Chapter 66 : Legion

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“Randolph, are you sure we’re in the right place?”

“Yes, I’m sure…. Mostly.”

Currently me and Randolph were in the basement of something that you could call an abandoned tower.

Randolph was the one that acquired information that said there was a demon in this foul smelling place.

According to the rumor, there was a demon that had been locked in this place for at least several hundred years ago…. Or so what I was told. 

Randolph said this story was commonly spread between adventurers over a drink in a bar. 

Hundreds of years ago an evil spirit was being locked in a tower in the east. 

Ever since then, you could hear the evil spirit’s cursed voice coming from the tower.

When I first heard about it, I thought it was just an ordinary ghost story people told during their drunken banter but Randolph said we should go inspect it just in case. 

After getting closer to the tower, we were certainly able to hear growls filled with hatred coming from the tower that showed no sign of anyone coming in for the last several hundred years. 

To be able to live in this desolate tower for hundreds of years, the one staying there must certainly be a demon since no human could live for that long. 

Having come to such a conclusion, the two of us decided to go into the tower to investigate even further. 

But….. This tower was really… 

Dark… And it smelled so foul….

Even though I was hiding behind Randolph’s back, this place was creepy enough for me to second guess him. 

I had to ask him whether he was sure we were in the right place or not, despite knowing full well we were certainly in the right place.

And for some reason there were a lot of wild dogs inside this tower although they weren’t foolish enough to attack Randolph since he was holding onto a flaming torch. 

“W-why there’s a lot of wild dogs here…?”

I asked Randolph.

“I’m not sure… I don’t see any sign of humans feeding them either… I wonder how they were able to breed…”

Randolph shrugged, he flickered his gaze toward the corner, trying to see whether he missed a clue or something. 

To be able to get inside the tower, we had to break the lock.

The lock was rusty and there was no sign of anyone ever opening it for who knew how long. 

I wonder if there was another entrance to this place? 

The sound of my shoes clicking onto the hard, stone floor accompanied us as we descended even further toward the depth of the tower. 

As we went deeper, we still couldn’t see any sign of anyone living here, save for the wild dogs looking at us warily. 

Down and down we went until the staircase ended and there was an old door before us. 

Is this the bottom of the tower’s basement?

The metal door that had turned red from rust creaked open and with it, came the revolting smell of something rotting in full force. 


“This smell… So horrible….”

I immediately covered my nose but the damage had already been done.

The smell was so intense that we both choked, I even staggered since the smell made me feel dizzy. 

There was a prison cell inside the room. 

<<LV 120 Legion. They’re a rare species.>>

The system’s voice resounded in my mind. 

So the one being kept inside that cell was a demonkind. 

In this dark room, I could hear the sound of the wild dogs panting. 

Along with… The sound of them chomping into something. 

I glanced at Randolph, it seemed like we already had the same thing in our mind. 

We nodded at each other before we warily took a step forward. 

There, inside that prison cell….


The hungry wild dogs were biting into something that grotesquely resembled a lump of meat. 

Maggots could be seen crawling in and out of that meat. 

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Upon closer inspection, it appeared the meat was beating.

It was beating in a steady rhythm.. Just like a heart. 

“C-could it be… That’s the demon…..?”

In a second, we rushed forward, fending off all the hungry wild dogs. 

The flame torch proved to be very effective in fending the dogs away, with a bunch of frenzied swipe, the dog immediately scattered away. 

There were several spots on the lump of meat where the dogs had taken a bite off, the bite mark looked so clear, it made my stomach churned. 

But despite all the flesh wounds, the lump of meat was still beating steadily. 

Between all the twitching flesh, I could see something resembling a bunch of intestines coiling together.

Maggots already make themselves home in every nook and corner of the twitching meat. 

To think someone actually imprisoned this demon here and let the wild dogs roam free and feed from them…..

This lump of meat was the sole reason how the dogs were able to reproduce until their number became abundant. 

Every time the dog got hungry, they fed on this lump of meat. 

The lump of meat then would regenerate the wound despite all the pain. 

The dog then will feed on this meat again after they regenerated the missing part. 

For the past several hundred years this demon had to endure being eaten alive by the dogs, regenerate their own wounds and had the dog eat them again and again… And again…

I fell on my knees and couldn’t stop myself from embracing this lump of meat. 

“I’m sorry…. It took me far too long to come and get you…. I’m sorry….”

Tears flowed freely from my eyes, my heart ached for this poor demon, trapped in this cold dark tower all alone, having to endure years of endless suffering. 

I wonder how long this demon had been confined within this abyss of despair….

Looking at the maggots crawling freely made me so furious with everything. 

I took the matter into my own hand and carefully picked the maggot out. 

I need to hurry up… 

I need to… Rescue this poor demon soon… 

I need to put a stop to this demon’s suffering….

We let the door open so the wild dogs could roam outside on their own. 

I securely wrapped the demon with my own mantle and headed back to Maou’s Castle together with Randolph.


“Master, you’ve returned………….. That… Meat is…?”

Velke immediately greeted us as we arrived in Maou’s Castle. 

“This is the demon that was trapped inside that tower.”

Velke noticed I was dirty with blood stains from Legion’s wound. 

“I shall prepare hot water-”

“No, we need to treat this demon’s wound first.”

I wonder what I should do.

While I was hugging Legion, I realized Legion was regenerating himself, although his regeneration speed was very slow.

<< Soak him in the Fountain of Life. That fountain has the same characteristics as Maou’s womb. It’s filled with magic power to the brim hence why Legion will be able to regenerate faster in there.>>

Following the system’s instructions, I created a room near the Fountain of Life. 

I made something resembling a bathtub in this new room and with the help of the other demons, we filled the bathtub with water from the Fountain of Life. 

Gentle, I lowered the lump of meat into the bathtub. 

As soon as Legion’s whole body submerged in the water, he started beating rapidly, his regeneration speed increased exponentially. 

All the remaining maggots scattered away from his body. 

Not wanting them to get into Legion anymore, I scooped the wriggling maggots from the bathtub and threw them away. 

Even though he was already reduced into nothing but a lump of meat, Legion still couldn’t die……

<< Legion is a demon that lives by hatred from humankind. They will not die as long as those hatred still exist.>>

But there’s no other Legion left?

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<< There was a big war against the clergyman. Most of the Legion died during that war.>>

Since Legion is a demon resembling an evil spirit, I guess they are weak against holy power.

I wonder if there is anything I could do for this Legion?

<< You should hug him. Transfer Maou’s power into him.>>

Dipping into the water, I hugged Legion who was still beating rapidly. 

I could audibly hear the sound of his heartbeat thumping. 

More organs started to form as he regenerated his lost body part, the lump of meat squirming wildly under me. 

Slowly, his newly regenerated intestine began to wrap itself around my body. 

“Hey! Stop coiling around me and get back inside your own body!”

As if understanding my words, the intestines began to wriggle back to his body.

Little by little, Legion’s body was being regenerated.


I wonder how many days have passed?

I had been hugging his body everyday. 

The once lump of meat had started to take on a humanoid form. 

The regeneration process was very grotesque but I endured the sight and kept on hugging and stared at him despite it all. 

I had to watch as strings of muscle were wrapped around his limbs, the once empty eye socket being regenerated bits by bits.

He still hasn’t regenerated his skin yet so his current form resembled a human anatomy model I used to see during biology class but compared to his initial lump of meat state, his current form had improved drastically. 

“Good for you, you’ll be able to return to your original form soon.”

I poured the water that I had just drawn from the fountain over his body. 

Feeling happy by my gesture, his barely filled throat was making ‘OoOooOoooO’ sound.

At first, I had been hugging him with my clothes on but now I’ve taken my clothes off so I could hug him skin to skin.

Because it seemed Legion felt more at ease being able to feel my skin directly. 

Matching his heartbeat with mine, Legion entwined his hands and feet around me, finally having a peaceful moment after hundreds of years without it.

Not long after that, Legion began to regenerate his skin. 

He had dark brown skin accompanied with deep black eyes. 

After that, his hair finally regenerated.

A soft ash color surrounding his beautiful face. 

His face seemed young, despite his actual age. 

“Legion, do you understand? I’m Maou, your master.”

“………………….Aa….. oU….”



“That’s right. Your years long of pain and torture is over. You’re free now.”

For a moment…..

Legion’s eyes flickered with deep hatred toward the human.

But then the hatred melted away as quickly as it came. 

Legion nuzzled his face to my hair, he started to practice calling my name repeatedly with his soft-sounding voice. 


“That’s right. I’m Maou.”

“Maou….. Maou…..”

He wrapped his arm, which hadn’t fully regenerated around me. 

“You’re not in that dark tower all by yourself anymore. You’re free here.”

“Maou…. Maou….”

I gently stroked his ashen hair and leaned my face against him.

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“Dark… Over… Maou… Light… Bring….”

Legion muttered softly as I stroked his head.

A few days had passed and it seemed Legion’s body had turned completely to normal.

To be able to his current state from just nothing but a lump of meat…. Legion’s regeneration ability was really nothing to scoff at. 

Even with the help of Maou’s magic power, this level of regeneration speed was really unusual. 

“Legion, you’re not alone anymore. That’s why, let’s make a family for you.”

“Maou…. Maou… We… Desire….”

Legion was referring to himself in plural. 

Seemed like although there was only ‘one’ Legion, Legion himself was an aggregation of several entities.

<< The word ‘legion’ was first used to describe an army. Legion himself is a collections of hatred.>>

 Although Legion was a collection of hatred, his eyes were not clouded with hatred. 

Instead, there was a clear shine coming from his eyes.

When Legion was being this defenseless in front of me, I couldn’t help but to spoil him .

While still being bare naked, Legion rubbed his stomach against mine.

Yeah, you’re fine now. 

Legion rested his weight against me, as if trying to reassure me he was already completely healed. 

With his current form, I would be able to accept him into me. 

The water splashed as I tried to stretch myself, prepping my ever virgin hole for Legion. 

“It’s fine. Come here, Legion…. Let’s have lots of babies together.”

Legion smiled happily, the room felt bright just by seeing his smile. 

Slowly, he lined his penis in front of my entrance and pushed it in. 


I welcomed the familiar burn as Legion slowly pushed his whole penis into me. 

Although Legion was not monstrously big, his size was still on the bigger side. 

The bulbous head easily reached my colon, teasingly close to the entrance of my womb. 

“More… We….”

Seemed he wanted to go even deeper. 

It was a tight fit nevertheless, I accepted all of him into me. 

Deeper, deeper, I could feel Legion breaking through my innermost place. 

“Ngh….! It’s… Fine… Come here…”

The schlop sound accompanied by the splash from the fountain water accompanied us as Legion pistoning his hips in and out of me. 

His pure innocence made me unable to resist him. 

Despite being the literal incarnation of hatred, he was actually very spoiled and innocent. 

He longed for warmth and I was more than ready to give him just that. 

I could feel the blunt head knocking on the entrance of my sigmoid colon. 

Staring into his eyes, I kissed his forehead and welcomed him in. 

The twisted appendages were snuggly tight but it didn’t take long before it took the shape of Legion’s penis. 


Legion quickened his pace, the water splashed every time he moved. 

My gasped moans, along with the sound of water breaking reverberated around this special room that I had made just for Legion. 

“Maou…. Maou…”

My heart immediately clenched when I heard him calling out my name so sweetly like that. 

Being forced to survive as a lump of meat, this demon had to endure years of solitude, not even able to call out for anyone’s name. 

The cruelty that Legion had to endure reminded me of human’s basic nature. 

No matter in which world, humans generally treated anything foreign with contempt, often with cruelty. 

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Furthermore human’s hatred kept on burning, the never-changing ember was strong enough to keep Legion alive for hundreds of years. 

I wonder if there could be a future where demonkind and humankind could coexist?

For demonkind to be able to keep on existing, we won’t be able to avoid colliding with the human. 

…………………….. In our current state, we won’t be able to stand a chance against them. 

Before the collision happens, I need to do something. 

I wonder…

What kind of future is waiting for us both beyond this point?

As I was lost in my own thoughts, suddenly I felt a light thud on my head. 

“Maou… Thinking… Not.. Allowed… Maou… Focus… Mating….”

“A-Yeah. You’re right. We’re still in the middle of mating. It was rude of me to be thinking of something else.”

I stroked Legion’s head and cuddled him close to console him.

Legion nuzzled closer to me and fixed his position before he resumed his vigorous motion yet again. 

In and out, in and out, Legion began to build a steady pace.

The pleasure slowly returned to me, the way Legion hit on my sensitive spot made my leg felt weak. 

“Ah…. Ngh… Hahh…. Ahhhh!!”

With every thrust, Legion plunged even deeper into me. 

My colon welcomed him into its velvety cavern again and jolts of pleasure surged along with it.

Feeling he was close, Legion picked up his pace. 

His motion became even more vigorous and I was rendered into a breathless mess as he pounded on my pleasure spot. 

Finally Legion gave his all in one final thrust, making sure he was as deep as possible in me as he poured a warm gush of semen into my womb. 

More and more of the viscous liquid filled me.

After making sure our offspring will certainly bear fruit, Legion slumped down against me. 

He rubbed his cheeks against me and slowly closed his eyes. 

Staring at his lovely affections, I sighed in content and wrapped my arms around him, enclosing him in my safe embrace.

<< You acquired 12 Legion Eggs by mating with Legion!>>


When I opened my eyes, Legion was already awake. 

Noticing I was also awake, Legion perked up almost immediately. 

He nuzzled his face while positioning his dick on my entrance and slipped right in. 


“Maou… Maou…” 

Even as he pistoned his hips into me, he still looked unbearably cute. 

“Legion… You… What’s your name?”

“Legion is… Legion… We don’t have a.. Definite name….”

“I-I see…”

If it was like that then I guess it should be okay to keep calling him Legion. 

Legion stared at me with wonder in his eyes. 

“Maou… Saved our life… We will.. Follow Maou… For our whole… Life…”

He purposely thrusted into me hard to enhance every word. 

I really couldn’t fathom how this beautiful young man could act this spoiled and still look so, so very adorable in my eyes. 


Even after we finished our mating, Legion was still acting all spoiled. 

Me being me, couldn’t help but to welcome him affectionately. 

Little did I know… 

Velke was staring at us on the sideline with jealousy bubbling in his heart. 

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