Chapter 87 : Preparation

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The silk bed sheet felt nice against my naked skin.




I wonder when was the last time I woke up feeling this good?


During those dark two weeks, I couldn’t sleep properly.


When I tried to close my eyes, my mind was trampled with a flurry of dark thoughts.




It had been a really long time since I felt this good―




If only my body weren’t aching all over, this would be the best morning ever…




Not only does it hurt but… This feeling…


He’s still inside.


“Ve-Velke, pull it out.”




How unusual, Velke was still fast asleep.


Maybe I had drained his magic power too much yesterday.


Which reminded me, I never saw Velke’s sleeping face before.


No, to be precise I never saw Velke asleep before.


Oiii, pull it out first before you go to sleep!


I tried to struggle free but stopped after I realized my attempt was in vain. 


Then I decided to just go back to sleep.






“Velke’s sleeping face was so adorable~”




“Come on, no need to sulk like that.”


When Velke woke up, he realized he was still inside me.


He immediately pulled his penis out and apologized to me numerous times.


The magic power that Velke poured into me was still circulating inside me, it made my body feel really good.


But since my body was still weaker than usual, I thought it’d be better if I stayed at home until I fully recovered.


I’m sure everyone won’t let me out anyway out of worry.


Today, Elk remade the food he had cooked for me yesterday.


As Velke slowly fed me, I realized I didn’t feel nauseous when I ate anymore.


“Hey, Velke.”


“What is it?”


“After giving it some thought, I think in the end I… I still want to save every demon.”




“I know saving every demon might sound crazy but… I still want to do it anyway…. I just can’t get Blob out of my mind.”




“In order to achieve that, I think we need to be able to coexist with humans.”


“…… That’s…”


I had been thinking.


I had been thinking, thinking… And thinking.


To be honest, I still couldn’t forgive the humans… I still hated them but…


When I prioritized the future of demonkind before my emotions, fighting the humans wouldn’t take us anywhere.


We needed to coexist.


Blob was created by humans because humans were afraid and hated demonkind.

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In that case, we needed to sever the endless circle..


“Master, is there something on your mind? Will you please allow me to hear some of it?”


“Yeah. The reason why humans hate and attack demons is because demons still attack humans. Even if I ordered the demon to stop attacking humans, the human will still attack us given our relationship was in the past.”


“That’s right. Both the demon and the human hate each other very much. I don’t think this kind of relationship will change in the foreseeable future.”


“I thought about bringing back the demonkind’s power and destroying humankind but…”


“The Hero will come to intercept us….”


“If… If we were somehow able to defeat the Hero…. Another Hero will be born again. Just like how the Hero killed the previous Maou, I was reborn here too.”


“Certainly… The same thing will keep on repeating over and over again…”


“Yes… That’s why, I’m thinking of bringing the Hero to our side.”




“It’s difficult for the demon to reach out to the human but if it’s the Hero, I think we might be able to reach an agreement with the human.”


“But that’s-”


“I know it’s going to be difficult too but if things continue as they are now, the parallel lines between the human and the demon will never meet for an eternity. Maou will kill the Hero, the Hero will kill Maou. Those kinds of things will keep on repeating endlessly. I need to be able to break the cycle somehow.”


I’ve been thinking. 


The way we are now, is exactly like a seesaw game. 


A world where humans and demons are destined to fight each other.


As if… We’re stuck in the palm of someone’s hand….


{{Maou, that kind of thought is dangerous.}}


From whose point of view is it dangerous?


……I’ve.. I’ve had enough. I’m tired of rolling in someone’s palm.


I am Maou.


I live the way I want.


I will remake this world into the world I want too.


I will do whatever it takes to make my wish come true.


“But still, I think trying to use the Hero for our favor is incredibly dangerous.”


“I know. The Hero is the strongest entity here. But you know what, Velke?”


Velke stared at me with a stern expression on his face, I decided to lay out my trump card to him.


“Why do you think I went out to meet with the Hero all this time? I’ve properly planted my seeds, you know.”


“Seeds… You say.”


“That’s right. So I can understand him and so he can understand us, demons, in return.”


Our relationship had improved, we were not just simply an enemy for each other. 


I had been meeting him in order to sprout a different feeling inside of him.


So he would not just see demonkind as an enemy to annihilate.


“Do you think it’s weird for a Maou to take a Hero in?”


“No Maou has ever done that before.”


“Do you think the other demon will approve it if I were to bring the Hero into our side?”


“……………. There are many demons in here who had their family killed by the Hero like Lexus from werewolf tribe. It’d be difficult to persuade them.”


“And you? Aren’t you going to voice your objection too?”


Velke smiled, his smile had a hint of loneliness and sadness.


“Master… I can see you’ve made a firm decision regarding this. There’s no way I’m going to stop you…”


Velke trailed, he gripped my hand tightly before he continued.


“But… If the Hero were to hurt you, I’d not hesitate to use my body as a shield to protect you.”


Velke was my aide, my most trusted aide.


“Master, no matter what kind of thorny path you’re going to venture to, my loyalty to you will never waver. I will be by your side until the end.”


With that said, Velke bowed deeply at me, showing his most sincere loyalty to me.




A few days had passed by and my condition had become more or less better now.


“Oh my! Maou-sama!”

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“Elk, I’m sorry I made you worry about me.”






Copper came running and tackled me into his crushing embrace.


Uuphh! Copper is smaller than me in size but this strength… I can’t breathe….


Anyway, I felt sorry I had made them all worried sick about me but I couldn’t dawdle now.


I had something I had to do.






“Gather everyone for a round-table meeting.”




“Yes, all of the demons I’ve gathered. I have an important thing that needed to be discussed now. Please?”


“Yes, Maou-sama.”


I had already decided.


I will save every single one of them. 


I don’t want to have another demon brought to life through sorrow anymore.


In order to achieve that, I needed the approval from the other demons.


There were a lot of demons who despised humans, specifically the Hero.


If I could gain their approval, the story would finally change for the better.




The strongest hero in history.


Humans looked up to him as their hero, nothing more, nothing less. 


A sad existence whose only merit was being a ‘Hero’.


To be honest, I felt a little bad for using such a pitiful Hero like him for my own selfishness.


But if it Killa then…


Not as a Hero but as Killatur… I was sure Killatur would be willing to hear me out. 


From that on, we would finally find a breakthrough to our parallel lines.




All of the demons that had pledged their loyalty to me had gathered in the round table. 


Various demons had gathered here, from beast demons, humanoid demons to nothing in between.


In total there were about 50 demons in here.


……. Now that I think about it… I’ve worked hard, huh…


I stared into the distance.


All of these demons, they all pledged their loyalty to me personally. 


This sight before me was truly impressive to look at.


“Maou-sama, all of the demons are already here.”


Chaos dutifully reported with a bow.


Somehow all the demons in here looked a little worse for wear.


“To be able to finally see Maou-sama… Ah, I’m truly grateful…”


“Ooooh… Maou-sama….”


“Aaah… I’m truly happy I can finally see you, Maou-sama….”


Everyone had been worried sick about me.


Fenrir was even tearing up a little.


“Sorry I’ve made everyone worried. I’m alright now.”




“After having a confrontation with a collection of hatred for humans, I’ve been thinking a lot.”


My heart still ached when I remembered Blob.


“Humans have killed a lot of demons. Everyone here has had their family killed, or even their species on the brink of extinction because of humans.”


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Yes, there were a lot of demons who were hunted down until they became the sole survivor in their tribe.


A lot of the demons here were trapped in the swamp of hatred after having their family killed by humans.


“For the demons, humans are an enemy to be hated, an enemy that we have to kill.”


“Yes! Yes! That’s right! Maou-sama!”


Hearing my words, the demon exclaimed excitedly.


“On the other side, the humans also see us demons as an enemy that they have to kill.”


In fact, the humans were actively trying to eradicate the demonkind from this world.


“Demonkind, led by Maou and humankind, protected by the Hero. The two sides had been fighting against each other since the beginning of time. The endless cycles of hatred and fighting had continued on and on. I’m sure everyone is well aware about this.”


The demons started to become confused, some of them murmured with each other.


“I want to save all demons.”




“No matter what kind of demon, each and every single one of them is my beloved child. If any of them are hurt, I’d feel sad. No matter who they are, I’d feel such deep sorrow until I could feel my body breaking apart.”


Yes, no matter how grotesque looking they were, they were still my beloved child.


“I’ve been thinking what I should do to be able to save every demon.”


“Maou-sama.. But that kind of thing is…”


“It is simply ridiculous. It’s nothing but wishful thinking even. But I don’t want… I don’t want to see any demons.. MY demon to be hurt anymore.”


I closed my eyes.


―Now, here comes the decisive moment….


“That’s why, I’ve been thinking. I’ve been thinking and thinking. Then… I finally came to a conclusion.”


The hall was deadly silent, everyone waited for me to continue.


“There’s got to be a way for us to coexist with humans without killing each other off.”




All the demons flared up in anger at the same time.


“What are you talking about?! Maou-sama, you know very well all the atrocious deeds the human had done to us!”


“Coexist?! What a foolish thing to say!”


“Even if we wanted to, we can’t stop humans from killing demons!”


“That kind of thinking is out of the question!!”


Velke raised his hand to the side.


It was the signal for… ‘silence’.


Noticing the unspoken order, everyone quieted down and waited for me to speak.


“If things continue as they are, the parallel lines will keep on going and going. We will have to keep fighting until one of us is reduced to dust. I want to break that cycle. I don’t want to fight. For the demons to be able to live peacefully, we can’t keep on using violence.”


“But still, I don’t think humans would agree to live peacefully out of the bat like that!”


“That’s why… I’m thinking of using that person.”




“The Hero, Killatur.”


At the mention of the Hero’s name, Lexus barked.


“I will never forgive him!! The Hero, he! He killed my brother!! I can’t believe Maou-sama even thought of using him!!!”


“He killed my whole family!! I can’t forget it, the despair, the sorrow, those dark times, I can’t forgive him!!”


“I know! I understand!! Your hatred, your sorrow, I understand! I know why you guys can’t forgive him! But…. If we use the Hero, we can keep the humans in check. That’s the only way to achieve our peaceful future….”




“No! I’m not telling you to forget your hatred, I can’t tell you guys to throw your feelings away. But… For the sake of demonkind, for the sake of our future, I want you guys to bear with it while we’re using the Hero…”


I desperately tried to persuade the demons before me, all of their eyes were dyed with hatred.


And then….


“Maou-sama, I understand your part but… You don’t have anything to offer to us for this… Negotiations… Right?”


Viiー, Viktor the Vampire pressed on with a clear voice.


“What do you mean?”


“For some demons, your existence is fundamental. Without you, they won’t be able to continue their lineage. Even if they don’t want to, in the end.. They have no other choice but to follow your order. But not for me. Without you, I can still have more offspring. For me, humans are food and here you’re telling me you want me to stop attacking humans? I can’t simply accept that.”


Vii ended his speech with a cold smile.


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“Are you going to eliminate any demon who opposes you? I mean, if your resolve is not strong enough, if you’re not ready to do that for your wishes, I don’t think anyone would be willing to obey you, you know?”


Vii wanted me to show him.


He wanted me to show him my resolve, as Maou.


“Viktor-dono, this is Maou-sama you’re talking to! Such rudeness is not allowed!”


Velke tried to reign Viktor down.


“I’m surprised you’re willing to accept this. You were the first one who rejected Maou-sama’s ‘proposal’, didn’t you?”


“… My master has come to this decision after thorough and careful consideration. I would never oppose him if he had made his decision clear.”


“The Maou that we dutifully followed, you’ve told us to coexist with humans. Now let me ask you, what will you do to those who refused your ‘proposal’?”


Vii was speaking on the behalf of other demons.


He was telling me to show my capabilities as their Maou.


But.. The only thing I have is…


What do I have? What can I do? What ‘trump card’?


I don’t have what it takes to have them follow my suggestion.


I’ve levelled up. My level is so much higher than before now. I can use magic too.


But… They… I can’t make them submit by force. 


I will never hurt them, each and every one of them is my beloved child.


Ah geez! I have no other trump card left!


Having at my wits end, I murmured to myself.


“…….. I will hate you guys.”


Just kidding.


But suddenly, everyone froze on the spot with a snap.






“How terrible….”


“My body became frozen with fear…”


“Hiiiii!!! Noooooo!!”


The demons talked to each other in panic.


Eh? Did the thing I said sound that weird to them?


Cold sweats adorned Vii’s face as he chuckled nervously.


“I see, Maou-sama. You’ve pulled a special and yet, very effective ‘trump card’ up your sleeve.”


Vii said as he wiped the sweats off his forehead.


“For us, there’s nothing more frightening than losing your ‘love’. Yes, it is a truly terrifying thing. I really had a chill run down my spine just then. Truthfully, we were just playing a little prank on you. But we did that because we thought you were going to accept our disapproval with a stride. For us, demons, being hated by you is like losing everything. Aaah, truly… What a frightening ‘trump card’ you’ve used against us….”


Vii said as he bowed to me.


“This Viktor Eugene Delacroix, as the leader of the vampire tribe, swore to follow your order to stop attacking the humans by not using them as our food. My family will do as you wish, Maou-sama.”


Vii pledged.


After witnessing Vii pledging his oath to me, the other demon also followed suit.


“This Lexus, my hatred for the Hero can’t just disappear like that but in accordance to Maou-sama’s wish, we from the werewolf tribe will follow your order to coexist with humans.”


“This Chaos from the lizardman tribe will also follow Maou-sama’s order.”


“I’m Elk, the leader of sex demon tribe swore to follow all of Maou-sama’s wishes.”


“As the representative of my tribe, I will follow Maou-sama’s wishes.”


Even Chaos the dark dragon declared his support for me.


Then one by one, the demons gathered in this hall swore to follow my wishes.


「「「「「Everything for our Maou-sama.」」」」」


All of them bowed before me as they said that in unison.


With this, we could finally take our first step to coexist with the humans.


Yes, the first step could finally be taken but…..


Who would’ve thought a simple “I will hate you” can be this effective against the demons?




T/N: Our Maou is the strongest! Even a simple sentence from him is enough to stop the whole demon army! ✺(≧∀≦)✺

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