Chapter 64 : Swimming in The Ocean

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The eggs started to crack.

While holding my breath, I watched them intently. 

I gulped as the crack began to widen, revealing a lovely figure hidden inside the protective shell. 

kui kui kui

The adorable voice called out for me. 

I have a skill that allows me to understand an animal’s voice so I knew what the pup was saying. 

(Mao…Shama… Mao…Shama..)

“Fenrir, your child is born!”

“Yeah, how adorable…”

Gently, Fenrir held the newborn into his arms while the other eggs also started to crack, all of the wolf pup trying to free themselves from the egg shell. 


Dipping my hand into the Fountain of Life, I lifted the newly born life and gently embraced them. 

No matter what species were born, I always cried at this touching moment. 

It was such a joyful, bittersweet and precious moment.

((Nonetheless, watching the moment the egg hatches is always so blissful to see.))

Chaos said, his eyes were fixated on the eggs fondly.

Perhaps because Chaos had spent a good amount of his life guarding over the dead eggs, watching the moment of birth like this must’ve felt like a beatitude moment for him.

The dark dragon eggs showed no sign of hatching yet but I secretly think Chaos would’ve cried when his eggs hatched. 

I was watching Fenrir having his intimate father and children moment when Alex came crashing in.

“Alex, what’s the matter?”

“Ah, I found the leviathan but there’s some annoying problem.”

“What kind of problem?”

((What’s wrong with that youngster?))

“Compared to a dark dragon, everyone is a youngster. Anyway that guy is sulking because you didn’t call for him yourself. Right now he’s hiding at the bottom of the ocean.”


What……? Sulking? A dragon is sulking…?

“I always thought he’s a fucking brat but I didn’t expect him to actually do something like this. That fucker is hiding inside his Underwater Palace because Maou didn’t summon him.”

“Er… S-so it is my fault…?”

I had been going around meeting up various demons with all my might so.. Hearing this really made me completely shocked. 

“Maou, you only have one body. If that fucking brat can have the decency to think reasonably a little, he’d have understand. Tch! Fucking troublesome!”


Just now, I heard something unbelievable coming from Alex’s mouth. 

“Alex, have you ever thought reasonably yourself?” 

I asked.

((Of course no.))

“How unlikely.” Fenrir added. 

“I’m going to mess you guys up! Fucker!”

Fenrir’s ears twitched as he stared at me, he appeared to be muttering about something but I couldn’t hear it clearly. 

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His ears kept on twitching as if he was trying to have my attention not too subtly. 

I peered closer to him and his ears twitched even faster.

“Well then how about if we….”

Fenrir whispered his plan right into my ear. 

“…. Will he really come out if we do that?”

“Well… We wouldn’t know until we tried, right?”


It’s the sea!

The sun!

We are going to swim in the ocean!!

Anyway… We’re not here for a simple excursion!

I didn’t force all the other demons to come with me to the ocean to play.. 

Yup! Not for playing! Definitely not… We’re here to…..  Swim in the ocean!!! The ocean!!

Oh no.. I almost forgot my original goal for a second there…


I took my clothes off and jumped right into the ocean with a loud splash. 

“Master! You need to put sunscreen first or your skin will burn later!”

Velke called out from the beach as he collected the clothes that I threw in my excitement. 

“Oh my! Lotion play with Maou-sama! I’m going to make sure I thoroughly apply the lotions on Maou-sama’s body. Every nook and corner of Maou-sama’s body will be covered in lotion when I’m done.”

Vii was holding an umbrella in one hand while the other hand was holding a bottle of sunscreen. 

I thought vampires couldn’t stand the sunlight but…

This guy looked so healthy….

“What are you talking about? I will be the one to help Maou-sama.” 

“No no, Chaos-dono, your hand is so rough. I’ll be the one to do it.”

“Sybyl-dono, your hand is covered with fur. The lotion will definitely stick to your thick fur so it’s a given I’ll have to do it.” 

Elk suddenly joined the fray. 

All three of them were busy bickering with each other, arguing over who got the right to apply the sunscreen to me. 

I exhaled once.. And twice before I tottered toward Velke. 


“As you command.”

Velke bowed, he was radiating with happiness. 

From my chest to my back, going down toward my waist, up to my butt to the tip of my toes, Velke applied the sunscreen all over my body dutifully without any ounce of ulterior motives. 

I was laying down on my chest as I looked toward the ocean. 

Both Lexus and Copper were swimming happily with their distinctive dog paddle style. 

Aah… I want to hurry up and join them with my floatie.

Yes, our main mission here is to swim in the ocean!

It’s not like we’re copying Amano-Iwato, but if Leviathan sees how much fun we’re having in the ocean, that attention seeking guy won’t be able to stay still.

He will definitely cave in and come out from his hideout… At least that was the plan Fenrir told me about.

I thought the plan was stupid but it seemed leviathan had been missing the company of other’s demon for so long that this plan would definitely succeeded. 

Alex and Chaos also agreed on this plan.

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((Beautiful ocean with shimmering sun. How wonderful.))

Shirasagi, who was still in his white dragon form, was sunbathing near the edge of the waves. 

He seemed to be enjoying himself.

I hope from the bottom of my heart he would stay in his dragon form forever for the peace of my mind.

“I-I’m not good with this kind of place..”


Doctor groaned out loud, he was sitting on the beach under a big umbrella with Wraith.


Somehow it appeared like Wraith was melting a little…?

Felt like his rotting arms were about to fall off…

Maybe that was just my imagination.

After Velke finished applying the sunscreen on me, I grabbed a hold on my floatie and went into the sparkling ocean to swim about.

At that time, I was oblivious.

“I also wanted to apply the lotion on Maou-sama’s slender legs until his skin becomes all slippery…” 

“I want to bring him under the shade in the rocky area…”

(T/N: you know those beach hentai plot where the MC goes to the rocky area and hides behind the rock to do sexy stuff.)

“For once, I agree with you.”


The dark elf twins were busy talking about making Maou-sama all dirty and slippery with lotions and other ‘stuff’.

“………. I really should’ve taken him to the rocky area.”

Alexius the red dragon grumbled under his breath.

“……… I knew it. I shouldn’t have agreed on this plan. My master’s beautiful body is laid bare for all the world to see….”

Velke looked like he was physically hurt just by looking at Maou-sama swimming in the ocean with just his swim trunk and a floatie.

I was completely oblivious.

“Hey! Copper! Lexus!!”


I swam even faster to catch up to them.

“Swimming in the ocean feels so good, don’t you think so?” I asked them excitedly. 


“Yes, it’s the best!”

While me, Copper and Lexus were talking merrily, Fenrir came swimming from beside us. 

Contrary to my expectations, Fenrir was swimming with a front crawl style instead of the doggy style that the three of us used. 

“As expected from Fenrir! So you’re able to do other swimming strokes than just the doggy style!!”

“Excuse me? Don’t you think you’re being kind of rude?”

Fenrir looked offended. 

“Well…. Which reminds me! Look! Those two…”

I immediately changed the subject, all four of us shifted our gaze to look at… 

Two demons were swimming at full speed with their tongue lolling on the side. 

It was none other than a bull-headed demon and a minotaur. 

“I guess since their appearance resembled each other so much, their pride won’t allow them to give up easily, huh.”

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It seemed those two were having a race and since their appearance were similar, their sense of rivalry was higher compared with other demon tribes.

Their bloodshot eyes were a little scary if I may be honest…

As I was talking, I noticed they weren’t the only demons having a race right now.

Randolph and Beryl were also having a swimming race. 

I thought Beryl as a titan would be advantageous since he was much bigger than Randolph but Randolph was surprisingly fast. 

“Protheus is a demon that belongs in the sea after all. Of course that guy can swim fast.”

Fenrir explained. 

Apparently those two had just started their competition not a long ago.

“Everyoneeeee! The watermelon is ready!~”

Rin, the basilisk shouted from the shore. 

His eyes were sparkling beautifully behind his special glasses. 

It seemed he was having so much fun just by being on the beach. 

“Okay, I guess it’s time to go back.” 

As I was about to paddle back, Kelpie came to help me cross the sea.

The water horse demon easily put me on his back and swam back to the shore at a much faster speed than I could possibly do. 

“I see, you’re also happy to be here, huh.”

Kelpie neighed happily in return. 

“Ah! Maou-sama! That looks so nice~”

“Not fair~”

Lexus and Copper stared at me enviously but there was no bark in their words at all, their tails were wagging happily. 

“You guys too~ Better hurry up and swim back to the shore soon!~”

With that said, Kelpie dived underwater and easily cut through the water.


“Thank you for the food!!”

We all said our greetings before chomping down on the watermelon. 

Mmhhm! The watermelon is so sweet and refreshing! So delicious!!

“We still have plenty of them left so don’t hesitate to ask for a second~”

It seemed Rin had been helping Elk cut all these watermelons up for us. 

While sitting on Velke’s lap, I snuggled even closer to him and bit into my watermelon happily. 

“Master, you’ve got some on your cheeks.”


Velke wiped the juice off my cheeks with the towel he had been using to dry my body off. 

“Yet another case of Velke-dono abusing his position..”

Chaos stared at me blankly.


Sybyl added.

“Did you say something?” 

I asked but Chaos only shook his head off and said

”No, it’s nothing.”

“Ahh~ This is sooo fun!! Aaaah, I hope Collin, Phoenix and the harpies can come with us!~”

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I stretched my body after having my fill of the watermelon.

“Well.. They don’t like getting wet so I doubt they’d be happy coming here.”

Velke said.

The other day, we got to go to the hot springs together but I had to soak all by myself.

Which was why I was extra happy today because I got to enjoy my time with everyone else.

“Okay! Let’s play beach ball now!~”

“Beach… Ball…?”

“Yeah! We will need to form two groups and each group has to take turns hitting this ball. We have to keep on hitting the ball and make sure it won’t fall into the ground. The group that failed to hit the ball and let it fall will lose the game!”

“Sounds good. I can’t wait to try it.”

“How about if we win, we get to see Maou-sama’s naked body while he changes?”

Vii suggested.


The other demon immediately chorushed.

“Why are you using someone else for a bet, Vii!!”

“Fumu. I wouldn’t be surprised if something were to happen while Maou-sama was changing.”

“Yeah, like somehow it just went in out of the blue.”

“Okay. Jill, we need to win this.”


“What kind of thing you guys are imagining about!!”

All the demons happily chatted with each other, talking about various stuff I wished I hadn’t heard. 

“……… Now that I’ve prevented Maou-sama from being pulled to the shade of the rock, now I have to be wary when I change his clothes as well….”

Only Velke had a grim expression on his face. 


The sun was about to set by the time we finished playing beach ball and capture the flag. 

“Aaaaahhhh!~ That was fun!!~”

((………………………. Oi.))

Everyone was preparing to return back to Maou’s Castle. 

It had been a long time since I last felt as excited as I am now.

It was really fun!

“Now all we have to do is head back home!”

((……………………………… Oi.))

“Fufu~ I even picked up some shells on the beach as a memento to remind me of today.”

((Oiiii!! What the hell are you guys doing in my territory?!?!))

All of a sudden a big dragon jumped out from the ocean, a big splash of water made most of us wet yet again. 


Umm.. Who is he…?

Realizing I had forgotten our original plan, Fenrir leaned in and whispered softly to me. 

“Look there, I told you he’s going to appear. The Leviathan.”

Crap. I totally forgot about him. 

Finally today’s original main character, Leviathan, appeared.

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