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Lu Yifeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when Xia Meiren told him that they should start as friends... FRIENDS!

From being her husband, his position was degraded to being her friend. How did their relationship ended up sinking as low as that! They're married!

He leaned back and massage his temple, the word 'friend' was making his head ache.

Xia Meiren turned and saw him massaging his temple which suddenly made her worried. "Are you alright?"

She touched his forehead to check his temperature but it was normal.

He held her wrist and looked at her. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Maybe you should go home and get some rest if you don't feel well."

He can't let her know that her own words were the one that made his head ache, right? "I'm really fine. Anyway, you should go now."

She was hesitant to leave him but since he said he was okay, she decided to believe him. "Okay... see you later."

She was about to leave when Lu Yifeng stopped her, "Wait, you forgot something."

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She turned to him. "What-

Xia Meiren was cut off when Lu Yifeng leaned and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Take care."

Her face instantly became red as she moved away from him, "Y-Y-You! I told you that we should start as friends!"

He blinked a few times before he spoke with a straight face. "Yes, I know. It was just a friendly kiss, what's wrong with that?"

Xia Meiren glared at him. How dare he use that as an excuse?! "You're unbelievable!"

"You can always return it if you don't like it."

How is she going to return it? By kissing him back?! No way! She will not be fooled by him!

Lu Yifeng's lips curled up. "Oh, so you like it?"

"Shut up! Why would I like it?! Hmpf!" She quickly went out of the car.

"Then return it."

She gave him a cold glare before she slammed the door and stomped her way to her studio.

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A smirk finally found its way on his lips. Be friends? He'll make her regret using those words to him.


"Wifey, there are less food in the fridge." Sebby's sexy voice was heard. "There's no sugar as well. I have listed all the food that you need to buy and sent it to your phone."

Li Bingbing was preparing to go out since she needs to be restock her food. This was her only reason to go out of her place.

"And please buy less instant noodles. It's not good for your health." Sebby added.

"Yes, hon. I will do that." She chuckled. It sure nice to have a responsible husband. "I'll be back before lunch, don't let anyone enter my place."

"Don't worry, I will."

She left her place and started heading to the supermarket, using her bicycle.

As she reached the place, she took a shopping cart and started getting the things that was on her list.

She paused and turned to look at the man behind her. "You know, if you will follow me, please try wearing a disguise."

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Lu Xian Yu was standing tall before her. He was actually waiting for the time for her to get out of her place before he followed her there.

Kozu was the one who notified Li Bingbing about his presence since he was using the supermarket's CCTVs to watch her.

He smiled at her, "Why would I wear a disguise? I'm not even trying to hide myself."

She shrugged and turned away, she continued pushing her cart. Li Bingbing was confident that Lu Xian Yu won't try anything strange on her since they were in public.

Lu Xian Yu followed her and went to walk beside her. "I'm pretty surprised that you're this calm."

"How's your eggs, babe? Is it doing well?" She smirked as she tried taunting him.

His eyes darkened with her question. "Don't worry, my eggs are doing well."

She paused and looked at his pants. "I would love to inspect that but sadly, I can't do it here."

She sighed before she took a box of cereals. "So, how are you going to make me pay for hurting your eggs and face? I would love to know."

"It's pretty simple. I'll make you pay by locking you in a room filled with snakes." He smirked. "You hate snakes, right?"

Just by the mention of snakes, she felt chills run down her spines. She looked at him with a serious face. "You wouldn't dare."

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He leaned down to her level, their faces were just inches away from each other. "Want to check if I would?"

Having all information about him, Li Bingbing knows that Lu Xian Yu has an ability to do that. He was a ruthless person who won't show mercy to anyone even if that person is a woman.

"How did you know that I don't like snakes?" She glared at him.

"I have my ways." He grinned before he leaned away and started walking ahead of her.

This time, Li Bingbing started becoming nervous. She was afraid that the moment she leave the supermarket, he might abduct her and bring her to a room filled with snakes! She has to do something to escape that!

She gritted her teeth as she pushed her cart towards the cashier. She would look at the entrance of the supermarket from time to time while she was thinking of some plans in her mind.

"That would be 891.63" The cashier said while looking at her.

"I'll pay for that." Lu Xian Yu said with a smile as he handed the cashier a thousand yuan note.

The woman blushed when she saw Lu Xian Yu. The other girls that are stealing glances at him as well.

"Keep the change." He winked before he carried the plastic bags. He turned to Li Bingbing and smiled. "Lets go."

Li Bingbing was hesitant, but she will never let him do whatever he wants without a fight.

She let out a bright smile before she clinged on his arm. "Thank you, babe~ You're the best."

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