Chapter 75 : Strategy Meeting

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T/N: Last update for this month. See you guys next month! ♪ヾ(⌒∇⌒*)


“See you later, Killa onii-chan.”

“See you later, Mao-kun. By the way, where do you live?”

Just when we finally reached the outskirts of the forest, the Hero asked me the question I wished I hadn’t heard.

“It’s. A. S.E.C.R.E.T. I’m sure I’ll be able to meet Killa onii-chan again. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we can meet by chance again?”

I put a finger in front of my lips and spelled every word of ‘secret’.

It gave me goosebumps but I had to do it.

Ugh… His response is so cold…


“….! I see. I understand.”

(Hahhh… Hahh… Mao-tan is a little minx!! The sweetest minx ever!! I won’t be able to pry more if you do that!! Hahh… Hahh… I want to lick that finger so baddddd!!!)

It’s a critical hit. Killa you.. Just why….

It wouldn’t harm you to be a little bit normal… Just a little bit is enough…

“Mao-kun you can always come to me if you ever change my mind, okay? I will always welcome Mao-kun no matter when.”

“Thank you, Killa onii-chan.”

The Hero hugged me for the final time.

“See you later, Mao-kun.”

(Fuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhh…. I have to replenish Mao-tan’s scent before I go… Ahhhhh… He smells so sweet… Ah my lower body is reacting…. Uuuuugh… I don’t want to be apart from him…. Ah, crap, I’m drooling.)

I beg you please, don’t let your drool get on me, Killa.

In the end Killa finally left the forest.

I couldn’t count how many times he had turned his head but he was finally gone.


Well then.

What should I do now?

I went back to the place I met Killa before and I saw Velke was still patiently waiting for me there.

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“Yes, master.”

Without me explicitly telling him to, Velke walked close to me and carried me in his arms.

“Erm.. You know, I managed to drive the Hero away!”

“Master, you reek of the Hero’s smell.”

“Err.. You know… We managed to end this peacefully…?”

“I will have to draw you a bath as soon as we get home.”

I knew Velke hated the Hero but somehow I felt he was angry about something else.

“Errrm… Velke, you know we have no other choice….”


Uuuuh.. It hurts me when Velke is angry at me…

“I should’ve gone and attacked him. That guy is treating you as he pleases.”

“B-But we were able to end this without any casualties!”

“But now we understand you’re his target. When I saw him how he treated you like an object… Like you belong to him…. I just can’t forgive him.”

“Uuuh.. You’re right…”

Ah, I knew it.

He was acting like a father with an in-laws he didn’t like.

“That thing is dangerous.”

You mean the Hero.

“That thing will do anything to get his hand on you and when that thing finally catches you, that thing will surely hide you away so no one will be able to see you.”

Ah… You mean he’s dangerous like a sexual predator?

But it’s weird… I’m pretty sure Velke couldn’t read the Hero’s mind so how…

“How did you know?”

“…………… From his eyes. I can see that’s the kind of a man he is.”

From his eyes, huh.. Killa is..

No but, based on his appearance alone, Killa looks harmless.


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I get it.

It’s because Velke is the same.

Velke also wanted to stow me away so no one could see me.

That’s why when Velke saw Killa, he knew.

They’re both the same, that’s why they hate each other….


Stop it, Velke! Don’t fall in the same hole as the Hero!!

If you do, you’ll become even more detestable than the human you hated so much!!

There’s no living being that can fall that low!!

“It’s alright.”

I said.


“First and foremost, I am Maou. I will not let the Hero do as he pleases.”

“…. Master.”

Velke hugged me tightly, the two of us continued our journey back to Maou’s Castle in silence.


Now, let’s see what the demon in Maou’s Castle is doing…

Everyone made such a huge uproar when I arrived home.

Rather, if we were late by only half an hour, all of the demons would already have stormed out and attacked the Hero.


Everyone cheered in unison.


“Aaaaah!! I’m so glad you’ve returned safely!! Are you hurt anywhere?!”

“If Velke-dono is carrying you home like that, does that mean you’re injured?!”

“No, Master is completely unscathed.”


“I’m so glad!! I’m so.. So… So glad!!!”

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All the demons gathered around me, they all looked overjoyed.

“Calm down, everyone. The crisis is over now. The Hero is gone from the forest.”


“Ahhh, I’m so glad!!”

“But how did you get rid of him?”

The demons stared at me curiously.

“I… I was able to get him to return back peacefully…”

“Oh my!!”

They echoed.

Ah… They must’ve expected me to fight the Hero but what can I say?

That’s the truth and I don’t have any plan on lying to them.

“As expected from Maou-sama! To be able to drive the Hero away without spilling any blood…”

“Yes, such a feat is impossible for us. Maou-sama is truly commendable…”

Ah.. You guys are making me embarrassed.

“But this kind of thing might happen again in the future. What should we do then?”

The demons groaned, they had averted the crisis for now but there was no guarantee we could go away unscathed like this next time.

“I think we’ll have to separate the ordinary human away from the Hero.”

“So we can deal with them separately?”

“Yes. I think if our opponent is just an ordinary human, I can leave it all to Velke and the others. We can scare them off on the basis of invasion on private property.”

“What about the Hero?”

“I’ll be his opponent.”

“Maou-sama will…?”

“I told you guys. He thought of me as just an ordinary boy. I can exploit that and guide him to leave the forest peacefully.”

“But still! We don’t think it’s alright to leave such a dangerous task to Maou-sama!”

“That’s right! If by any chance something happened to Maou-sama….”

I think in the worst case, my ass would be the only casualty.

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“I’m going to be fine. Listen to me, for some reason the Hero has taken a liking to me.”

“To Maou-sama?!”

“Yeah. He thought of me as just a kid but for some reason he really likes me. So I’m the only one that can distract him and just lead him away from the forest without shedding any blood.”

“But won’t it be dangerous still?”

“I’m just a kid in his eyes so I’ll be fine. Right, Velke?”

“………….. It is true the Hero only sees Master as nothing but an ordinary boy.”

Some of the demons seemed convinced but some of them were still wary of the danger.

There was no end in our discussion, we couldn’t find a middle ground.

“No matter what…. No matter what, we have to make sure the humans won’t be able to notice our presence here. From now on, we have to be more careful and conceal ourselves better.”

“That’s true.”


Suddenly, Lexus raised his voice.

“Are we… Are we really going to be okay?”

“…….. Yes. I know you must be itching to take on the Hero to avenge your brother but please, I beg you to hold yourself back. The Hero is just way too powerful.”

“No…. Things like revenge… I have no desire to avenge anything…. I’m more worried about us. There’s still the possibility of the Hero targeting us again and at that time… I beg you to please prioritize yourself first.”

Lexus’s eyes were crystal clear, there was no hint of hesitation in it.

At that time I knew he wouldn’t do anything reckless anymore.

“Yeah. I understand. Thank you for worrying about me.”

With this, we’ve managed to find temporary solutions if the Hero or the humans came to this forest again.

We couldn’t run away forever.

One day, we had to face them head on.

But… Perhaps… If I could talk with the Hero, no. With Killa, maybe we…

The Hero’s duty is to exterminate the demonkind.

But if we could make Killa see the demon as something more than just a pest to be exterminated maybe…

Maybe we’d be able to make a new future for our generations to come.

And I’m willing to wager everything for the sake of that future.


T/N: Oho~ Maou just need to utilize his cuteness to shove Killa back home! 

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