Chapter 80 : Forest Dragon

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Let me be honest.


Animals are my weakness.


I love dogs.. I also love cats…


“Niii. Nii.”


I was dozing around while sitting in the Nursing Room.


A Cat Sidhe child who usually wouldn’t let me near was snuggling against me. 


Then he began to curl up near my leg.


When I brushed the bottom of his neck, a low rumbling purr could be heard. 


He looked like he really enjoyed my touch.


So cute~ He’s acting all spoiled with me~


But when I tried to hug him, he began to hiss at me.


Finally recognizing my boundaries, I sat quietly and just kept my position as I was and just continued stroking his neck.


Then suddenly another Cat Sidhe child began to come near me and…. She jumped on my lap and sat down there!


Hahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! So cute!!!!


Cautiously, I tried to reach for her back but then she immediately hissed at me.




It seemed each one of them had their own particular spot where they wanted me to stroke at.


It was easy to know each of their spots since they deliberately leaned that spot at me.


Like this boy, he wanted me to stroke his neck so he pushed his neck toward me.


When I continued to stroke that spot, they all started to purr while saying, “Niii. Nii.”


They were so adorable!~


Ah~ Damn it~


Even though these children are usually so aloof and cold, they also can act spoiled and cute like this too~




Something must’ve happened for Chaos the Lizardman to call for me.


“Ssssh,,, They’re still sleeping.”


“I see….”


That’s right! There’s no way I can move even for an inch right now! Do you really expect me to move when I’m having the best time of my life right now?!


2 hours had passed by and I was still the Cat Sidhe child’s personal pillow.


My leg was numb but I wouldn’t trade my current state for anything else.


“So why did you call for me?”


“That… After talking with Water Dragon-dono, I found out he knew about the whereabouts of Forest Dragon.”


“Forest Dragon?”


“Yes. Forest Dragon is a species of dragon that lives in the deep of a forest. They often live inconspicuously.”


Ah, I see.


The other dragon might have known the location of a dragon that Alex didn’t know of.

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“So where does he live?”


“Right now he’s living in the Forest of Beginning.”


With that being said, I’ve quickly decided to go to the Forest Dragon’s location together with Alexius.




As I expected, getting on a dragon’s back and soaring through the sky felt so good!


“Hey, Alex! What kind of person Forest Dragon is?”


“Huh?! Forest Dragon… That guy.. He’s… Irritating.”


“Irritating… I thought he was supposed to be the quiet kind?”


“He’s the type that will get worried over breaking a stone bridge if he steps on one.”


You mean he is prone to worrying….?


I parted ways with Alex as soon as we arrived in the Forest of Beginning to search for Forest Dragon.


This place must be called the Forest of Beginning because of how dense this forest was.


Uwah, even the plants here are so big.


It felt like I was being stranded back in the time of dinosaurs.


I activated ‘Detection’.


LV 170 Forest Dragon


Yeah, yeah. He’s definitely here.


I walked toward the direction of ‘detection’ and arrived in a clearing.


In that open area there lay a sleeping dragon, his huge body was covered in moss as if he was becoming one with the forest.










“Erm… Can you wake up for a moment…?”


There was no response as if he was already dead.


No, no. This is bad. I just can’t get any reaction from him.


“Umm.. I’m Maou. And I… I have some business with you. Please.. Please wake up.”


My voice became lower as I went on.


((………… Maou?))


Oh! He responded!


“Yeah! I’ve come to meet you, Forest Dragon!”




Ah, his response must be slow because he has to think carefully before replying.


“I’m thinking of having you help me with your power! In return, I will give you a family!”


The Forest Dragon who was enormous in size, slowly stood up.


He stared at me wordlessly.


((I see, you’re a real Maou. But why are you pitying someone like me? What’s your plan? Or.. Perhaps are you trying to lift my hopes only to crush it later to ridicule me?))

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….What….What a very cynical dragon…


“That’s not true, I really need your power.”


((…….. The only thing I can do is borrow the power of the forest. As a dragon, my power is very weak and yet… You said you really needed my power.. Tell me, what’s your real plan?))


“Isn’t being able to use the power of the forest is so amazing?!


((…………………….. This is the first time I’ve heard someone said something like that.))


“Your power is essential for me to be able to protect the demonkind. I need you to help me with your power.”


((My power is useless but….If Maou wishes for it then I will offer you my body and soul.))


The Forest Dragon slowly lowered his face until he was on the same level as me. 


It seemed this was how Forest Dragon showed his respect to me.


I finally understood what Alexius meant. 


This dragon… Rather than irritating, I think annoying would suit him better.


The Forest Dragon drew his body back and shifted to his humanoid form. 


He was a handsome man with a deep chiseled face and wavy, dark green hair.


From appearance-wise, he looked like he was in his early 30’s.


“What’s your name?”


“My name is Faust.”


“Faust, I’ve received your loyalty. I will give you a family in return.”


“………. Family…. Does that mean I have to mate with Maou?”


“That’s right.”




Ah, it seemed like he got lost in his thoughts again.


“….. Faust…..?”


“….It seems Maou has mated with a lot of demons beforehand. Compared to the other demons, I’m small and short. I doubt I can satisfy you. When that happens, I’m sure the impact of the shock will surely damage me greatly. I might not be able to get it hard to perform my duty―”


“Hey, it’s alright. It’s alright.”


I quickly interrupted and grabbed a hold of Faust’s robe which had been fluttering against the wind.


“For now, let’s give it a try first?’


I suggested.




Faust ordered the forest to create a makeshift bedroom for us.


I laid down on the bed together with Faust and began to take my clothes off.


“…………… Attempting to mate with a boy as young as you, it won’t be weird if I were to be condemned as a filthy pervert. When that happens, the punishment I will have to bear―”


“Faust! It’s fine!”


Faust looked unconvinced but he still took his clothes off, revealing a thin yet muscled body.


His body looked practical, it was thin but there was a decent amount of muscle mass.


“Faust, your body is…”






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“My hobby is practicing with a rapier, a weapon designed by humans. I’ve polished my skill for over 1500 years. I think I’m pretty good but… Compared to other actual demon species who focused on swordsmanship, my skill is still far from decent….”


“No! Just being able to practice for that long is amazing enough! You’ve definitely earned my respect!”


“….. I see.”


Just now, Faust looked a little bit happier. 


Damn it. No matter what we’re talking about, he always takes things negatively.


He’s a little annoying…


With one smooth motion, I hugged Faust’s body.


“Can you help loosen me down there first?”




Faust licked his long and thin fingers, coating them with a generous amount of saliva before probing on my entrance.




“Does it hurt?”


Faust immediately stopped moving.


“I’m fine.”


Hearing my affirmation, Faust looked visibly relieved.


He started to scissor his fingers inside, spreading me open slowly.


As he began to unravel me there, a tingling sensation began to blossom in me.




“Does it feel good here?”


Faust’s finger grazed on my prostate gland, earning himself a strangled cry from me.




“I see.”


Faust looked happy, he then focused all of his attention on that particular spot.


“Hahh! Nngh… Hahn… Uuhn…”


I began to squirm as the pleasure built up in me, every time his finger so much as brushed my prostate gland, I felt my sanity was slowly melting away too.


“Your skin is turning red. You must be feeling good. That’s great, your pleasure is the most important thing here.”


Faust added more fingers, he was still focusing on my prostate while spreading me apart even further.


“Fuhh… Nnghh! I’m… Already… Going…”


Couldn’t hold myself back anymore, I began to cling on Faust.


Faust’s penis was actually average in size. 


That’s great. This time I don’t have to get torn anymore.


Faust thrust his penis in.


I could feel his penis twitching as he began to start a steady rhythm.


“Nngh.. Hahh… Ahh…”


The lewd, squelching noise sounded eerily loud inside this quiet forest. 


“Nghh.. What is this tightness…”


Remembering my pleasure spot, Faust began to search for my prostate gland. 


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“So it’s here.”


Finally finding the sweet spot he was aiming for, Faust focused all of his thrust on that particular spot, making me squirm even more in pleasure.


Faust was focusing more on giving me pleasure than chasing after his own.


I finally realized.


Faust wasn’t thrusting aimlessly.


He was really focusing on my prostate gland and my prostate gland alone. 


His motion wasn’t rough, he didn’t wreck my body apart.




Just from him focusing on my prostate gland with every thrust, made me broken apart in another sense instead.


“Hyahhh!! Nnghh!! Ahhhnnn!! Fuh-Ahhhh!!!”


My body couldn’t keep up with how fast he pistoned his hips.


My brain was slowly melting away from the pleasure.


The stimulus I received was simply too much.


“Nnghh!! Hahhhh!!!”


I let out a high-pitched scream as I came, jolts of white cum spurted out of my penis.




“Ngh! Wa-Wait! I’m…! I’m still com-! Aaaahhh!!”


“Maou,looks like you’re feeling so good right now.”


Faust was still rocking his hips even when I came.


My voice grew faint as he continued to graze on my prostate gland.


“Maou…. Maou…. Nngh!”


At that moment, I could feel Faust swelling in me.


He planted his penis deep in me as he came, letting out a copious amount of fertile semen in me.


<< Your LV increased by 5 after mating with Forest Dragon!! You acquired Forest’s Blessing!! You’ve generated 18 Forest Dragon’s Egg!>>


“Hah…. Hahh… Hahh…”


“So how was it?”


Faust asked while hugging me tightly.


His face looked so refreshed, the very opposite of mine.


I was still breathing heavily after experiencing the sweet yet deadly pleasure of having my prostate gland focused on.


“It was…. Good….”


“I’m glad.”


I’ve never had such intense and precise pleasure before.


Faust stroked my stomach affectionately.


“…It feels strange to think someone like me is going to be a father but… I’m looking forward to seeing our beloved child.”


Faust’s personality was quite unique to say but I was sure he’d be a great father.


“But what if I failed in educating them and they become a bad child―”


If only he’s not prone to worrying like this…..

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