip


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