Chapter 98 : Demon King of Embrace

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{{Good morning, Maou! Today is a beautiful, sunny day indeed!}}


The sun was too bright for me, who was still being crushed under Killatur’s embrace. Suddenly, I felt something wet trickling out of my entrance. Hueeee…. The semen that Killa had zealously poured into me for seven days and seven nights, began to overflow.


Speaking of which, Killa who was sleeping soundly like I did was….


Uwah…. My neighbour was shining so brilliantly. Was it because of the spirit’s blessing? Or because he had run wild with his sexual desire? Either way, his smile looked even more dazzling than ever.


“Good morning, Mao-kun. To think I can see Mao-kun’s smiling face first thing in the morning… Am I in heaven?”


Killa said. His satisfied face looked bright and sparkling. 


“Morning, Killa-oniichan. You look so energetic even though you had just woken up…”


“Hahaha! Just looking at Mao-kun’s smiling face gives me a full hard-on.”


“Calm it down. Please. Calm it down. I beg you, please don’t let your son run wild…”


For a morning wood, his erection was standing atrociously big… Please be still, Hero’s son…


Killa procured a clean cloth from his magic bag and wrapped it around me, wiping most of the sticky bodily fluid away.


“Are you going to give birth to our baby just like this?”


“Nope. There’s a place called Fountain of Life where I will be laying the egg at. I’ll go to the Fountain of Life soon. Also…. Why are you putting the soiled sheet back into your magic bag?”


“Um. As a memento.”


“Stop that!!!”


Killa snapped his fingers, lifting the barrier around the room and a second later, Velke and the other demons came rushing in. Their faces were pale, they had been worrying about my safety for days.


“Hero! Y-You!!!”


“I didn’t break any of my promises, alright? This barrier was created by the meddlesome spirits on their own, regardless of my will. Even while we’re confined in this room, I was being a proper gentleman and didn’t use any magic. I was being considerate of Mao-kun’s physical condition. If either one of us fall asleep or fainted, I’d stop the sex immediately. Yeah, I was being a total gentleman.”


“Gentleman… You say…..?”


As Velke stared at the mountains of empty bottles scattered around the room, he clenched his teeth with his veins popping out. After all, a normal ‘gentleman’ would never use 999 elixirs, high potions and high ether. Unless he was a ‘perverted gentleman’.


“Maou-sama, you must be greatly exhausted… Huh? Maou-sama… Your presence..”




All of the demons in the room were looking at me with a perplexed expression on their faces. 

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“This presence… Could it be… Maou-sama has acquired a title?”


A title?


{{In this world, a Maou that has gained a tremendous power is bestowed with a title. Although the only other Maou that managed to acquire a title is the primordial Maou.}}


Ooh… Because I’ve reached the cap level. Though a title makes me feel like a chuuni.  Anyway, what kind of title did I get?


{{Your title is Houyou no Maou. It means Demon King of Embrace.}}




{{Because you were embraced by the Hero, you gained resistance to spirit magic, which every demon and all Maou were weak against. Not to mention, you also gained Physical Damage Immunity, Magic Damage Absorption and Mental Damage Reflection. You’re practically invincible. Even God wouldn’t be able to harm you now.}}


Eh… Crap.. I’ve become the strongest…


“Seems like I’ve become Houyou no Maou.”


“Oh my! It’s truly perfect for Maou-sama who’s overflowing with motherhoodness! No, the title really represents Maou-sama’s heart!”


Elk, the Incubus, giggled merrily while clapping. 


“I see. Mao-kun has received Houyou as your Maou title. That’s great. You have to receive a lot of hugs then!”


The Hero who was still holding me in his arms, exclaimed and rubbed his face against my cheeks.


“In any way… Hero. I will look after Maou-sama. You’ve done your part as a stallion so scram.”


“Don’t be such a stingy, blue-haired demon. Are you in the middle of your menopause period already? Mao-tan, I’m going to take you to the fountain. Fufu~ I’m going to stroke you gently so you can take your time to lay our egg~”


“Y-you bastard…”


Velke was trembling in anger. These two were really like oil and water…


“Uugh.. Killa, let’s get going already. My belly is starting to hurt.”


After that, Killa got so aroused after seeing me exerting myself to lay our egg that he dyed the Fountain of Life red with his blood (his nosebleed was flowing profusely). Killa then got into a fight with Velke because he insisted he was my real wife since he had received the name ‘Mao’ from me. The two of them fought until they were both mortally wounded but in the end, somehow peace had returned to Maou’s Castle.




Now… Two months had passed since then.


“Maou-sama, is the egg going to be born today?”


I was soaking in the Fountain of Life while stroking the soon-to-be-born egg when Copper the Kobold asked me while carrying a basket of supplies. 


“Yeah. This Maou & Hero egg is going to be born either today or tomorrow. That’s why I told Killa to come back today.”

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After that day, Killa became very difficult to handle. 




The chivalrous Hero kept on whining like that so I said. 




And so, I chased him away. 


Although he still used teleportation magic to come visit Maou’s Castle every once in three days without me noticing. Though I think he came here way too often.


Anyway, ever since then Killa has been travelling around the world as a Hero, doing various things in order to create a future where demons and humans could live side by side.


「「The Hero is coming.」」


The dark elves twin, Jill and Joe came to tell me about the Hero’s arrival with a sour looking expression on their face. Since I had been continuously attending to the egg in Fountain of Life, the demons had been coming here to give me their report. 


“Huh? I thought you twins are starting a joint magic development project with the Hero?”


“Yes. Up until now,the demonkind had been unable to study the spirits and holy magic that the Hero used.”


“The research is going well. We’re in the middle of perfecting the ultimate magic that has every attribute.”


“We can now add additional effects to the magic we had been using. At this rate, if we continue our research, we might be able to develop an unparalleled magic system.”


“Wow, that’s amazing. You guys are making so much progress.”


「「That’s what we’re angry about.」」


“The centuries old dark magic that us dark elves are so proud of is being defeated by a human in his early twenties… Even though he’s a Hero, still….”


“We’re furious!!”


Ah, it was a matter of their pride.


“Hero-dono’s magic is truly amazing.”


Sybyl, the sabretooth tiger who had come to guard the fountain, spoke in admiration.


“Isn’t it? You also swallowed a bitter pill and asked the Hero to teach you swordsmanship for the demons in charge of the castle’s defense, right?”


“After receiving the privilege of learning from him, it’s not an exaggeration to say he’s a genuine monster.”


“Really? He’s that severe?”


“That is so. To be honest, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if that man was still our enemy.”


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“… I’ve heard Alexius was defeated instantly in a one on one battle with the Hero. The dragon spent a week holed up in a rocky mountain out of depression. The Hero is truly a force to be reckoned with.”


He was able to make the capricious, maverick and hedonistic Alexius, the Red Dragon, become so depressed.


((Our Maou is able to bring that person to our side. As expected, my female is the most amazing of all.))


Chaos, the Dark Dragon, looked very satisfied as he declared that.


Chaos and Fenrir, who had served the previous Maou, still hadn’t let their guard down with the Hero but they didn’t say anything to stop Killa from approaching the Fountain of Life. They seemed to have already approved the Hero to some extent. 


“That Hero… With a talent like that, it feels like it’s a waste he’s a human.”


The Vampire, Viktor, appeared while floating lightly.


Somehow, the Hero and Viktor get on well together. The two of them always made mischievous plans together (and most of the time I was involved in it).


“The recording of the previous Seven Days Seven Nights was really magnificent.”


“……….. Aah… Umm… That…”


“Yes. He was very good at sexually assaulting our Maou-sama.”


Oh… Ooh… I see… Because it was ‘different’. Usually, they had recordings of me being mated against my own will by a slime or tentacle demon but I guess for the demon, it was more arousing to see me, their Maou, being sexually assaulted against my own will by their natural enemy, the Hero. 


Like hell.


“But the whole recording is too long so I divided it by day before I shared it to other demons. Although… It’s a little… Well… Every recording is filled with endless sexual act so somehow or another… That… Because of the excessive sexual indulgence, there’s a risk of jinkyo in our rank… ”




{{ Jinkyo is a condition where one’s quality or quantity of semen decreases considerably which is believed to be caused by the kidney although in this case, it’s obviously caused by too much masturbating?}}


I don’t need a detailed explanation!!!


“Some demons lost track of when to stop and had to be brought to the infirmary… Since these recordings are proven to be a little dangerous, I’m thinking of sealing them with a forbidden technique and keeping them as forbidden treasures.”


I totally agree you have to seal it but Hero!! He really left me a hell of a mess!!


“Ah, please rest assured. Because of the crystal’s limited capacity, we could only take a record for seven days and seven nights straight. We don’t have any recording of what had happened ‘before’ that. Yes, we have no recording or whatsoever of Maou-sama and the Hero having a heart to heart conversation.” 


Vii added with a quick wink. Regardless of whether the duration capacity problem was real or not, it seemed they really hadn’t seen Killa cursing his existence as a Hero.


But…. Seemed like these two had made a perverted alliance or something since they both had the same taste.


“Soooooooo iiiiiiirrritaaaaatinggggg!!”


Collin, the cat sidhe, came walking into the room while stomping his foot and pulling his hair. 


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“Huh? Collin? I thought you had a business meeting with Killa?”


“I did!! I had a meeting with the merchant the Hero had introduced to me and we had just finished our business deal!!”


“It didn’t go well?”


“The exact opposite!! He introduced me to a merchant with a big fat pocket and because the Hero was our referral, I was able to land a direct transaction with a company that deals with the high ranking aristocrats!!! I managed to sell the accessories made by the craftsman for an insane amount of money and I even managed to negotiate about the sale of our superior quality magic stones!! Of course everything ended in our favor!!”


Collin said while fluffing up his ear and tails that he had hid in order to disguise himself as a human. He was pulling on his soft hair out of frustration.


“Um, isn’t that a good thing?”


“We were supposed to be negotiating but they didn’t even let me sit on the negotiating table because… I’m the Hero-sama’s guest!! The Hero did most of the negotiation… He’s a pervert. He’s a complete pervert but when push comes to shove, he’s actually good at what he’s doing!! So irritatinggggg!!!!”


Ah… I see…


Collin originally planned on using the Hero’s name and squeezed him dry for his own and the demonkind’s benefit but instead, Killa had already arranged everything perfectly so that he didn’t have any other choice but to admit Killa’s proficiency. That was why Collin felt so bitter right now.


“Isn’t that fine? You’re going to negotiate with that company directly yourself, right? You can finally show your fangs as Collin the Dark Merchant at that time then.”


“Uuuuughhhh…. Next time, I will definitely utilize the superior quality of our product to win the negotiation!! Jill-san, Joe-san, please make more magic stones with higher purity rate!!”


“No can’t do. We’re busy with our research.”


“Go ask others to do it.”


“Mukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! Who do you think is paying for the repairs of the furniture that got destroyed because of your quarrel?!?!?!”


All of Collin’s hair were standing up as he hissed at the twins furiously. Collin looked frustrated but it was clear to see he was actually enjoying the whole situation. 


“By the way, Collin. I didn’t see Killa anywhere? I thought he was going to come back together with you?”


“Yeah. We teleported here together but he was detained by Velke-sama right at the entrance. I think they’re going to come here together?”


Together with Velke? Somehow I had a bad feeling about it. The demons in the castle were slowly getting used to Killa’s perversion- Oops. Sorry. I meant, the demons in the castle were slowly getting used to Killa’s existence. Velke was the only one that still held great prejudice against Killa.


I hope they’re not fighting with each other again…


And then, I heard two footsteps approaching the room, accompanied by the sound of their argument. 




“……… Well, of course!!!”


It was Velke’s and Killa’s voice.


Ah, yeah. As always, they were busy fighting with each other.



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